22.4123, Calls: Cognitive Science, Linguistic Theories/Spain

Fri Oct 21 14:56:37 UTC 2011

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-4123. Fri Oct 21 2011. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 22.4123, Calls: Cognitive Science, Linguistic Theories/Spain

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Alison Zaharee <alison at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 20-Oct-2011
From: Carmen M. Bretones Callejas [aelco at ual.es]
Subject: Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:55:34
From: Carmen M. Bretones Callejas [aelco at ual.es]
Subject: Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association

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Full Title: Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association 
Short Title: AELCO 

Date: 17-Oct-2012 - 19-Oct-2012
Location: Almería, Spain 
Contact Person: Carmen Bretones
Meeting Email: aelco at ual.es

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Linguistic Theories 

Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2012 

Meeting Description:

Every two years the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO) organizes an international conference that harbours the various domains in which its members are active. From 17 to 19 October 2012 the University of Almería (Spain) hosts its 8th edition under the theme Construals in Language, Thought and Brain: What Shapes What?

This conference aims to bring in an open floor for discussions, debates, reflection and sharing the features, topics, puzzles, methods, trends, schools and heresies within the field of Cognitive Linguistics. One of the major strands or orientations nowadays in Cognitive Linguistics refers to research in psycholinguistics and anthropological linguistics. The aim is to create an opportunity for assessing the state of the art today, the pros and the cons of the field, the added values and also the question marks that might strengthen or weaken the new profile of Cognitive Linguistics. As a distinctive field we are led to inquire not only about the relation of grammar (i.e., form-meaning pairing) to mind, but also about the physical embodiment of the linguistic competence in the brain, and to see what shapes what.

Invited Speakers:

Laurence W. Barsalou, Emory University
Daniel Casasanto, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Chris Sinha, Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, Lund University
Mark Turner, Case Western Reserve University
Iraide Ibarrexte, University of Zaragoza

Call for Papers:

We cordially invite researchers, working within the field of Cognitive Linguistics - though not restricted to it - to submit paper proposals on theoretical and applied studies on language and cognition. We also encourage workshop proposals.

Abstract Submission:

We invite abstracts for 20-minute presentations, plus 10-minute discussion, and abstracts for posters. They should be written in English or Spanish. Abstracts submitted for consideration should clearly state the problem, objectives, methodology, and possible results/findings. Their length must be between 400 and 500 words, and they should include title, 5 keywords and references - a maximum of 8. No more than a page length, Times New Roman 12, figures included.

Paper, poster and workshop proposals should be sent via email as an attachment (in .doc format) to:

aelco at ual.es

The attached files must only include the title of the contribution in boldface and the abstract itself (including keywords and references). Please do not include the author's details in the attachment. Please include the following information in the 'subject' of the email: 

AELCO 2012 - Paper Proposal
AELCO 2012 - Poster Proposal
AELCO 2012 - Workshop Proposal

And the following information in the 'body' of the email:

Type of contribution (Paper, poster or workshop) 
Title of the contribution 
Author's full name 
Address (electronic and postal) 
Phone number 


We encourage workshop proposals. They should contain: 

(i) a 1000 word description of the topic (including the research questions to be addressed) and
(ii) a list of workshop participants and 300 word abstracts of their papers.

Since we want conference participants to be able to attend individual workshop presentations, workshops need to be compatible with the main conference schedule. This means that the format of the workshops must be organized around 30 minute presentations (20 min. + 10 min. discussion). Workshops will contain 10 slots (corresponding to 1 day); each workshop ideally comprises: (a) an introductory paper by the convenor/s or by a key-note speaker, which summarizes previous research, specifies the approach/es to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented; (b) eight papers; (c) a slot for final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological issues and questions for future research.


