23.3597, Confs: Applied Linguistics/Belgium
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Tue Aug 28 15:52:54 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3597. Tue Aug 28 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.3597, Confs: Applied Linguistics/Belgium
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Xiyan Wang <xiyan at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 11:52:10
From: Lara Sanz [marialara.sanz.vicente at ehb.be]
Subject: Final Conference of the European Universities' Network on Multilingualism
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Final Conference of the European Universities' Network on Multilingualism
Short Title: EUNoM
Date: 18-Oct-2012 - 18-Oct-2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Contact: Lara Sanz
Contact Email: marialara.sanz.vicente at ehb.be
Meeting URL: http://taalkunde.ehb.be/eunom
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The Department of Applied Linguistics of Erasmushogeschool Brussel is organising the Final Conference of the European Universities' Network on Multilingualism (EUNoM): 'Globalization, Modernity and Knowledge. Opportunities and challenges in a Multilingual world'. The conference will be held at the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium) on 18th October 2012, and will be hosted by MEP Maria Badia i Cutchet (S&D, Spain).
The EUNoM project (European Universities Network on Multilingualism) is supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. It looks at multilingualism, not in isolation, but in the context of globalisation, the information society, and the knowledge economy.
If interested, please, register and submit your registration by clicking on the 'registration procedure' you will find on the conference website:
The deadline for registration is 9 September 2012. We urge you to strictly stick to the deadline, as we have to send your personal details to the European Parliament one month prior to the event to have your access badges prepared.
There will be NO registration fee and tea/coffee will be provided. Lunch at own expense in the European Parliament's canteen.
Opening, welcome addresses
Maria Badia, MEP, host of the event in the European Parliament
Wilhelmina Deridder, Director of the Department of Applied Linguistics, Erasmushogeschool Brussel, BE
Rita Temmerman, Centre for Special Language Studies (CVC) Erasmushogeschool Brussel, BE
Miquel Strubell, EUNoM project coordinator, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES
Panel (1st part): Outcomes derived from the five EUNoM symposia
1st EUNoM Symposium: 'Language teachers: training for a new paradigm' 7-8 Sep. 2010, Università di Udine (Friul, Italy)
Silvana Schiavi Fachin, Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo, Università di Udine, IT
2nd EUNoM Symposium: 'Higher education and research on multilingualism: challenge or opportunity?' 18-19 Nov. 2010, Fryske Akademy, Ljouwert/Leeuwarden (Fryslan, The Netherlands)
Alex Riemersma, Fryske Akademy, NL
3rd EUNoM Symposium: 'Managing multilingual and multiethnic societies and institutions' 20-21 June 2011, Univerza na Primorkem (Koper, Slovenia)
Lucija Čok, Univerza na Primorskem, SI
Coffee & tea
Panel (2nd part): Outcomes derived from the five EUNoM symposia
4th EUNoM Symposium: 'Multilingualism in the knowledge economy: labour markets revisited, and corporate social responsibility' 14-15 Nov. 2011, Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom)
Heidi Rontu, Aalto University, FI, and Eugene McKendry, Queen's University Belfast, UK
5th EUNoM Symposium: 'ICT, e-Learning and languages' 14-15 May 2012, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain)
Daniel Cunliffe, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK and Miquel Strubell, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES
General outcomes: Glyn Williams, Centre for European Research, UK
General discussion
Keynote speaker:
'How to become multilingual and stay healthy'
Piet van de Craen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
Coffee & tea
Keynote speaker:
'Societal multilingualism in a changing European Union: prospects and quandaries'
Jeroen Darquennes, Université de Namur, BE
Concluding remarks: Miquel Strubell, EUNoM project coordinator, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES
Information briefing on the European Parliament and visit to the plenary chamber (to be confirmed)
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3597
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