22.3975, Jobs: English; German; (Applied) Ling/Translation: Prof, U of Lille 3

Tue Oct 11 17:42:49 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3975. Tue Oct 11 2011. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 22.3975, Jobs: English; German; (Applied) Ling/Translation: Prof, U of Lille 3

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 27-Sep-2011
From: Ilse Depraetere [ilse.depraetere at univ-lille3.fr]
Subject: Modified: English; German; (Applied) Linguistics; Translation; Professor, University of Lille 3, France

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:38:40
From: Ilse Depraetere [ilse.depraetere at univ-lille3.fr]
Subject: Modified: English; German; (Applied) Linguistics; Translation; Professor, University of Lille 3, France

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University or Organization: University of Lille 3 
Department: Applied Languages Department, English Department
Job Location: Villeneuve d'Ascq, France 
Web Address: http://www.univ-lille3.fr/fr/
Job Rank: Professor  

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Translation 

Required Language(s): English (eng)
                      German (deu) 


*Please note that this issue has been modified from the original. Linguistic subfields and links have been updated.

Pending official approval, the University of Lille 3, France (research centre  UMR 8163 STL 'Savoirs, Textes, Langage',) will be hiring two full professors (Professeur, Applied languages department - Langues étrangères appliquées/LEA) starting Sept 1, 2012 in the following areas:
-  English Linguistics, translation
-  German Linguistics, translation

There will also be a one-year position (English Department) for someone (Maître de Conférences/lecturer or PR) with a specialization in ESL or ELT ('didactique')

The candidate should have a PhD and (the equivalent of) the 'habilitation à diriger des recherches' or should already hold a Professor position. The successful candidate must be authorized to work legally in France by Sept.1, 2012, the start date of these positions (if approved).

The candidate appointed will be expected to teach at the graduate level and undergraduate level and he/she will integrate the research group STL (http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/).

The vacant positions will be officially announced in February or March 2012 in the 'Journal Officiel de la République Française'. They will also be published on the Lille 3 web site. In principle (in accordance with recent changes in the regulations), it is possible to apply directly to the University that is opening positions, provided the candidate holds a comparable position. However, it is strongly recommended, also for PR positions, to apply for a 'qualification' by the 'Conseil National des Universités' (CNU). The 'liste de qualification' is essentially a shortlist of candidates considered to be eligible for vacant positions.

In order to get qualified, it is necessary to register on the official site of the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche before October 27 (16h, Parisian time), stating your intention to apply for a qualification at the desired level (PR). Candidates applying for a job in English linguistics/translation are advised to ask for a qualification both in the 7th ('Sciences du Langage') and in the 11th section ('Langue, littérature et civilisation des pays anglo-saxons'), for a job in German linguistics/ translation, candidates should apply for a qualification in the 12th section ('Langues et littératures germaniques et scandinaves'). The submission of the actual application file, both electronically and on paper, will be the second stage in the process.

-  Creation of login on the Galaxy platform 
Right click on 'accès Galaxie/qualification'
-  Registration for qualification (needed for the designation of reviewers by the CNU) (deadline October 27, 2011; 16h, Paris time)
-  Publication (on Galaxy platform) of the names and addresses of the 
designated reviewers (November 25, 2011)
-  Full submission of an electronic file and hard copies to be sent to the two reviewers (one for each): deadline December 16, 2011; 00:00 (midnight, Paris time)
-  The candidate has to apply at the University level early 2012

For further information, please contact Ilse Depraetere for positions in 
LEA (ilse.depraetere at univ-lille3.fr), Maarten Lemmens 
(maarten.lemmens at univ-lille3.fr) for ESL/EFL - 'didactique'.
For information about LEA (Langues Etrangères Appliquées/Applied 
Languages Department) http://www.univ-lille3.fr/fr/ufr-lea/ 
For information about Angellier (English Departement) 
For information about the 'qualification', Professor/MCF status and salary, consult the webpage of the French Ministry of Education:

Application Deadline: 27-Oct-2011 (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: ilse.depraetere at univ-lille3.fr 
Contact Information:
	Ilse Depraetere 
	Email: ilse.depraetere at univ-lille3.fr 

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3975	

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