23.2468, Confs: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling/Italy

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Wed May 23 18:43:59 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2468. Wed May 23 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.2468, Confs: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling/Italy

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 14:43:10
From: Francesca Zunino [francesca.zunino at hotmail.it]
Subject: Ecolinguistics: Communicating the Environment and the Landscape

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Ecolinguistics: Communicating the Environment and the Landscape 

Date: 26-Jun-2012 - 28-Jun-2012 
Location: Asti, Italy 
Contact: Francesca Zunino 
Contact Email: francesca.zunino at hotmail.it; ufficio.studenti at uni-astiss.it 

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Discourse Analysis 

Meeting Description: 

1st International Conference on Ecolinguistics: 'Communicating the Environment and the Landscape. Words, Images, Languages and Discourses of Nature and Culture.'

The Conference is the first of its kind, and it is directed to academics, researchers, students, professionals and to everyone interested in applied linguistics, environmental issues and the globalization of communication on ecological matters. We are inviting everyone who wishes to participate as an active member of the audience and/or as a participant of one or more round tables, which are scheduled after each morning and afternoon session.
The Conference's main aims are to stimulate an active and productive link with many of the neighbouring areas of research in the disciplines of natural and cultural studies  under the Ecolinguistics macro-ideal (such as linguistics, metaphor studies, cinema and television studies, cultural anthropology, literature and gender studies, tourism and sustainable landscape promotion), to join forces between the international academia and the associations that deal with ecological practices on the territory, and to open up a local, national and international discussion on the present state of the art and on the future challenges for this innovative, multidisciplinary and necessary area of investigation.
The symposium is sponsored by several organizations and associations such as the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the Language and Ecology Forum (www.ecoling.net), the Happy Degrowth Movement-Italian Section, the Landscape Observatory for the Asti Territory, the Club UNESCO Asti Section, the Italian Forum of the Movements for the Land and the Landscape, WWF Italy, Legambiente Italy, among others.
The attendance is free and welcome (also as official participants to the round tables at the end of each session - please refer to programme).

Please email for information, attendance, transport and accommodation details, bilingual abstracts summaries document and essays book. 

Programma / Programme:

I Giornata, Martedì 26 giugno: La Comunicazione Ecologica
I Day, Tuesday 26 June: Ecological Communication

8.45 am
Apertura dei Lavori / Opening of the Conference
Saluti di benvenuto / Welcome greetings 

Arte e Ambiente: Presentazione ed Inaugurazione della Mostra di Pittura ''I Decolonizzatori dell'Immaginario'', a cura di Cinzia Caramagna
Art and the Environment: Presentation and Opening of the Exhibition of Paintings ''The Decolonizers of the Imaginary'', curated by Cinzia Caramagna

Con la partecipazione degli artisti: Gabriella Arduino, Carlo Barbero, Francesco Capello, Toni Onida, Magda Tardon, Elisabetta Viarengo Miniotti
With the artists: Gabriella Arduino, Carlo Barbero, Francesco Capello, Toni Onida, Magda Tardon, Elisabetta Viarengo Miniotti

Sessione del Mattino / Morning Session                           
Parole e Linguaggi/ Words and Languages

Introduzione alla Linguistica Ecologica: Gli Elementi Ecologici e Non Ecologici nella Lingua e nel Discorso
Introduction to Ecological Linguistics: Ecological and Unecological Elements in Language and Discourse
Alwin Fill, Graz University, Austria

Pausa/ Break

L'Ecolinguistica e l'Educazione Ambientale
Ecolinguistics and Environmental Education
Arran Stibbe, University of Gloucestershire at Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Greenspeak, Green Marketing, Greenwash. I Processi del ''Verde'' nell'Attuale Comunicazione di Massa
Greenspeak, Green Marketing, Greenwash. Greening Processes in Today's Mass Communication
Francesca Zunino, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

Tavola Rotonda/ Round Table
What Types of Power and Instruments does the Global Citizen have to Critically Understand the Often Pseudo-Ecological Discourse of Mass Communication?

