22.2998, Confs: Linguistic Theories, Neurolinguistics/Canada

Mon Jul 25 15:04:08 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2998. Mon Jul 25 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.2998, Confs: Linguistic Theories, Neurolinguistics/Canada

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Editor for this issue: Zac Smith <zac at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 25-Jul-2011
From: Anna Maria Di Sciullo [di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca]
Subject: New Perspectives on Language Creativity

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 11:03:12
From: Anna Maria Di Sciullo [di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca]
Subject: New Perspectives on Language Creativity

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New Perspectives on Language Creativity 

Date: 25-Sep-2011 - 27-Sep-2011 
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada 
Contact: Anna Maria Di Sciullo 
Contact Email: di_sciullo.anne-marie at uqam.ca 

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Neurolinguistics 

Other Specialty: Biolinguistics 

Meeting Description: 

New Perspectives on Language Creativity: Composition and Recursion
This conference addresses central issues on the computational procedure that gives rise to the discrete infinity of language from a biolinguistic perspective (Lenneberg 1967; Chomsky 1995, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2011; Chierchia 1995, 2004, 2006; Wexler 1996, 2003; Riemsdijk 1998, 2004; Jenkins 2000, 2004, 2011; Pica 2001, 2008; Yang 2002, 2011; Di Sciullo 2005; Pesetsky 2007, 2009; Piattelli-Palmarini & Uriagereka 2008; Friederici 2009; Friedrich & Friederici 2009; Hinzen 2009, 2011; Longobardi & Guardiano 2009, 2011; Di Sciullo et al. 2010; Larson, Déprez & Yamakido 2010; Mukherj 2010; Stabler 2010, 2011; Berwick & Larson 2011; Chomsky 2011; Di Sciullo & Boeckx 2011; Kosta 2011; Lasnik 2011, among other works). It aims to bring long lasting questions on language creativity into new light. It invites contributions on the properties of the composition operation and of the recursive procedure that might very well account for much of the progress made by the human species. It also invites contributions on the neuronal substrate of this computational procedure and raises the question whether this neuronal faculty sub serves grammar as well as other recursive systems, including mathematics and music. Finally, it invites contributions that deepen our understanding of the relations between biology and language impairments. 

The questions raised thus include, without being limited to, the following:

What is the computational procedure giving rise to the discrete infinity of language?

What do we know about its neuronal substrate?

Why does this procedure seems to be limited in some cases, e.g. complements, and unbounded in other cases, e.g. adjuncts? 

Does this computational procedure also sub serves mathematics and music?

How do interfaces propagate language creativity?

How does language creativity relate to the genetically attested language disorders and speech impairments?

This conference is part of the cycle of conferences organized by the Biolinguistic Network (www.biolinguistics.uqam.ca) and will be held at the Université du Québec à Montreal on September 25-27, 2011. 

The Conferences organized by the International Biolinguistic Network are supported by the Major Collaborative Research on Interface Asymmetries funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and by the Dynamic Interfaces project funded by the Government of Quebec Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture.

Invited Speakers:

Roland Friedrich (Department of Mathematics, Humboldt University in Berlin & Department of Neuropsychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig)
Peter Kosta (Department of Slavic Linguistics, University of Potsdam)
Nirmalangshu Mukherj (Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi)
David Pesetsky (Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT) 
Pierre Pica (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris)
Henk C. van Riemsdijk (Founder of GLOW, Tilburg University)
Edward Stabler (Department of linguistics, UCLA)

Selection Committee:

Gennaro Chierchia (Harvard University)
Roberto De Almeida (Concordia University)
Anna Maria Di Sciullo (UQAM)
Wolfram Hinzen (Durham University)
Richard Larson (Stony Brook University)
Howard Lasnik (University of Maryland)
Giuseppe Longobardi (University of Trieste)
Ken Wexler (MIT)

Organizing Committee: 

Anna Maria Di Sciullo (UQAM)
Calin Batori (UQAM)
Stanca Somesfalean (UQAM) 

