23.2040, Jobs: English; German; French; Socioling: Associate Professor, U of Luxembourg

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Wed Apr 25 19:03:53 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2040. Wed Apr 25 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.2040, Jobs: English; German; French; Socioling: Associate Professor, U of Luxembourg

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 15:03:12
From: Peter Gilles [peter.gilles at uni.lu]
Subject: English; German; French; Sociolinguistics: Associate Professor, The University of Luxembourg, Walferdange, Luxembourg

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University or Organization: The University of Luxembourg 
Department: Language and Lit, Humanities, Arts and Education
Job Location: Walferdange, Luxembourg 
Job Rank: Associate Professor  

Specialty Areas: Sociolinguistics 

Required Language(s): English (eng)
                      French (fra) 
                      German (deu) 


The University of Luxembourg is recruiting a full-time contract 
Associate Professor in Sociolinguistics (Ref. F3-120013) for the 
Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education 

Research activities: 

Within the laboratoire de linguistique et de littératures 
luxembourgeoises of the research unit IPSE, the Associate Professor 
in sociolinguistics will conduct (predominately macrosociolinguistic) 
research on the sociolinguistics of small and regional languages in 
their multilingual context, concentrating on the following domains: 
-  comparative research on small/regional/minority languages in 
Europe (and, to a lesser extent, in the world);
-  a special focus on the role of Luxembourgish in the present-day 
multilingual situation;
-  language policies/language management.

The candidate will participate also in other interdisciplinary research 
projects in the IPSE research unit as well as in the research 
programme "Études Luxembourgeoises".

With regards to the university's research priority of education and 
learning in multilingual and multicultural contexts, the Associate 
Professor could contribute to the research domain of multilingual 
societies, language and educational policies, learning and 

Teaching Activities: 

The Associate Professor will teach in the Master Langues, Cultures et 
Médias and in the Bachelor Académique en Cultures Européennes, 
and perhaps in the Master in learning and development in 
multilingual and multicultural contexts.


-  PhD in sociolinguistics;
-  at least three years of PostDoc experience in sociolinguistics (with 
emphasis on small/regional/minority languages); 
-  an excellent publication record in peer-reviewed journals and 
-  teaching experience on Bachelor and Master level;
-  a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity;
-  ability to work in a multilingual environment.

Required Languages:

Being multilingual is a prerequisite for the working environment at 
the University of Luxembourg as well as for the research programme 
of this post. The candidate is expected to be highly proficient in at 
least two of the following languages: English, French, or German. 
Furthermore, the candidate will have to acquire sufficient knowledge 
in Luxembourgish within two years.

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Peter Gilles at the 
contact information below.


Candidates are asked to send until June 18th, 2012 a hard copy only 
by postal mail of their full application (in French, German or English) 
mentioning the job opening reference number and including the 
following documents to Prof. Dr. Michel Margue at the application 
address below:
-  cover letter ;
-  curriculum vitae ;
-  copies of diplomas ;
-  list of publications ;
-  copies of recent publications relevant for the field in question;
-  list of courses taught.

The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunities employer.

Application Deadline: 18-Jun-2012 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Prof. Dr. Michel Margue 
	Dean of the Faculty of Language and Literature, 
	Humanities, Arts  and Education 
	Campus Walferdange BP. 2 
	Walferdange 7201 
Contact Information:
	Prof. Dr. Peter Gilles 
	Email: peter.gilles at uni.lu 
	Phone: +352-466644-6383 

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2040	

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