23.2739, Confs: Applied Ling, Computational Ling, General Ling, Translation/Belgium

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Thu Jun 14 18:33:42 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2739. Thu Jun 14 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.2739, Confs: Applied Ling, Computational Ling, General Ling, Translation/Belgium

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Xiyan Wang <xiyan at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:32:13
From: John Judge [jjudge at computing.dcu.ie]
Subject: META-FORUM 2012 - A Strategy for Multilingual Europe

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META-FORUM 2012 - A Strategy for Multilingual Europe 
Short Title: META-FORUM 

Date: 20-Jun-2012 - 21-Jun-2012 
Location: Brussels, Belgium 
Contact: John Judge 
Contact Email: jjudge at computing.dcu.ie 
Meeting URL: http://www.meta-forum.eu 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Translation 

Meeting Description: 

META-FORUM is an international conference on powerful technologies for the multilingual European information society. Organised by META-NET, a European Network of Excellence in Language Technologies, META-FORUM is now in its third year. For more information see: 

META-FORUM 2012: A Strategy for Multilingual Europe
June 20/21, Brussels, Belgium

Call for Participation:

What would Europe be without its languages? The rich multiculturalism of Europe is synonymous not just with its many peoples, but with the languages they speak. These languages are precious assets which, in the modern Information Society need to be preserved, promoted and enabled through Language Technologies.

Through a focused and concerted effort the META-NET initiative (http://www.meta-net.eu) is working to promote Language Technologies as a means to turn Europe's linguistic diversity into Europe's linguistic opportunity.

You are invited to learn more about this work, to become actively involved and to represent your business/industry's view at META-FORUM 2012: A Strategy for Multilingual Europe, June 20/21 2012 in Brussels, Belgium, http://www.meta-forum.eu.

Industry Exhibition - Last Remaining Spaces

The Industry Exhibition which will run concurrent with the main conference will feature presentations and demonstrations from large and small businesses working across the field of Language Technologies as well as showcasing recent R&D work carried out in EU-funded projects (a few slots are still available!).


The program includes presentations and panel discussions with representatives of Google, EFNIL, BBC, Airbus, several national language bodies (Germany, Malta, Estonia, Norway, Lithuania), the European Commission, among others. Research presentations give an overview of the current state of multilingual Language Technology in Europe. META-NET's open resource exchange facility META-SHARE and a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for multilingual Europe will be presented. The SRA for European LT will be of utmost importance in laying the foundation for the next decade of funding on the national and international level, especially with regard to the final stages of FP7 and the next Framework Programme starting in 2014.

Free Registration

Registration for META-FORUM 2012 is free, but online pre-registration at http://www.meta-net.eu/events/meta-forum-2012/registration is essential. If you wish to avail of one of the remaining slots at the industry exhibition please contact us.

Help shape the future of multilingual Europe at META-FORUM 2012. As Europeans, we must ask ourselves what would we be without our languages? Have your say at META-FORUM 2012: A Strategy for Multilingual Europe.

We're convinced that META-FORUM 2012 will mark a cornerstone both for Multilingual Europe and for the European LT landscape and we look forward to seeing you in Brussels! 

Day 1 - June 20th 2012

Opening Session
•Thibaut Kleiner (Member of the Cabinet of Neelie Kroes, Commissioner for the Digital Agenda and Vice-President of the European Commission, EC):
''Technological Challenges of the Multilingual European Society''

•Hans Uszkoreit (META-NET; DFKI, Germany):
''European Language Technology: Where do we stand - in a nutshell''
Session: Europe and its Languages - Joint session by META-NET and EFNIL (European Federation of National Institutions for Language)

•Opening - Algirdas Saudargas (MEP, Lithuania) (5 mins.)

•Introductory Talk
András Kornai (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest):
''Language Death in the Digital Age'' (10 mins.)

•Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark):
''The META-NET Language White Paper Series: Overview and Key Results'' (10 mins.)

•Panel with Representatives of the EFNIL Language Communities (50 mins.): 
Gerhard Stickel, Institute for the German Language, EFNIL President
Ray Fabri, National Council for the Maltese Language
Arvi Tavast, Institute of the Estonian Language
Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen, The Language Council of Norway
Algirdas Saudargas (MEP, Lithuania)
András Kornai (moderator; session chair)

Coffee break

Session: Industry and Innovation - Language Technology Made in Europe
Chair: Bernardo Magnini (FBK, Italy)

•Translation and Language Services: Serge Gladkoff (GALA Standards Director, GALA Board member; President, Logrus International Cooperation, Russia/USA)

•Text Analytics and Big Data: Tomás Pariente (Atos Research and Innovation, Spain)

•Machine Translation: Radu Soricut (Manager of Application Science & Engineering and Senior Research Scientist, SDL International, UK/USA)

•Future Media: George Wright (Head of the Internet Research & Future Services Team, BBC Research, UK)

•Controlled Language: Florence Beaujard (Head of Linguistics and Physiology Group, Airbus, France)

•Localization and Language Services: Lori Thicke (CEO, Lexcelera Localization, France)

•Discussion (15 mins.)

