23.3462, Diss: Translation/ Australian Sign Language: Bontempo: 'Interpreting by Design...'

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Fri Aug 17 18:29:18 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3462. Fri Aug 17 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.3462, Diss: Translation/ Australian Sign Language: Bontempo: 'Interpreting by Design...'

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Lili Xia <lxia at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 14:28:37
From: Karen Bontempo [bontempo at iinet.net.au]
Subject: Interpreting by Design: A study of aptitude, ability and achievement in Australian sign language interpreters

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Institution: Macquarie University 
Program: Department of Linguistics 
Dissertation Status: Completed 
Degree Date: 2012 

Author: Karen Bontempo

Dissertation Title: Interpreting by Design: A study of aptitude, ability and
achievement in Australian sign language interpreters 

Linguistic Field(s): Translation

Subject Language(s): Australian Sign Language (asf)

Dissertation Director(s):
Jemina Napier

Dissertation Abstract:

This thesis is comprised of a series of thematically linked work that 
explores and investigates factors that may be predictors of interpreter 
performance. The research study identifies the skills, knowledge and 
abilities deemed necessary for competent performance as a signed 
language interpreter; measures perceived competence in interpreters; 
gathers data on the skills gaps of interpreters and a range of 
personality constructs; and applies this potentially predictive data. The 
application of the findings of the research study include piloting 
interpreter education program admission screening procedures; 
establishing a diagnostic skills analysis and performance management 
process for educational interpreters; and documenting the risk 
associated with interpreting in traumatic settings, and introducing 
strategies to enhance the personal coping skills of interpreters working 
in such environments.  

The data gathered from this unified corpus of research, and the efforts 
outlined to apply the findings in purposeful ways in a series of practical 
projects, will contribute to the field of interpreter education by 
increasing the body of knowledge about interpreter aptitude, ability and 
achievement. Knowing what qualities may be predictive of successful 
performance in the profession may lead to the development of more 
effective screening tools for assessing occupational suitability for 
interpreting; the potential for better predicting achievement in programs 
of study; improved capacity for addressing skills gaps in interpreters; 
and better training opportunities and safeguards for working 
practitioners. It will also provide direction and guidance to interpreter 
educators, employers, and practitioners themselves, in regard to 
curricula; staff supervision and support; interpreter performance 
management; and individual awareness of the aptitudes and abilities 
recommended for effective interpreting practice. The results of the 
study have implications for both spoken and signed language 
interpreting fields in regard to research, pedagogy and practice. 

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3462	

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