23.1565, Calls: Socioling, Language Acquisition, Psycholing, Translation/Finland
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Wed Mar 28 15:19:57 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-1565. Wed Mar 28 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.1565, Calls: Socioling, Language Acquisition, Psycholing, Translation/Finland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:18:54
From: Leena Kolehmainen [leena.kolehmainen at uef.fi]
Subject: CROSSLING Symposium: Language Contacts at the Crossroads of Disciplines
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Full Title: CROSSLING Symposium: Language Contacts at the Crossroads of Disciplines
Short Title: CROSSLING
Date: 28-Feb-2013 - 01-Mar-2013
Location: Joensuu, Finland
Contact Person: Leena Kolehmainen
Meeting Email: crossling at uef.fi
Web Site: https://wiki.uef.fi/display/CROSSLING/CROSSLING+Symposium+2013
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics; Translation
Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2012
Meeting Description:
CROSSLING Symposium: Language Contacts at the Crossroads of Disciplines
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
February 28-March 1, 2013
The goal of this symposium is to bring together scholars working on language contact, cross-linguistic influence or contact-induced change and variation within different disciplines. The symposium aims to promote cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological discussion in the study of language contact and strives for genuine discussion and cross-pollination between various disciplines and research traditions, their theories, methods, and data, and between researchers of different languages.
The invited speakers of the symposium are:
Gaëtanelle Gilquin (Université catholique de Louvain)
Svenja Kranich & Viktor Becher (Universität Hamburg)
Anna Verschik (Tallinna Ülikool)
The participation fee is 50 euros or 30 euros (students and PhD students).
The symposium is organized by CROSSLING, a young cross-disciplinary research network set up at the University of Eastern Finland. The network has received funding from the Kone foundation (http://www.koneensaatio.fi/en/). The researchers of CROSSLING combine different areas of research which deal with language contact: contact linguistics, second language acquisition research and translation studies, and they work with different languages and language pairs. For further information, see https://wiki.uef.fi/display/CROSSLING/CROSSLING.
The CROSSLING Organizing Team:
Helka Riionheimo (chair), Minna Haapio, Sanna Hillberg, Franka Kermer, Maria Kok, Leena Kolehmainen, Minna Kumpulainen, Marjatta Lehtinen, Lea Meriläinen, Pirkko Muikku-Werner, Heli Paulasto, Esa Penttilä &Laura Piironen
For all correspondence concerning the symposium, please contact crossling at uef.fi.
Call for Papers:
We welcome contributions focusing on language contact, SLA, translation studies and other possible areas of research and welcome scholars who wish to acquire novel cross-linguistic, cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary and cross-methodological impulses for their own research. We would like to encourage scholars working on different languages and language pairs to give presentations. The focus may lie on linguistic data as well as on theoretical issues.
Possible topics for talks include (but are not restricted to) the following:
- Language contact and language attrition
- Multiple causes of language change and variation: interaction between contact-induced and language-internal developments
- Connections between contact linguistics and SLA
- Receptive multilingualism
- Cross-linguistic influence in heritage language acquisition
- Cross-linguistic influence in translation: evidence from corpora, process research or history of translation
- Interfaces between translation studies and contact linguistics: translation as a type of language contact
- Possible parallels and interfaces between learner universals, language universals and translation universals
The working language of the symposium is English.
Abstract Submission:
Please send your abstract (500 words maximum, excluding possible references) for either a section paper or a poster presentation to crossling at uef.fi by 1 October 2012. Abstracts will be evaluated by the members of the organizing team. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 1 November 2012. The book of abstracts will be published on the web pages of the symposium.
The abstracts should include the following information:
Name(s) of the author(s)
Title of presentation
Email address(es)
Indication of whether you propose a section paper or a poster
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