There will be a poster session of an hour for both senior and junior researchers. In order to foster interaction, all other sessions will be suspended during the poster session. Posters may remain available during the rest of the conference. The maximum size of the poster is 1.20 m (vertical) x 0.90 m (horizontal). For more information about how to make a good poster, see:



The Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, in its biennial international conference, aims to promote the participation of young researchers as follows:

AELCO Best Oral Pre-doctoral Presentation Award (for PhD students)
AELCO Best Poster Award

For further information, please visit:


Important Dates:

Workshop submission deadline: 1 January 2012
Notification of workshop proposal acceptance/rejection (via email): 1 February 2012  
Abstract submission deadline (papers and posters): 1 March 2012
Notification of proposal acceptance/rejection (via email): 1 April 2012  
Early bird registration deadline: 15 July 2012
Registration deadline for participants with a paper/poster/workshop: 15 August 2012
Final registration deadline: 1 October 2012
On-site registration: 17-18-19 October 2012

Contact Information:

Prof. Dr. Carmen M. Bretones Callejas
Dpt. Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Universidad de Almería
Carretera de Sacramento, s/n
04120 Almería (España)
Tel. (+34) 950 21 44 50
Fax (+34) 950 01 54 75
aelco at ual.es

Organising Committee:

Coordinator: Bretones Callejas, Carmen M. - University of Almería
Secretary: Cortés de los Ríos, Mª Enriqueta - University of Almería
Treasurer: Chamizo Domínguez, Pedro - University of Málaga
Cantizano Márquez, Blasina - University of Almería
Coll-Florit, Marta - Open University of Catalonia
Cornillie, Bert - University of Leuven
Criado, Raquel - University of Murcia
Cuenca, María Josep - University of Valencia
Fernández Sánchez, José Francisco - University of Almería 
Fuentes Melero, Luis - University of Murcia
García Sánchez, Mª Elena - University of Almería
Ibáñez Ibáñez, José Ramón - University of Almería
Martínez del Castillo, Jesús - University of Almería
Navarro Ferrando, Ignasi - Jaume I University
Perdú Honeyman, Nobel - University of Almería
Salaberri Ramiro, Sagrario - University of Almería
Sánchez Pérez, Aquilino - University of Murcia
Valenzuela, Javier - University of Murcia

Scientific Committee:

Amengual, Marian - University of Illes Balears
Barcelona Sánchez, Antonio - University of Córdoba
Bielenia-Grajewska, Magdalena - University of Gdansk
Boas, Hans Christian - University of Texas
Bretones Callejas, Carmen M. - University of Almería
Cantos, Pascual - University of Murcia
Carreiras, Manuel - Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Carrió Pastor, Marisa - Polytechnic University of Valencia
Casasanto, Daniel - Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Casonato, Marco - University of Milano-Bicocca
Chamizo Domínguez, Pedro - University of Málaga
Coll-Florit, Marta - Open University of Catalonia
Cornillie, Bert - University of Leuven
Cortés de los Ríos, María Enriqueta - University of Almería
Criado, Raquel - University of Murcia
Cuenca, María Josep - University of Valencia
Delbecque, Nicole - University of Leuven
Forceville, Charles J. - University of Amsterdam
Fuentes Melero, Luis - University of Murcia
Goschler, Juliana - University of Hamburg
Herrera Soler, Honesto - Complutense University of Madrid
Ibarretxe Antuñano, Iraide - University of Zaragoza
Maldonado, Ricardo - National Autonomous University of Mexico
Marín Arrese, Juana - Autonomous University of Madrid
Navarro Ferrando, Ignasi - Jaume I University 
Pascual, Esther - University of Goningen 
Piquer Píriz, Ana Mª - University of Extremadura
Pérez Vidal, Carmen - Pompeu Fabra University
Pérez Cañado, María Luisa - University of Jaén
Rojo, Ana - University of Murcia
Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco - University of La Rioja
Salaberri Ramiro, Sagrario - University of Almería
Sánchez Pérez, Aquilino - University of Murcia
Sinha, Chris - Lund University
Soriano, Cristina - Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
Turner, Mark - Case Western Reserve University
Valenzuela, Javier - University of Murcia
Zlatev, Jordan - Lund University

LINGUIST List: Vol-22-4123	

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