Chair: Andrea Pirni (Università di Genova)

Paolo Parra Saiani (Università di Genova)
Marco Cipolloni (Università di Modena e R. Emilia)
Roberto Cavallo (Cooperativa E.R.I.C.A, Alba)
Elena Gagliasso (Università La Sapienza, Roma)
Alwin Fill, Arran Stibbe, Francesca Zunino

1.00-3.00 pm
Pausa / Break

Sessione Pomeridiana / Afternoon Session                                          
Le Immagini / Images 

 Ambiente: le Genealogie di una Metafora Costitutiva
The Environment: Genealogies of a Constitutive Metaphor
Elena Gagliasso, Università La Sapienza, Roma

Il Cinema e la Diffusione delle Tematiche Ambientali
Cinema and the Diffusion of Environmental Matters
Marco Cipolloni, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Pausa/ Break

La Comunicazione Ambientale e la Televisione: Opportunità Presenti e Future
Environmental Communication and Television: Present and Future Opportunities
Beppe Rovera, Ambiente Italia, Rai 3

Rispondere alla Crisi. Il Ruolo dell'Arte e della Comunicazione Visiva per Preparare alla Transizione dalla Società Industriale alla Società Ecologica
Responding to Crisis: the Role of Art and Visual Communication in Preparing for Transition from Industrial Society to Ecological Society
Arran Stibbe, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Tavola Rotonda/ Round Table
What Roles Can Art and Images Have to Constructively Communicate Environmental Issues and Create Ecological Awareness among Citizens-Audience?

Chair: Beppe Rovera.
Participants: Elena Gagliasso, Marco Cipolloni, Arran  Stibbe, Cinzia Caramagna (Associazione Le Muse), the artists Gabriella Arduino, Carla Barbero,  Francesco Capello, Toni Onida,  Elisabetta Viarengo Miniotti

6.00 pm 
Chiusura dei Lavori della Prima Giornata / End of the First Day

II Giornata, Mercoledì 27 Giugno: Discorsi, Paesaggi, Ambiente
II Day, Wednesday 27 June: Discourses, Landscapes, Environment

9.30 am 
Sessione del Mattino/ Morning Session  
Storia e Memoria / History and Memory

Rappresentazioni dell'Ambiente e del Territorio Astigiano nei Testi Medievali
Representations of the Environment and of  the Territory of Asti in Medieval Texts
Ezio Claudio Pia, Università di Torino; Centro Studi ''Renato Bordone'', Asti

Ci Sarà una Memoria per l'Avvenire: il Progetto ''Granai della Memoria''
There Will be a Memory for the Coming Years: the ''Memory Barns'' Project
Pier Carlo Grimaldi, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche, Pollenzo

Pausa/ Break

I Discorsi dei Monumenti Verdi: le Testimonianze delle Vicende Sociali ed Ecologiche del Paesaggio attraverso i Giardini, i Parchi Storici, i Vigneti
Discourses of the Green Monuments: Witnessing the Landscape's Social and Ecological Events through Gardens, Historical Parks, Vineyards
Marco De Vecchi, Università di Torino; Osservatorio del Paesaggio per il Monferrato e l'Astigiano

La Poetica e la Politica dei Giardini nel Paesaggio Inglese e Nordamericano
Poetics and Politics of Gardens in the British and North American Landscape
Shelley Saguaro, Università del Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Gran Bretagna

Tavola Rotonda/  Round Table
Is it Possible to Re-establish a Sustainable Balance of the Territory and the Landscape between Memory and the Future?