Lunch break

Session: Language Technologies for Europe 2020 - Joint session by META-NET and LT Innovate
Chair and Moderator: Roberto Cencioni (European Commission, Luxembourg)

•Joint opening:
Introduction and Presentation of Partnership. Georg Rehm (META-NET; DFKI, Germany) (10 mins.)
Presentation of LT Innovate. Jochen Hummel (LT Innovate; ESTeam, Sweden) (15 mins.)

•The META-NET Strategic Research Agenda: Overview, Preparation, Dissemination.
Hans Uszkoreit (META-NET; DFKI, Germany) (15 mins.)

•The SRA Research Priority Themes for Multilingual Europe 2020 (30 mins.)
Research Priority Theme 1: Translation Cloud - Andrejs Vasiljevs (Tilde, Latvia)
Research Priority Theme 2: Social Intelligence and eParticipation - Marko Grobelnik (Institut ''Jožef Stefan'', Slovenia)
Research Priority Theme 3: Socially Aware Interactive Assistants - Joseph Mariani (CNRS-LIMSI/IMMI, France)
The LT-Innovate Innovation Themes (35 mins.): iEnterprise, iHealth, iHelpers, iServices, iSkills. Moderator: Ruben Riestra (Senior Advisor, LT-Innovate)

•Discussion (15 mins.)

Coffee break

Session: LT Fireworks - Research, Innovation and Technology - META Prize and META Seal of Recognition Award Ceremony 
Moderators: Josef van Genabith (DCU and CNGL, Ireland) and Georg Rehm (DFKI, Germany)

•The winners of the META Prize and the META Seal of Recognition will be discussed and decided upon by the META Technology Council. The programme of this session will be announced at the conference.

Day 2 - June 21st 2012
Session: Plans for LT Research and Innovation on the European Level
Chair: Nicoletta Calzolari (CNR, Italy)

•Horizon 2020 and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF): Kimmo Rossi (Language Technologies & Machine Translation Unit, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission, Luxembourg) (20 mins.)

•Final 2012/2013 calls in FP7: Roberto Cencioni (Language Technologies & Machine Translation Unit, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission, Luxembourg) (20 mins.)

•Discussion, Q/A (20 mins.)

Coffee Break
Session: META-SHARE: An Open Resource Exchange Infrastructure
Chair: Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo, Norway)

•Overview, Current State, Towards Version 3 of META-SHARE. Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Greece) (15 mins.)

•The contribution of CESAR. Tamás Varadi (Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary) (10 mins.)

•The contribution of METANET4U. Antonio Branco (University of Lisbon, Portugal) (10 mins.)

•The contribution of META-NORD. Andrejs Vasiljevs (Tilde, Latvia) (10 mins.)

•META-SHARE in 2013 and beyond - Discussion, Q/A (15 mins.)

Lunch Break

Session: Plans for LT Research and Innovation in Member States and Regions
Chair and Moderator: Joseph Mariani (CNRS-LIMSI/IMMI, France)

•Short presentations (5-7 mins.) by representatives of national and regional funding agencies about national plans and international connections and synergies.

•Panel discussion on how to initiate and structure the cooperation between the member state or regional level and the European level with representatives of national and regional funding agencies: 

Bulgaria: Diana Popova, Senior expert, Science Directorate, Ministry of Education, Youth and Science

Czech Republic: Karel Oliva, member of the Council of Research, Development and Innovations of the Czech Republic, head of the Institute of the Czech Language of the Czech Academy of Sciences

France: Edouard Geoffrois, Ministry of Defense and French National Research Agency

Hungary: Károly Gruber, Hungarian Embassador to Brussels (tbc) 

The Netherlands: Catia Cucchiarini, De Nederlandse Taalunie

Slovenia: Simona Bergoč, Department for Slovene Language, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport

Additional participants to be announced

Joseph Mariani (moderator; session chair)

Coffee Break

Keynote Lecture: Fernando Pereira (Google Inc.): ''Low-Pass Semantics''

Closing Session: Next Steps and Future Plans

Satellite events: 
•META Exhibition: expo with exhibits, booths and stands from research and industry. Running concurrently with META-FORUM 2012 in the Gallery and in room Adolphe Max (opposite the registration desk).

•Inter-service group on Language Technology meeting (organised by the EC).

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2739	

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