23.748, Calls: Psycholinguistics/UK
Tue Feb 14 18:34:53 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-748. Tue Feb 14 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.748, Calls: Psycholinguistics/UK
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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and donations from subscribers and publishers.
Editor for this issue: Alison Zaharee <alison at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 14-Feb-2012
From: Kerry Shields [kerry.l.shields at northumbria.ac.uk]
Subject: Embodied and Situated Language Processing 2012 Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 13:33:42
From: Kerry Shields [kerry.l.shields at northumbria.ac.uk]
Subject: Embodied and Situated Language Processing 2012 Conference
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Full Title: Embodied and Situated Language Processing 2012 Conference
Short Title: ESLP
Date: 28-Aug-2012 - 30-Aug-2012
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Kenny Coventry
Meeting Email: kenny.coventry at northumbria.ac.uk
Web Site: http://eslp.cocolab.org/
Linguistic Field(s): Psycholinguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2012
Meeting Description:
ESLP 2012 is the fifth event in a series founded in 2007. A first goal of the conference is to bring together researchers working on the interaction of language and visual/motor processing in embodied, situated, and language-for-action research traditions. A further focus is on uniting converging and complementary evidence from three different methods (behavioral, neuropsychological, and computational).
ESLP 2012 has a focus on embodiment in language learning. The extensive literature on embodied language processing is now in need of theories specifying how grounding takes place, and how and when grounding occurs in learning a language. How malleable are these non-linguistic system activations as a function of the task being conducted? How do these effects change over time? What role does grounding play in language evolution, and language learning in robots?
Keynote Speakers (confirmed so far):
Gerry Altmann, York University, UK
Bernard Hommel, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Jesse Snedecker, Harvard University, USA
ESLP 2012 website: http://eslp.cocolab.org/
Professor Kenny R. Coventry PhD CPsychol FBPsS
Director, Cognition and Communication Research Centre
School of Life Sciences
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Email: kenny.coventry at northumbria.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)191 243 7027
Fax: +44 (0)191 227 4515
Research Centre page: http://www.cocolab.org
Personal Webpage: http://www.kennycoventry.org
Call for Papers:
To submit an abstract for ESLP2012, please email eslp12submissions at cocolab.org. The subject of your message should be 'ESLP2012 submission'.
Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an abstract not exceeding 500 words in length (including references). Two versions of the abstract should be submitted; one with all the authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses listed after the title, and a second without the author names, affiliations email addresses (for blind review). Please also underline any authors' names who are doctoral students (as they are eligible for reduced fees for registration and for possible assistance with travel costs).
The file names for the two versions of the abstract should clearly indicate which has the author information (e.g. using 'WITH' in filename for the versions that contains that information).
The submission should be formatted as follows:
Author's names, affiliations, and email addresses (for abstract version 1 only), with doctoral student authors indicated through underlining)
Submission type (oral presentation only, poster presentation only, either)
Abstract (not more than 500 words including references)
We look forward to receiving your submission. All submissions will be acknowledged.
Submissions open 15 February and close 15 April.
Organising Committee:
Kenny Coventry (Chair), Larry Taylor and Paul Engelhardt, Cognition and Communication Research Centre, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne
Programme Committee:
Benjamin Bergen, University of California San Diego, USA; Anna Borghi, University of Bologna, Italy; Angelo Cangelosi, University of Plymouth, UK; Daniel Casasanto, New School for Social Research, New York, USA; Louise Connell, University of Manchester, UK; Seana Coulson, University of California San Diego, USA; Matt Crocker, Saarland University, Germany; Ewa Dabrowska, Northumbria University, UK; Stefan Frank, University College London, UK; Arthur Glenberg, Arizona State University, USA; Olaf Hauk, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK; Michael Kaschak, Florida State University, USA; David Kemmerer, Purdue University, USA; Pia Knoeferle, Bielefeld University, Germany; Michael Spivey, University of California Merced, USA; Marco Tettamanti, Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology, Milan, Italy; Gabriella Vigliocco, University College London, UK
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-748
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