23.308, Calls: Sign Language, General Linguistics/Poland
Tue Jan 17 17:08:47 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-308. Tue Jan 17 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.308, Calls: Sign Language, General Linguistics/Poland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: 16-Jan-2012
From: Pawel Rutkowski [p.rutkowski at uw.edu.pl]
Subject: Warsaw FEAST - SIGNGRAM COST Action Conference
-------------------------Message 1 ----------------------------------
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 12:08:00
From: Pawel Rutkowski [p.rutkowski at uw.edu.pl]
Subject: Warsaw FEAST - SIGNGRAM COST Action Conference
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Full Title: Warsaw FEAST - SIGNGRAM COST Action Conference
Short Title: FEAST 2012
Date: 01-Jun-2012 - 02-Jun-2012
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Contact Person: Pawel Rutkowski
Meeting Email: FEAST at uw.edu.pl
Web Site: http://www.plm.uw.edu.pl/FEAST.html
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Other Specialty: Sign Language
Call Deadline: 29-Jan-2012
Meeting Description:
Warsaw FEAST ('Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory') to be held in Warsaw, Poland, on June 1-2, will be organized within the framework of the SIGNGRAM COST Action ('Unraveling the Grammars of European Sign Languages: Pathways to Full Citizenship of Deaf Signers and to the Protection of their Linguistic Heritage').
The grammars of sign languages are as highly complex as the grammars of spoken languages and share with them many universal features, despite the difference in modality between spoken languages (which use the auditory channel) and sign languages (which use the visual channel). Yet, sign languages also differ from spoken languages in radical ways: morphological information in sign languages is often conveyed simultaneously by different articulators rather than linearly; moreover, certain aspects of their phonological, syntactic and semantic structures are not commonly found in spoken languages. These differences raise an interesting challenge both for formal linguistic and experimental research frameworks.
Warsaw FEAST is the second meeting for this conference (the first one was Venice FEAST in June, 2011). FEAST is becoming a regular forum to discuss formal approaches to sign language grammar (in particular in the generative tradition), experimental approaches to sign languages, and their interaction.
Keynote Speakers:
The following keynote speakers have confirmed their participation in Warsaw FEAST:
Christian Rathmann (University of Hamburg)
Ronnie Wilbur (Purdue University)
Bencie Woll (University College London)
Further Information:
Note that although there is no conference fee, all participants will be required to register via email. Persons interested in attending the conference without presenting a paper are also asked to register their name, affiliation, email and mailing addresses with us at FEAST at uw.edu.pl.
Further information concerning the venue, accommodation and travel may be found at the conference website:
Final Call for Papers:
The Section for Sign Linguistics of the University of Warsaw is pleased to invite abstracts for submission to Warsaw FEAST ('Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory'), a SIGNGRAM COST Action Conference.
NOTE: Due to numerous requests, the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to January 29, 2012.
Abstracts devoted to any aspect of formal or experimental research on sign language are invited for oral presentations (40 minutes long plus 10 minutes for discussion) as well as for a poster session. The poster session will be preceded by a special session in which each poster presenter will be allotted 5 minutes to introduce the topic of his/her poster.
Abstracts are not to exceed two pages (including tables, examples and references), 12-point font. They must be anonymous (with only a title) and sent in pdf format to:
FEAST at uw.edu.pl
In the body of the email, please include the following information:
1. Title of paper
2. Your name
3. Affiliation and address
4. Email address
5. Whether you wish your abstract to be considered for the main session or for the poster session (or both)
In the subject line of the email, please type: FEAST Abstract: YOUR_LAST_NAME.
Abstracts will be reviewed by an external panel and the reviewing process will be double-blind.
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission: January 29, 2012
Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 29, 2012
Warsaw FEAST conference: June 1-2, 2012
The official languages of the conference will be English and ASL. ASL/English interpretation will be provided. Additionally, all presentations will be interpreted into Polish Sign Language (PJM).
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-308
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