22.2149, Confs: Computational Linguistics, Semantics/USA

Fri May 20 22:29:44 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2149. Fri May 20 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 22.2149, Confs: Computational Linguistics, Semantics/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Elyssa Winzeler <elyssa at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 19-May-2011
From: Preslav Nakov [preslavn at gmail.com]
Subject: Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 18:28:04
From: Preslav Nakov [preslavn at gmail.com]
Subject: Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics

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Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics 
Short Title: RELMS-11 

Date: 23-Jun-2011 - 23-Jun-2011 
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA 
Contact: Preslav Nakov 
Contact Email: nakov at comp.nus.edu.sg 
Meeting URL: http://sites.google.com/site/relms2011/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Semantics 

Meeting Description: 

Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics (RELMS-11)
Collocated with ACL 2011 (www.acl2011.org)
June 23, 2011
Portland, Oregon

Contact: relms.workshop.2011 at gmail.com

This workshop will bring together NLP researchers whose work deals with relational aspects of language understanding. The ability to reason about semantic relations is a fundamental linguistic competence: it is through recognising explicit and implicit relations between entities and events that humans (and machines) can form a coherent representation of a text's meaning. Numerous recent workshops have focused on lexical semantics; RELMS-11 will highlight relational semantics.

The modeling of semantic relations has been considered from many angles, across a variety of tasks and sub-disciplines. In ontology learning and information extraction, the focus is on learning 'encyclopaedic' relations between entities in the domain of discourse. In structured prediction tasks such as semantic role labeling or biomedical event extraction, systems must reason about the relational content of a text, about which entities and events enter into which mutual relations. The interpretation of compound nouns requires reasoning about probable and plausible relations between two entities, with limited knowledge of context. Some sources of textual information are inherently relational - for example, content in on-line social networks - so computational models can benefit from reasoning explicitly about relational structures. There is also much to gain from understanding the connections between NLP tasks in which semantic relations play a key role. Methods which work for one task tend to generalize to others, and semantic relations tend to interact in interesting ways.

Researchers primarily working on specific modeling contexts stand to gain from understanding the connections between the various NLP tasks in which semantic relations play a key role. As well as considering whether methods used for one task may generalize to others, a key question is how different kinds of semantic relations interact. For example, encyclopedic world knowledge may be of use for 'guiding' structured prediction; this might be particularly useful in impoverished contexts such as compound noun interpretation and 'implicit' semantic role labeling. Conversely, encyclopedic relation learning can be viewed as generalising over instance-level relational analyses. Exploring these connections will be an important theme of the workshop. 

Call for Participation, RELMS 2011

We invite you to join us at the Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics, which will be held at ACL 2011 in Portland, Oregon, on June 23, 2011. Please refer to the workshop's site at https://sites.google.com/site/relms2011/ for all the glorious details, including the full proceedings.

Su Nam Kim, Zornitsa Kozareva, Preslav Nakov, Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha, Sebastian
Padó, Stan Szpakowicz

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-2149	


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