23.3420, Calls: Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/India
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Tue Aug 14 20:16:41 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3420. Tue Aug 14 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.3420, Calls: Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/India
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 16:15:40
From: Dr. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi [sonalkulk at rediffmail.com]
Subject: Language Contact in India: Historical, Typological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives
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Full Title: Language Contact in India: Historical, Typological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives
Short Title: LCI-2013
Date: 06-Feb-2013 - 08-Feb-2013
Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India
Contact Person: Dr. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi
Meeting Email: lci2013conf at gmail.com
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2012
Meeting Description:
A Conference on Language Contact in India is being organised by the Department of Linguistics (UGC-SAP-DRS-1), Deccan College, Pune (India) in collaboration with the Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. The conference will be held at the Deccan College (Deemed University), Pune on 6-8 February 2013. We especially welcome scholars to contribute papers focusing on language contact across language families in India. We also welcome scholars who would like to benefit from multiple perspectives - historical, typological and sociolinguistic (empirical as well as theoretical) on language contact to participate in the conference.
Keynote Speaker:
Prof. Hans H. Hock (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA)
Invited Speakers:
Prof. K.V. Subbarao (formerly Delhi University, New Delhi, India)
Prof. Anvita Abbi (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India)
Prof. S.N. Sridhar (State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA)
Prof. Probal Dasgupta (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkotta, India)
Travel and Accommodation:
The Conference will offer limited travel funds to outstation paper presenters for train travel by AC III tier from the place of journey to Pune and back by the shortest route. Participants are requested to make their own travel arrangements and arrange for funding from their respective organizations.
Accommodation and local hospitality will be provided by the Dept. of Linguistics, Deccan College.
Delegates who wish to have hotel accommodation at their own expense may contact the organisers well in advance. A list of local hotels and a tentative pricelist will soon be posted on the Deccan College website at http://www.deccancollegepune.ac.in.
Registration Fees:
[1] Local delegates and students not receiving fellowship: Rs. 500/- (documentary proof of student status from student's department is necessary)
[2] All other delegates: Rs. 1000/-
The registration fee may be paid in the form of a demand draft drawn in favour of the Registrar (LCI-2013), Deccan College, Pune payable at the Central Bank of India, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Please note:
[1] It is important that all paper presenters and participants send the filled Conference Registration Form along with the fee payment in advance, latest by 15 January 2013.
[2]Persons accompanying conference participants will also register.
1. Dr. Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi
Email: sonalkulk at rediffmail.com
Tel: +91-9890444606
2. Dr. Shailendra Mohan
Email: smohan72 at gmail.com
Tel: + 91-9850342451
Address for all postal correspondence:
Organising Committee (LCI-2013)
Department of Linguistics
Deccan College (Deemed University)
Yerawada, Pune 411006
Call for Papers:
The Conference invites paper submissions on the historical, typological and sociolinguistic perspectives on language contact in India. Presentations may focus on linguistic data as well as on theoretical issues. Abstracts may be submitted on topics including but not limited to:
1. A typology of language contact situations in India
2. Case studies of contact situations across language families in India
3. Language contact involving language isolates
4. Contact resulting from migration vis-à-vis contact in contiguous border areas
5. Typological and social constraints on outcomes of language contact
6. Variationist perspectives on language contact
7. Borrowability of linguistic features in contact areas
8. Contact-induced grammaticalisation
9. Adstratum/substratum relationships and convergence
10. Explaining language change and variation: interaction between contact-induced and language-internal developments
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts written in English should be submitted by email to 2013lci at gmail.com in both PDF and DOC/DOCX formats latest by 1 October 2012.
The abstract should include the following information:
1. Subject: Abstract submission for LCI-2013
2. Body:
Author name(s)
Title of the presentation
3 to 5 keywords
Email for correspondence
Abstract should clearly describe:
- The problem(s) being addressed
- The central claim(s) being made
- Data source(s) and analytical approach(es)
- Implication(s) of the findings
Authors may submit no more than one individual and one joint (co-authored) proposal. The abstract should be 500 words maximum (excluding references) in 12-point Times New Roman with reasonable margins. For co-authored papers indicate the email address that we should use for correspondence. Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the organising team. The book of abstracts will be published on the Deccan College website.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2012
Notification of acceptance: 1 November 2012
Pre-proceedings paper submission deadline: 15 December 2012
Conference registration deadline: 15 January 2013
Conference: 6-8 February 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3420
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