23.3593, Confs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Discourse Analysis, Historical Ling, Typology/Hong Kong
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Tue Aug 28 15:08:00 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3593. Tue Aug 28 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.3593, Confs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Discourse Analysis, Historical Ling, Typology/Hong Kong
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 11:04:48
From: Tak-sum Wong [egwts at polyu.edu.hk]
Subject: Workshop on Epistemicity, Evidentiality and Attitude in Asian Languages: Discourse, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives
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Workshop on Epistemicity, Evidentiality and Attitude in Asian Languages: Discourse, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives
Date: 03-Sep-2012 - 05-Sep-2012
Location: Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Contact: Tak-sum Wong
Contact Email: egwts at polyu.edu.hk
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Historical Linguistics; Typology
Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
Japanese (jpn)
Korean (kor)
Thai (tha)
Vietnamese (vie)
Meeting Description:
Languages all over the world have strategies to convey different shades of speaker stance, which includes the encoding of how speakers convey their value judgments, personal feelings and degree of commitment to the truth value of a given proposition (Englebretson 2007; Dubois 2007). This workshop will focus on these various strategies, with special emphasis on epistemic, evidential and attitudinal marking strategies in Asian languages. Among the questions to be addressed are the following:
(a) What do stance markers do (and in particular, add) to our utterances?
(b) How do these markers evolve?
(c) Do they interact with each other; if so, to what extent, and with what effect?
(d) Are there observable differences in the selections of stance-marking strategies across different language families?
(e) Where differences are observed, in what manner and to what extent do these linguistic variations contribute to distinctive cultural affiliations and cultural identities?
Recent studies reveal a wide range of stance-marking strategies. Many Asian languages make frequent use of sentence final particles (see Wu 2004 for Chinese, Davis 2011 for Japanese, and Sohn 1995 for Korean). Asian languages also have recourse to non-sentence-final stance markers, among them utterance-initial discourse markers (see Wang, Tsai & Ling 2007 for Chinese, and Onodera 2004 for Japanese). Other strategies include the use or non-use of larger units, involving constructions at the clausal level; among the strategies that have been extensively discussed in recent years are 'stand-alone' nominalizations (Noonan 1997; Shinzato 2011; Watters 2008), and insubordination or main clause ellipsis (also referred to as 'the grammaticalization and pragmaticization of silence') (see Evans 2007; Rhee in press; Shibasaki in press).
Whereas previous studies have often used the terms 'mood' and 'modality' to cover a wide range of stance marking functions, recent works have attempted to more clearly distinguish and define the various different (sub)types of stance functions. In other words, while we recognize that a given stance construction may often have multiple (and sometimes overlapping) stance functions, we are now better able to distinguish, for example, a primarily epistemic use from an evidential, or a mirative, or attitudinal use. In this workshop, we seek to further investigate the relationship between these different stance functions, in the hope of arriving at a more coherent account of their interaction patterns and evolutionary links. Given that we will be investigating languages from many different language families, we hope to identify not only robust similarities but also fascinating variations.
Programme Schedule
Venue: M1603 (except Tuesday morning FJ302)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sunday (2 September 2012)
Venue: M1603
Pre-workshop Tutorials on Discourse Analysis
Gail Forey (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Appraisal Analysis: Identifying interpersonal meaning in service encounters
Hongyin Tao (UCLA)
Multimodality in Stance Marking in Spoken Mandarin Chinese
Coffee Break
Iwasaki Shoichi (UCLA)
How Do We Index the Intimacy Stance Through the Use of a Construction in Japanese Conversation?: A case study of the mikan yo mikan construction
(Analyzing stance using four discourse approaches: conversational analysis, interactional linguistics, construction grammar and relevance theory)
Sung-Ock Sohn (UCLA)
Development of Stance Markers in Korean: Diachronic and discourse perspectives
Monday (3 September 2012)
Venue: M1603
Welcome Remarks: Winnie Cheng (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Invited Speaker: Hongyin Tao (UCLA)
An Interactive Approach to Verbal Epistemic Stance Markers in Mandarin Conversation
Session Chair: Ming Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Coffee Break
Sinitic Languages (Ⅰ) — Epistemicity
Session Chair: Andy Chin Chi On (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
Stephen Matthews & Jackie Lai
(University of Hong Kong & the Chinese University of Hong Kong)
An Epistemic Constraint in the Grammaticalization of Cantonese waa6 'say'
Hyekyung Kim (Korea University)
Chinese Modals and Epistemic Stance: A grammaticalization perspective
Yang Ying, Foong Ha Yap & Tak-sum Wong
(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
'I am sure but I hedge': Fear expression kongpa as a rhetorical interactive strategy in Mandarin conversation
Wei Zhang & Angela Chan (City University of Hong Kong)
A Discourse Analysis of Reactive Token hak6 in Spoken Cantonese
Photograph Session and Lunch Break
Keynote Speaker: Karen Grunow-Hårsta (Middlesex University, Dubai)
Evidence from the Himalayas for the Independence of Mirativity and Evidentiality
