23.1265, Sum: Translations of ''Tax the Rich''
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Tue Mar 13 15:54:19 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-1265. Tue Mar 13 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.1265, Sum: Translations of ''Tax the Rich''
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Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 11:54:06
From: Philip Bralich [pbralich at earthlink.net]
Subject: Translations of ''Tax the Rich''
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I got about a dozen emails on the query. Here is the summary. More
are welcome.
''¡Cobren/Cobrar a los ricos!'' (depending on dialect), ''Gravar a los
ricos'' and ''Impuesto a los ricos''.
In Russian this will be ''ешь богатых''. Informally, of course.
Regarding your translation request, here is a Russian translation:
''обложите богатых налогом'' in Cyrillic,
''oblozhite bogatyx nalogom'' in transliteration. Do you need a gloss for
''Tax the rich'' in Swedish =
Beskatta de rika
Beskatta de förmögna
Beskatta höginkomsttagare
Beskatta de besuttna
Taxera de rika
Taxera höginkomsttagare
1. ''az servatmand maliyat begeer''
2. :az pool dar maliyat begeer''
Servatnand= the rich
maliyat= tax
az= from
begeer= take (infinitive= gereftan=to take)
I hope it helps
Native speaker of Italian here. You intend this as an invitation/order, I
guess? as in ''let's tax the rich!''
Then I'd go with ''tassiamo i ricchi!'', which is literally ''we tax the rich
The phrase, as short as it may be, can have several German
translations, depending on the setting that it is to appear in. I include a
brief explanation for each translation below:
1. Besteuert die Reichen!
This phrase is an informal direct command to several persons. This
would be the correct phrase to use in a direct communication with
several persons addressed informally. Alternatively, this phrase can be
used as a claim on canvases to be displayed to such people.
2. Reiche besteuern!
This phrase would be suitable for large banners at a rally. It reduces
the claim to a minimum without addressing a person directly. It can
therefore be used formally or informally but would not be suitable for
addressing a person directly.
3. Besteuern Sie die Reichen!
This phrase is a formal direct command to one or several people in
formal address. This would be the correct phrase to use in a direct
communication with a person addressed formally.
Besteuere die Reichen!
This phrase is an informal direct command to one person. This would
be the correct phrase to use in a direct communication with a single
person addressed informally
In Greek, this is: Φορολογήστε τους πλουσίους!
BULGARIAN: Oblozhete s danatsi bogatite = Обложете с данъци
Tax the rich:
Could be translated in Spanish as (depending on context):
Tasar a los ricos
Tasar la riqueza
Poner impuestos a los ricos
Poner impuestos sobre la riqueza
Impuestos sobre la renta
If I undertand correctly, you are looking for equivalents to the expresion
''graven a los ricos''.
A Venezuelan could say:
''Póngales impuestos a los ricos'', ''métanles impuestos a los ricos'',
''que paguen impuestos los ricos'', ''que se bajen de la mula los ricos
con los impuestos'', ''Que suelten la plata de los impuestos los ricos''.
most appropriate German translation is
''die Reichen besteuern''
Swedish: Beskatta dom rika
More are welcome and thanks very much.
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
Linguistic Field(s): Translation
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