23.2096, Calls: General Linguistics/ Lingvistik' (Jrnl)

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Tue May 1 15:20:53 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2096. Tue May 01 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.2096, Calls: General Linguistics/ Lingvistik' (Jrnl)

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Brent Miller <brent at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Tue, 01 May 2012 11:20:45
From: Roberto Pigro [revuo.lingvistik at gmail.com]
Subject: Lingvistik'

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Full Title: Lingvistik' 

Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2012 

Lingvistik' is an internet journal supported by the International University of 
Karlovo (Bulgaria), with a review group of linguists whose occupations cover 
all the recognised academic fields of linguistics. Its specialty is that articles 
will be presented in the mother tongue of each author and will simultaneously 
appear in translation to the international language Esperanto. The first number 
will be that of the year 2012, and articles for it are now being sought. 
Subjects could be sociolinguistics, language policy, studies on defined 
aspects of language, study of dialects, interlinguistics, language interference, 
generative grammar, psycholinguistics, language teaching, etc. This list only 
aims to give examples, not to limit the scope of articles. All of the following 
would be equally appropriate: articles on theoretical research, case studies, 
applied linguistics studies, summaries of the state of the science in defined 
areas of linguistics. Authors are asked to write in their own language. Where 
needed the editors will help in producing the Esperanto version. We will be 
responsible for an anonymous review of the articles by at least two members 
of the science committee with external consultants where needed, for editing 
and for publishing. The deadline for the 2012 journal will be the end of 
September 2012. 

Guidelines for writing the articles:

The articles will be published in .pdf format, but please send them - in two 
versions, one of which necessarily anonymous - in the format .doc (Word 
2003) with the following layout: 


Above/below: 5.5 cm
Right/left: 4.5 cm
Space between lines: 1.5 cm
Space in the first line of the first page: 1 cm
Font for the text: Times New Roman 12 for the alphabets where this is 
possible. A similar font, to be attached, for other alphabets. 

The first line will have the title of the article in size 14. The name of the 
author will follow, in size 12 (except in the anonymous version). Both the title 
and the author name will be justified left. There is to be a short abstract of the 
article (around 100 words) in the original language and in at least another one 
(Esperanto, English, French, Spanish, Portoguese, Greek, Russian or Italian). 
Possible citations should be in italics or similar. At the end of the article, right 
justified, will be - in only one of the two versions - the name of the author, his 
affiliation if available, and e-mail address. Following will be the references, 
which can be written according to the normal criteria in the author's faculty. 
Footnotes are to be at the bottom of each page. Editing for the Esperanto 
version will follow the rules in http://www.esperanto.be/fel/mon/mon_konv. 
Php ,adapting where necessary.

For any problems relating to fonts, table, illustrations etc. please contact the 
editors at revuo.lingvistik at gmail.com.

For further information please visit the website at 
http://www.lingvistik.weebly.com or write to revuo.lingvistik at gmail.com.

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2096	

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