24.5040, Calls: Language Acquisition, Linguistic Theories/Portugal

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Tue Dec 10 18:09:40 UTC 2013

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-5040. Tue Dec 10 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 24.5040, Calls: Language Acquisition, Linguistic Theories/Portugal

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Bryn Hauk <bryn at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 13:09:27
From: Silvana Abalada [silvanaabalada at gmail.com]
Subject: International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014

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Full Title: International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 
Short Title: ICLAYR 2014 

Date: 27-Jun-2014 - 27-Jun-2014
Location: Lisbon, Portugal 
Contact Person: Silvana Abalada
Meeting Email: iclayr.pt at gmail.com
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/iclayrpt/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Linguistic Theories 

Call Deadline: 17-Jan-2014 

Meeting Description:

The International Conference on Language Acquisition for Young Researchers 2014 (ICLAYR 2014) will be held at the Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL) / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL), at June 27, 2014.

ICLAYR 2014 is the first edition of a graduate student international conference and it is organized by graduate students working on language acquisition at FLUL and CLUL.

The conference covers research on the fields of first and second language acquisition, heritage language acquisition, monolingual and bilingual acquisition, and typical and atypical acquisition of any language within a generative framework. In addition, the conference also covers work on processing.

2nd Call for Papers:

The organizers of ICLAYR 2014 invite proposals in English for talks and/or posters from graduate student researchers at any level of graduate study. All proposals must be original (i.e., unpublished work) and submissions based on pilot studies, pre-dissertation studies, or work-in-progress projects will be considered on a pair with completed projects.

Talks will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute discussion period, and poster presentations will be displayed at an hour-long session, during which authors will stand by their posters to discuss their work. Please indicate in your submission whether you want your abstract to be considered for a talk, for a poster, or for both. At most one single-authored and one joint abstract (or two joint abstracts) per author will be considered.

The conference will focus on first and second language acquisition, heritage language acquisition, monolingual and bilingual acquisition, and typical and atypical acquisition in any language within a generative framework. In addition, the conference also covers work on processing.

Submission Guidelines:

All abstracts should be written in English and should be submitted until January 17, 2014, via email to iclayr.pt at gmail.com (only email submission is accepted), following the format specifications above.

In the body of the email message, please include the following information:

1. Title
2. Author(s)
3. Affiliation(s)
4. Email address(es)
5. Mode of Presentation: talk or poster, talk only, poster only.

As an attachment, please include two versions of the abstract: one .pdf file and one .doc file.
The abstract may not exceed two pages, with the following text formatting: A4, with 2.5 cm margins, spacing 1.5, Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, title in bold and centered. Figures, examples and references should be included in the two pages.

Neither the author(s) name(s) nor institution(s)’s name(s) should appear in the abstract.

The work language of the conference will be English.

The notification of acceptance will be sent by March 28, 2014.

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-5040	

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