Session Chair: Foong Ha Yap (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Sinitic Languages (Ⅱ) — Evidentiality
Session Chair: Stephen Matthews (University of Hong Kong)
Chinfa Lien (National Tsing Hua University)
The Emergence of e5-khoan2 as a Sensory Evidential Marker in Taiwanese Southern Min
Pei-Yi Hsiao (National Tsing Hua University)
Epistemicity, Evidentiality and Attitude: A case study of phah4-sng3 in Taiwanese Southern Min
Coffee Break
Sinitic Languages (Ⅲ) — Attitude/Perspective-taking
Session Chair: Sze-Wing Tang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Doreen Wu & Ming Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Competing and Hybridized Discourses in Chinese News Reporting: A stance-taking perspective
Yu-Fang Wang (National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan)
>From Negation to Negative Conditionality: The discourse-pragmatic functions of Mandarin Chinese buran, yaoburan and yaobu in spoken discourse
Shu-ing Shyu (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Stance Marker de and Imperfective Aspectual Viewpoint
Yoonjeong Kim (Changwon National University, Korea)
The Division of Labor among Synonymous Prepositions in Modern Chinese: From the viewpoint of stance
Welcome Cocktail — Staff Club
Tuesday (4 September 2012)
Venue: FJ302
Keynote Speaker: Iwasaki Shoichi (UCLA)
The Rise and Fall of 'evaluative' Subjectivity in Japanese Case Particles
Session Chair: Yuko Higashiizumi (Tokyo Gakugei University)
Coffee Break
Korean — Attitude
Session Chair: Sung-Ock Sohn (UCLA)
Sunhee Yae (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Grammaticalization and Stance-taking of 'fear'-expressions in Korean
Hyun Sook Lee (Jangan University, Korea)
Grammaticalization of Displacement Verbs and Emergence of Stance-marking Functions
Jung Eun Lee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
On the Emergence of Stance Marking from Conditionals
Junghye Baik (Hanbuk University, Korea)
On the Development of Negative Stance Markers from Nouns in Korean
Lunch Break
Venue: M1603
Invited Speaker: Sung-Ock Sohn (UCLA)
Stance Marking and Final Particles in Korean
Session Chair: Seongha Rhee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
Japanese & Korean — Nominalization, Ellipsis and Stance
Session Chair: Shoichi Iwasaki (UCLA)
Kaoru Horie, Joungmin Kim & Seongha Rhee
(Nagoya University, Kyungil University & Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Stand-alone Nominalizations in Japanese and Korean: Parallelism and divergences
Yuko Higashiizumi (Tokyo Gakugei University)
Ellipsis and Stance-taking in Japanese
Coffee Break
Sino-Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese Languages — Evidentiality & Attitude/Perspective-taking
Session Chair: Yang Gu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Wu Lan (Tohoku University, Japan)
A Contrastive Study of Reported Evidentials in Chinese and Japanese
Gegentana (Shanghai International Studies University)
Two Derived Particles of Possessive Pronouns as Attitudinal Stance Markers in Mongolian
David Bradley (La Trobe University, Melbourne)
Evidence and certainty in Lisu
Marco Caboara (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Nominalization, Mirativity and Insubordination in Classical Chinese
Workshop Dinner — Color Crystal Restaurant
Wednesday (5 September 2012)
Venue: M1603
Keynote Speaker: Seongha Rhee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
The Ground in the Mind: The polygrammaticalization of stance-marking functions
Session Chair: Kaoru Horie (Nagoya University)
Coffee Break
Austronesian Languages — Evidentiality
Session Chair: Picus DING (University of Hong Kong)
Marie Meili Yeh (National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan)
>From Cognition to Epistemic Modality and to Stance Marking: Semantic extension of ra:am 'know' in Saisiyat
Yu-Han Chao (National Hsinchu University of Education)
'Saying' the Evidence: On the evidential marker kosa'en in Saisiyat
Chia-Yen Lee & Loren Billings (National Chi Nan University, Taiwan)
Homophonous, Mostly Clitic Evidentials in Two Austronesian Subgroups
Jozsef Szakos (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Evidentiality in Traditional Saaroa Narratives
Lunch Break
Invited Speaker: Christian Matthiessen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Locating 'stance' in the Overall System of Language in Context
Session Chair: Gail Forey (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Stance in Philippine Languages
Session Chair: Marvin Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Michael Tanangkingsing (National Taipei University of Technology)
Emphasizer and Intensifier Particles in Cebuano
Lemuel Fontillas (De La Salle University/Bataan Peninsula State University)
Interrogatives as Stance Markers in Tagalog: Analysis of a late-night conversation between a bus driver and a conductor
Coffee Break
Stance in Indo-Aryan, Japanese & Korean Languages
Session Chair: Karen Grunow-Hårsta (Middlesex University, Dubai)
Abhishek Kumar (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
On Agreement Marking and Stance in Bajjika
Foong Ha Yap & Mizuho Tamaji (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
On the Development of 'say' Constructions as Evidential and Counterexpectation Markers in Japanese: An analysis of (i)tte, -to (i)tte, desu tte and nan desutte constructions
Stance in Media and Professional Discourse
Session Chair: Lan Li (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Ming Liu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Discourse Representation and Stance-taking: A comparative study of the representations of the issue of renminbi exchange rate in China Daily and The New York Times
Gail Forey (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Establishing a Position through the Use of Narratives in Service Encounters
Closing Remarks and Announcements
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3593
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