22.2058, TOC: International Journal of the Sociology of... 2011/209 (2011)

Fri May 13 14:35:59 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2058. Fri May 13 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.2058, TOC: International Journal of the Sociology of... 2011/209 (2011)

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Justin Petro <justin at linguistlist.org>


Date: 12-May-2011
From: Julia Ulrich [julia.ulrich at degruyter.com]
Subject: International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol. 2011, No. 209

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 13 May 2011 10:33:55
From: Julia Ulrich [julia.ulrich at degruyter.com]
Subject: International Journal of the Sociology of Language Vol. 2011, No. 209

E-mail this message to a friend:

Publisher:	De Gruyter Mouton
Journal Title:  International Journal of the Sociology of Language 
Volume Number:  2011 
Issue Number:  209 
Issue Date:  2011 

Main Text:  

The above issue is now available online at:

Introduction: defining language emancipation
Leena Huss and Anna-Riitta Lindgren

>From Swedish to Finnish in the 19th century: a historical case of emancipatory
language shift
Anna-Riitta Lindgren, Klaus Lindgren, and Mirja Sari

Reclaiming Sámi languages: indigenous language emancipation from East to West
Torkel Rasmussen and John Shaun Nolan

The birth of the Kven language in Norway: emancipation through state recognition
Pia Lane

Embracing Hungarian: top-down emancipation of an immigrant language in Finland
Boglárka Straszer

Reassessing Gallo as a regional language in France: language emancipation vs.
monolingual language ideology
John Shaun Nolan

National languages in education in Guinea-Conakry: re-emancipation in progress?
Carol Benson and Mark Lynd

Coda: linguistic emancipation
Kendall A. King

Small languages and small language communities 67

When support for language revitilization is not enough: the end of indigenous
language classes at Warm Springs Elementary School
Erin Flynn Haynes 

Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics

Subject Language(s): English (eng)
                     Finnish (fin)
                     Finnish, Kven (fkv)
                     French (fra)
                     Hungarian (hun)
                     Saami, Kemi (sjk)
                     Saami, Inari (smn)
                     Susu (sus)
                     Swedish (swe)

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2058	


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