24.4878, Calls: Ling Theories, Language Acq, Neuroling, Psycholing, Semantics, Syntax/Israel

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Mon Dec 2 18:32:51 UTC 2013

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-4878. Mon Dec 02 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 24.4878, Calls: Ling Theories, Language Acq, Neuroling, Psycholing, Semantics, Syntax/Israel

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 13:32:35
From: Gabi Danon [gabidanon at gmail.com]
Subject: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics: 30th Annual Meeting

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Full Title: Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics: 30th Annual Meeting 
Short Title: IATL 30 

Date: 20-Oct-2014 - 21-Oct-2014
Location: Beer Sheva, Israel 
Contact Person: Gabi Danon
Meeting Email: gabidanon at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=406 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Linguistic Theories; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Semantics; Syntax 

Call Deadline: 28-Feb-2014 

Meeting Description:

IATL 30, the 30th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics, will be held at Ben Gurion University on October 20-21, 2014. We are interested in research which tests theories of language in general, including traditional areas of theoretical linguistics and also experimental areas such as psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and language acquisition.

Invited Speakers:

Rajesh Bhatt (UMass, Amherst)
Ora Matushansky (Utrecht)

Call for Papers:

The 30th Annual Meeting
Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics
October 20-21, 2014
Ben Gurion University, Israel

General Session:

Submissions are invited for 30 minute presentations of previously unpublished research in all areas of theoretical linguistics.

Thematic Session - Predication and Modification:

Submissions are invited for papers presenting previously unpublished research on all topics related to the syntax and semantics of predication and modification. Predication is traditionally defined as a relation between a subject and predicate. The syntax and semantics literature on the topic of predication debates the structure and interpretation of verbal and non-verbal predication, and its constituent elements - the subject, the predicate, and the existence of a syntactic category that relates the two. In contrast, modification is an optional relation between any constituent and a modifier, but the characterization of a given relationship as predicational or modificational is not always self-evident. 

Some questions of theoretical interest are: Is there a fixed set of structural configurations (or even a single one) in which predication must be realized? What types of predications are purely semantic and what types require a syntactic substrate? Under what conditions can modifiers be intersective or nonintersective? Is there a derivational relation between attributive and predicative modifiers? What are the distinctions between secondary predicates and adverbials and how are these represented? Is the individual-level / stage-level distinction purely semantic in nature, or is it represented in the syntax? We invite papers on these and related topics.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts should be no longer than two pages, including examples and references. Page format: A4, 2,54cm (one inch) margins on all sides, 12-point font, single line spacing. Submissions are restricted to at most one single-authored and one co-authored abstract.

Please submit abstracts to the IATL EasyChair site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iatl30.

Please register at the site as an author, and when you receive a password, you can enter the site and submit your abstract. The abstract should be submitted in PDF format through the 'Upload Paper' section near the bottom of the page. (Note: Higher up on the page, in the 'Title and Abstract' section, there is a box for a plain-text abstract. Since we do not require a shorter abstract, you may simply retype the title of the paper in the abstract box.)

Important Dates:

February 28, 2014: Abstract submission deadline
May 1, 2014: Notification of acceptance to authors
October 20-21, 2014: IATL 30 Conference

IATL 30 web site: http://www.iatl.org.il/?page_id=406

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-4878	
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