22.3525, Confs: Semantics, Syntax/Spain
Fri Sep 9 00:05:35 UTC 2011
LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3525. Thu Sep 08 2011. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.
Subject: 22.3525, Confs: Semantics, Syntax/Spain
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Date: 06-Sep-2011
From: Vidal Valmala [vidal.valmala at ehu.es]
Subject: Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2011 20:04:50
From: Vidal Valmala [vidal.valmala at ehu.es]
Subject: Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory
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Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory
Short Title: ICLT
Date: 16-Nov-2011 - 18-Nov-2011
Location: Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country), Spain
Contact: Vidal Valmala
Contact Email: islands2011 at ehu.es
Meeting URL: http://www.ehu.es/islands
Linguistic Field(s): Semantics; Syntax
Meeting Description:
Displacements have occupied a central role in the development of syntactic theorizing since the outset of Generative Grammar. They are taken as clear exponents of context-sensitive operations that take place in local domains. However, it is well established that some of these operations cannot take place in certain environments which are usually termed 'islands' after Ross (1967) (e.g. Complex NP Constraint, the Wh-island, Negative islands, Adjunct islands, Coordinate Structure Constraints). Over the years, there have been a wide range of accounts for the nature and source of the various island effects (for an overview cf. Goodluck & Rochmont 1992, Szabolcsi 2006, Boeckx 2007), with explanations in terms of syntactic locality constraints (e.g. Chomsky 1986, Rizzi 1990, Starke 2001), information structure (e.g. Erteshik-Shir 1973), language processing (e.g. Kluender 1998, Phillips 2006) or semantic well-formedness (e.g. Szabolcsi & Zwarts 1993, Abrusan 2007). Although there is no consensus emerging from these studies, it has become clear that the classical 'bounding node'/'barrier' type of explanation has to be revised and reanalyzed taking into account the latest trends in generative grammar (specially, phase-based computations, multidominance structures, etc.). Thus, some of the questions that we would like to address in this workshop are the following ones:
(1) What makes islands opaque domains? Do island effects reflect structural ill-formedness, semantic contradiction or language processing difficulties?
(2) Are some domains inherently islands or is islandhood always derivative?
(3) What do islands do? What are the different consequences of derivational and representational approaches to islands? (cf., i.a., Boeckx (2003), Gallego (2010) and Abe & Hornstein (2011) for discussion).
(4) What is the reality and nature of the 'island repair' strategies like the ones proposed in works like Merchant (2001), Fox & Pesetsky (2004), Lasnik (2009)?
Islands in Contemporary Linguistic Theory
November 16-18, Faculty of Letters (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
University of the Basque Country
November 16
15:00 - 15:15
Welcome address
15:15 - 16:15
Invited speaker: Howard Lasnik (U. of Maryland)
Another Look at Island Repair by Deletion
16:15 - 16:55
Marc Richards (U. of Leipzig)
No Phase is an Island(?): On the Deletability of Edge Features and the
Derivational Dynamics of CED Effects.
16:55 - 17:15: Coffee break
17:15 - 17:55
Carlo Cecchetto (U. of Milano-Bicocca) & Caterina Donati (U. of Rome- La Sapienza)
Relabeling + No Labeling = Islands.
17:55 - 18:35
Vassilios Spyropoulos & Nicolaos Stamatogiannis (U. of Athens)
Sub-extraction from subjects in Greek: Things that you can think and you can say.
November 17
10:00 - 11:00
Invited speaker: Marta Abrusan (U. of Oxford)
A semantic explanation of factive and wh-islands
11:00 - 11:40
Bradley Larson (U. of Maryland)
What can Multidominance tell us about islands?
11:40 - 12:00: Coffee break
12:00 - 12:40
João Costa (FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa) & Kleanthes Grohmann (U. of Cyprus)
Islandhood and Clitics in Language Development.
12:40 - 13:20
Cristiano Chesi (U. of Siena; ISCTE, Lisbon) & Valentina Bianchi (U. of Siena)
Islands violations as unresolved thematically-driven dependencies.
13:20 - 15:00: Lunch break
15:00 - 15:40
David Medeiros (U. of Michigan)
The status of wh-islands in Japanese: Evidence from a reaction time paradigm.
15:40 - 16:20
Dan Michel (UC San Diego)
Individual differences inform the syntax-processing island debate.
16:20 - 16:50: Coffee break
16:50 - 17:30
Dan Michel and Grant Goodall (UC San Diego)
Finiteness effects in adjunct islands.
17:30 - 18:10
Akira Omaki (Johns Hopkins University) & Chizuru Nakao (Daito Bunka University)
Acceptability asymmetry and interpretive symmetry between subject and object
resumptive pronouns in English.
November 18
10:00 - 11:00
Invited speaker: Cedric Boeckx (ICREA/U. Autònoma de Barcelona)
The character of island conditions: Thoughts inspired by contemporary linguistic
11:00 - 11:40
Aniko Liptak (LUCL, Leiden University) & James Griffiths (Groningen University)
Contrastivity in island repair: an argument for parallelism.
11:40 - 12:00: Coffee break
12:00 - 12:40
Rosmin Mathew (CASTL, Tromso)
Circumventing Islands.
12:40 - 13:20
Andrés Saab & Pablo Zdrojewski
Anti-repair effects under ellipsis: diagnosing (post)-syntactic clitics in Spanish.
13:20 - 14:00
Klaus Abels (U. College of London)
Don't repair that island! It ain't broke.
14:00 - 14:10: Closing remarks
Jean Crawford (U. of Connecticut)
Using Syntactic Satiation to Investigate Subject Islands.
Dennis Ott (U. of Groningen)
Peripheral fragments: Ellipsis and island repair in dislocation constructions.
LINGUIST List: Vol-22-3525
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