22.1399, Qs: Metaphor: Time is Money

Thu Mar 24 19:49:32 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-1399. Thu Mar 24 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.1399, Qs: Metaphor: Time is Money

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Date: 22-Mar-2011
From: Simone Mueller [simone.mueller at anglistik.uni-giessen.de]
Subject: Metaphor: Time is Money

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 15:47:11
From: Simone Mueller [simone.mueller at anglistik.uni-giessen.de]
Subject: Metaphor: Time is Money

E-mail this message to a friend:

Dear LINGUIST subscribers,

My name is Simone Mueller and I am doing research on the conceptual 
metaphor TIME IS MONEY across varieties of English for an article.
That is, I have done concordances of SPEND, SAVE, WASTE, each 
plus a time expression, and a number of other expressions for TIME IS 
MONEY across six ICE corpora: Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, 
Singapore, Philippines and India.

Now I have two questions:

First: Does anybody know of literature/research on TIME IS MONEY? 
This metaphor is mentioned in Lakoff+Johnson 1980, Lakoff 
1987+1993, Kövecses 2005, Goatly 2007, but none of them treat it in 
any length.

Lakoff and Johnson claim that "the Westernization of cultures 
throughout the world is partly a matter of introducing the TIME IS 
MONEY metaphor into those cultures" (2003 (1980): 145).
I wonder to which extent this metaphor pervades language and thinking 
in the New Englishes.

Second: A question to speakers of languages spoken in Singapore, 
Philippines and India:

Does the conceptual metaphor TIME IS MONEY exist in your 
language? Can you "spend/save/waste time" in your language?
(What role does the metaphor play in your language? Does the usage 
of expressions such as "This is a waste of my time" or "He spends 
some time with his parents" reflect how people think about time?)

Thanks and best regards,

Simone Mueller 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
                     Discourse Analysis
                     Text/Corpus Linguistics


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LINGUIST List: Vol-22-1399	


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