23.2115, Calls: General Linguistics/ Revista Virtual do Estudo da Linguagem (Jrnl)
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Wed May 2 14:44:20 UTC 2012
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2115. Wed May 02 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 23.2115, Calls: General Linguistics/ Revista Virtual do Estudo da Linguagem (Jrnl)
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 10:44:15
From: Gabriel Othero [editors.revel at gmail.com]
Subject: Revista Virtual do Estudo da Linguagem
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Full Title: Revista Virtual do Estudo da Linguagem
Call Deadline: 05-Jun-2012
Call for Papers
Revista Virtual do Estudo da Lingagem (ReVEL)
ISSN 1678-8931
Volume 10, Number 19
Topic of the Issue:
Sign Language Studies
June 05th, 2012
Sending the Article:
Send your article by e-mail as a MS Word file (.doc) with all the proper
specifications to editors.revel at gmail.com.
Be aware of the reception dates of the papers for each issue of the journal
and also make sure your paper is accordingly to the theme of the edition.
Instructions to Authors
The articles sent to ReVEL will pass through the examination of two
members of the Editorial Board of the journal. The article must be approved
by both members on the blind-peer-review in order to be published.
The articles must be original, unpublished and cannot contain any kind of
offense or prejudice to other people as well as to other ideologies. Also, they
cannot be sent simultaneously to other journals. In addition, the articles must
be accordingly to the specific area of the issue of the ReVEL they are sent
to. The content of the articles is of all responsibility of their respective
When sending the papers to ReVEL, the author(s) agree(s) that all copyrights
referring to the papers are granted to Revista Virtual de Estudos da
Linguagem - ReVEL.
For sending her/his/their article to the journal the author(s) must respect all
the specifications above.
We will accept only papers to be published as articles. Book reviews and
interviews published in each issue of the journal are organized by the
members of the Editorial Board of ReVEL.
Technical Information:
The articles must
present bibliographical information
have an ABSTRACT, in English (check out for more details about the
abstract on the template document with instructions below)
be in MS Word format (.doc)
have 10 (ten) to 35 (thirty-five) pages
be written in Portuguese, in Spanish or in English
present the following configuration: Font: Times New Roman, size 12; Space:
1.5 cm between lines and paragraphs; Margins: justified (aligned on the left
as well on the right side); Paper A4; Margins and borders: 2.5 cm
Download the template for submitting the articles HERE.
On the first page of the article, the following items should be presented
Title (font Times New Roman, size 12)
Author's full name
Author's e-mail address
Author's affiliation
All the bibliographical information must be listed in alphabetical order and
presented according to the following model:
LAST NAME, Name of the author. Title in italics. City: Publishing company,
BORSLEY, Robert. Syntactic theory: a unified approach. London: Oxford
University Press, 1999.
Chapter in Book:
LAST NAME, Name of the author. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME,
Name of the author. Title of the book in italics. City: Publishing company,
COULSON, Mark. Anaphoric reference. In: GREENE, Judith; COULSON,
Mark. Language understanding: current issues. Buckingham: Open University
Press, 1996.
Journal Article:
LAST NAME, Name of the author. Title of the article. Name of the journal in
italics, Vol. X, number X, date.
FRAURUD, Kari. Definiteness and the processing of NPs in natural
discourse. Journal of Semantics, 7, 1990.
Sending Your Article:
Send your article by e-mail as a MS Word file (.doc) with all the specifications
mentioned above to our e-mail address: editores.revel at gmail.com
For more information on how to submit a paper, visit ReVEL's web page:
LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2115
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