Sunday 25 September 
9: 00- 10:00

Anne Rochette, Dean, UQAM


Henk van Reimsdick, Tilburg University, Invited speaker  
Title: An Element-Theoretical Approach to Cohesion and Repulsion in Syntax

11:15- 12:00
Anna Maria Di Sciullo, Université du Québec a Montréal
Language Creativity in numerals

12:00- 13:30

13:30 - 14:15
Roland Friedrich, Humboldt University Berlin and Max Planck Institute 			          
Leipzig, Invited speaker
Neural Correlates of the Semantics of Mathematical Logic

14:15- 14:30

David Pesetsky, MIT, Invited speaker


15:30- 16:30

Social Event

Monday 26 September


9:15- 10:00
Pierre Pica, CNRS Paris, Invited speaker 
Wayne Cowart, Dana McDaniel, K. Heather Thompson, Tatiana Romanchishina, University of Southern Maine                  
Title: How to Merge Abruptly, Silently, and Successfully


Monica Irimia, Univeristy of Toronto
Title : Parallel Merge. Multiple Agree, and Complex Event formation

11:15- 11:45
Dennis Ott, University of Groningen
Title: Creative Silence: Ellipsis in Dislocation Constructions

12:00 -13:30 


Nirmalangshu Mukherji, Department of Philosophy University of Delhi, Invited speaker
Title: Human Reference

14:15- 14:45
Joana Rosselló, Universitat de Barcelona, Txuss Martin, New York University, and Celia 
Alba, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Title: No Words Without Syntax, No Syntax Without Words 


Manuel Español-Echevarría, Université Laval
Title: On the Recursive Properties of Adjunction

15:30- 16:00
Ana T. Pérez-Leroux, University of Toronto, Anny P. Castilla, SUNY/Fredonia, Susana 
Bejar, University of Toronto/Scarborough  Diane Massam, University of Toronto      
Title: The Acquisition of NP Recursion in English-speaking Children


Social Event

Tuesday 27 September

Formal Grammar

Edward Stabler, UCLA, Invited speaker  
Title: Creativity at the Interfaces

Andreas Trotzke, Universität Konstanz
Title: The Non Centrality of Recursive Self-Embedding: Convergent Evidence >From Grammar and  Performance

10:15 -10:30 

Scott Carlton Thomas, Alexandria, Virginia
Title: We Have a Simple Memory System (In At Least One Way) and Our Language Is Limited Accordingly (In at Least a Couple of Ways)

11:00- 12:00
International Network in Biolinguistics Annual Meeting


Language impairment

13 :30 -14:15
Peter Kosta, University of Potsdam, and Hartmut Peters, Charité, Berlin, Invited speaker
Title:  Delayed Merge in L1 acquisition as a Problem of Biolinguistic and Molecular Genetics

Arhonto Terzi, Technological Educational Institute of Patras,  Theodoros Marinis, University of Reading, Konstantinos Francis, University of Athens, and Angeliki Kotsopoulou, Technological Educational Institute of Patras
Title: A Phenotype for Autism And Its Contribution to Linguistic Theory


15: 00-15:30
Mahmoud Reza Azarpazhooh, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Nader Jahangiri, 
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and Maryam Ghaleh, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Title:  Cortical and Subcortical Bilingual Aphasia

15:30- 16:00
Mahmoud Reza Azarpazhooh, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Shahla Sharifi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Ali Reza Alehashemi, Mashhad Islamic Azad University, Milad Ghaleh, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Title:  Foreign Accent Syndrome: A Rare Case of Altered Accent

16:00 -16:30
Zahra Fotovatnia and Ferdos Taleb, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Zahra Fotovatnia, and Ferdos Taleb, Najafabad University
Title: Manipulating Shared Semantic Features across Noncognates: an Empirical Approach to Examine Distributed Feature Model

Panel and concluding remarks 

Social event

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2998	


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