23.864, Calls: Discipline of Linguistics/France
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Mon Feb 20 18:02:33 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-864. Mon Feb 20 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.864, Calls: Discipline of Linguistics/France
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 19-Feb-2012
From: Alejandro Díaz [rjc.ed268.2012 at gmail.com]
Subject: 15emes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs/Sciences du Langage
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:20:06
From: Alejandro Díaz [rjc.ed268.2012 at gmail.com]
Subject: 15emes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs/Sciences du Langage
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Full Title: 15emes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs/Sciences du Langage
Short Title: RJC 2012 - Ed 268
Date: 15-Jun-2012 - 16-Jun-2012
Location: Paris, France
Contact Person: Alejandro Díaz
Meeting Email: rjc.ed268.2012 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/jsp/fiche_actualite.jsp?CODE=80967071&LANGUE=0
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics
Call Deadline: 10-Mar-2012
Meeting Description:
At the Crossroads of Sciences: Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in the Language Sciences
Au Carrefour des Disciplines : Inter - et Transdisciplinarité dans les Sciences du Langage
Created in 1998, the Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC) of the Doctoral School « Langage et langues » (ED 268, Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3) is an opportunity for junior researchers preparing for a Master's degree or a Doctorate, but also for post-doctorates, to present their work in paper or poster sessions.
Since the second half of the 19th century, a process of fragmentation, both scientific and political, has contributed to build the existing research landscape. New academic disciplines became institutionalized, such as sociology or psychology, while the different areas of knowledge have been fractured into ever more specific fields. For some years, a feeling of 'identity crisis' (Bouvier, 2004) has spread in all disciplines, as reflected by the growing numbers of initiatives aimed at promoting collaboration or confrontation between different fields in order to account for all aspects of studied phenomena.
The language sciences appear to be emblematic of these interactions between different areas of knowledge. Indeed, analyzing linguistic phenomena requires combining different outlooks (study of sound, structure, meaning, etc.), as well as borrowing from other sciences (logic, anthropology, history, cognitive sciences, etc.).
Studying the relations between disciplines implies questioning their very notion, analyzing how a given 'discipline' comprises different subdivisions ('subdisciplines', 'components') and delimits them. To define a discipline within fixed bounds, it is necessary to draw upon epistemological criteria (definition of a topic, methodology, articulating coherent explanations, etc.), as well as social and historical criteria (institutionalization).
Subsequently, we have to define how disciplines can interact. In line with Frédéric Darbellay (2005) and Patrick Charaudeau (2010), we distinguish three types of interactions: 'multidisciplinarity', 'interdisciplinarity' and 'transdisciplinarity'. In a multidisciplinary approach, each field keeps its autonomy, its methods, and tools; it consists in a juxtaposition of viewpoints all bringing their own teachings on a given subject. An interdisciplinary approach strives to set up a dialogue between several disciplines about one topic, in order to establish proper connections between concepts, tools and interpretations. Lastly, a transdisciplinary approach transcends various sciences, achieving an integration of knowledge so that a sui generis discourse emerges with its own frame of thought.
Inter- and transdisciplinarity are not mere 'intellectual trends'. We should also consider them as being a precautionary principle, because they enable one to free himself from visions and divisions of academic work imposed by the disciplines. As Nicolas Freymond et al. state: forgetting that it is the outlook that creates the object keeps scientific practice within bounds bereft of any theoretical relevance. Therefore, drawing upon different fields and opinions from a critical standpoint appears to be necessary.
Call for Papers:
That is why the RJC 2012 invites participants to reflect upon the possible terms of exchanges (of concepts, methods, results, etc.) and comparisons between different fields, or even of their integration. We will pay particular attention to papers dealing with the following questions:
1. What is a 'discipline'? What are the relationships between 'disciplines' and 'knowledge'? How have the existing disciplines and subdisciplines been formed historically?
2. What were the socio-historical evolutions of the theory and practice of inter- and transdisciplinarity?
3. Is monodisciplinarity still possible in the language sciences?
4. What are the prospects offered by inter- and transdisciplinary approaches?
5. What are the limits and constraints of such approaches?
6. What bridges can be built between disciplines?
7. How do different fields see themselves with regards to trans- and interdisciplinarity?
8. How can interdisciplinarity be fostered within the research teams?
Deadline for submission: 10 March 2012
Proposals for oral presentations should be typed in Times New Roman 12, simple spacing, in the form of a summary of 1000 words (including references), and the proposals for posters as a summary of 500 words (including references). In the case of phonetic transcriptions, please use the font SILDoulos downloadable from our website.
Proposals should be sent to the Organising Committee by email (rjc.ed268.2012 at gmail.com) in duplicate .rtf format: the first will be named 'anon_nom-of-the-auteur_rjc2012.rtf' (e.g. 'anon_DUPONT_rjc2012.rtf') and will contain:
5 keywords or the discipline(s)
Type of presentation (oral or poster)
The second named 'name-of-the-auteur_rjc2012.rtf' (e.g. 'DUPONT_rjc2012.rtf') will contain the following information in addition to the above:
Contact information (name, email and postal address)
Affiliation (name of university, laboratory name)
Level of education (Masters/PhD/postdoc; specify the number of years for PhD)
Research director
Only one entry per person will be considered. Oral communications and posters will be in English or French.
The call duration is 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion.
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-864
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