Chair: Laurana Lajolo (Associazione Davide Lajolo; Festival of the Agricultural Landscape)
Participants: Ezio Claudio Pia, Pier Carlo Grimaldi, Marco De Vecchi, Shelley Saguaro, Elena Gagliasso, Marco Cipolloni, Alwin Fill

Pausa / Break

3 pm
Sessione Pomeridian/ Afternoon Session        
Letteratura: Narrativa e Poesia / Literature: Narrative and Poetry

Le Parole e i Sentimenti del Paesaggio di Pavese, Fenoglio e Lajolo: ''Terra di Scrittori'' (proiezione video e commento)
Words and Feelings on the Landscape in Pavese, Fenoglio and Lajolo: ''Land of Writers'' (video and comment)
Laurana Lajolo, Associazione Davide Lajolo; Festival of the Agricultural Landscape, Asti-Vinchio

Narrativa, Identità e Paesaggi nella Poesia Britannica Contemporanea
Narrative, Identity and Landscape Places in Contemporary British Poetry
Kate North, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff,Wales,United Kingdom

Una Camminata per Ritrovare il Nostro Lato Selvatico. Dai Boschi del Maine di Henry David Thoreau ai Luoghi Selvaggi di Oggi: la Natura-Cultura nella Narrativa Nordamericana
Walking to Find the Wild Side: from HD Thoreau's Maine Woods to Contemporary Wild Places: Nature-Culture in North American Narrative
Shelley Saguaro, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Chiusura dei Lavori della Seconda Giornata / End of the Second Day

III Giornata, Giovedì 28 Giugno: Territorio, Turismo e Pratiche di Natura e Cultura
III Day, Thursday 28 June: Territory, Tourism and Practices of Nature and Culture

9.30 am
Sessione del Mattino/ Morning Session  
Turismo e Diffusione: Teorie e Pratiche / Tourism and Diffusion: Theories and Pratices

Il Turismo di Cultura ed Ambiente.
Cultural and Environmental Tourism.
Enrico Ercole, Università del Piemonte Orientale

 Il Progetto ''Cultus Loci Cura Animi'': la Valorizzazione Culturale e Turistica del microsistema territoriale tra Passerano e Vezzolano
 The ''Cultus Loci Cura Animi'' Project: Cultural and Touristic Valorization of the Territorial Microsystem between the villages of Passerano and Vezzolano
Dario Rei, Università di Torino, e Associazione Frutteto della Canonica di Vezzolano

Pausa / Break

Tavola Rotonda / Round Table
Virtuous Local Practices of Nature and Culture Diffusion: Examples and Accounts

Chair: Paolo Bogliolo (Asti Studi Superiori-Asti Higher Studies)

Sara Vazzola e Fabio Viarengo (WWF Asti-Centro di Educazione Ambientale Villa Paolina)
Cinzia Caramagna (Associazione Le Muse, Passerano Marmorito)
Roberto Cavallo (Cooperativa E.R.I.C.A, Alba)
Lorenzo Vallarino Gancia e Patrizia Cirio (Presidente Associazione Canelli Domani)
Giovanni Scaglione (Forteto della Luja, Loazzolo)

1.00-3.00 pm
Pausa / Break

La Prassi Lavorativa ed il Bricolage come Attività di Comunicazione Ecologica
The Praxis of Work and of DIY as an Ecological Communication Activity
Gian Luigi Bravo, Università di Torino

Usi Innovativi delle Nuove Applicazioni Tecnologiche: il Progetto per il Turismo Letterario-Ambientale  nella Baia di Cardiff, Galles
Innovative Uses of the New Mobile Technology Applications: the Project for a Literary and Environmental Tourism in Cardiff Bay, Wales
Kate North, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I luoghi, il dialogo natura-cultura e i ''Quaderni di Muscandia''. Una storia astigiana
Places, the Nature-Culture Dialogue and the ''Notebooks of Muscandia'': a Story from Asti
Franco Correggia, Associazione Terra, Boschi, Gente e Memorie, Asti

Tavola Rotonda / Round Table. 
Present  and Future of Natural and Cultural Tourism

Chair: Enrico Ercole
Participants: Dario Rei, Gian Luigi Bravo, Kate North, Franco Correggia, Roberto Cavallo.

Considerazioni Finali/ Final Considerations: Alwin Fill & Francesca Zunino

Ringraziamenti e Chiusura dei Lavori del Convegno / Greetings and Closing of the Conference: Francesco Scalfari & Francesca Zunino

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-2468	

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