24.5053, Support: Portuguese, Anthropological Ling, Socioling, Disc Analysis/Luxembourg

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Wed Dec 11 15:12:57 UTC 2013

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-5053. Wed Dec 11 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 24.5053, Support: Portuguese, Anthropological Ling, Socioling, Disc Analysis/Luxembourg

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Uliana Kazagasheva <uliana at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 10:12:04
From: Kasper Juffermans [kasper.juffermans at uni.lu]
Subject: PhD Student, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

E-mail this message to a friend:
 Institution/Organization: University of Luxembourg 
Department: Education and Learning (working title) 
Web Address: http://wwwen.uni.lu/flshase 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research,Project Work
Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Sociolinguistics 
Required Language(s): English (eng)
                      French (fra) 
                      German (deu) 
                      Portuguese (por) 


The University of Luxembourg invites applications for the following position within its Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education:

Doctoral candidate in Sociolinguistics
3+1 year fixed-term contract, 40h/week
Student and employee status

The candidate will be a member of the new research unit of Education and Learning (working title) and will be attached as a full-time doctoral candidate to the FNR-funded project "Sociolinguistic trajectories and repertoires: Luso-Luxo-African identifications, interactions and imaginations" (C13/CS/5714195/STAR/Juffermans). Framed as a contribution to the sociolinguistics of globalisation, the STAR project ethnographically studies movement and mobility as sociolinguistic phenomena and investigates the impact of actual and aspired migration on sociolinguistic life both where these flows originate in the South (Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde) and where they find their (temporary) destinations in the North (Luxembourg).

Your tasks:
- Preparing a doctoral thesis on the sociolinguistics of Cape Verdean migration trajectories into Luxembourg;
- Carrying out literature research on flows of migration from Lusophone West Africa and to Luxembourg, and sociolinguistics and anthropology of mobility, migration and globalisation more generally;
- Carrying out extensive field research in both Cape Verde and Luxembourg;
- Actively contributing to scientific and societal dissemination activities of the project;
- Participating in courses and colloquia of the Doctoral School in Educational Sciences and in the departmental life of the research unit and institute.

Your profile:
- Diploma or Master Degree in socio- or applied linguistics; anthropology; African studies; Romance (Portuguese) language and linguistics; creolistics; or equivalent;
- Sound knowledge of methods in qualitative empirical language and/or social research (e.g. linguistic ethnography, linguistic landscaping, discourse analysis);
- Demonstrable interest in theory and analysis of language and transnationalism;
- Strong multilingual repertoire: good competencies in English, Portuguese, French, German, Luxembourgish, and/or Kriyol (or ability/motivation to develop and expand these);
- Be prepared to relocate to (if not already based in) Luxembourg and to travel frequently and extensively;
- Prior international work or study experience and/or migration background is considered an advantage.

We offer:
- An international, stimulating work environment in the heart of Europe;
- Opportunity for qualification, scientific training, personal development and international networking;
- Attractive primary and secondary employment conditions, including full-time salary and student status, office space and equipment, comprehensive health and travel insurance.

Interested candidates must apply through the UL’s job portal (http://recruitment.uni.lu/ or link below) with a motivation letter (max. 2 pages), a mini-essay describing their own sociolinguistic trajectory and repertoire (max. 1000 words and 3 pages), an academic CV (max. 4 pages), and a copy of their highest diploma/degree (combined in a single pdf file) until January 3, 2014. Interviews with shortlisted candidates will take place on 15-17 January. The position and the project are foreseen to start in March 2014.
For further information, please contact Dr. Kasper Juffermans (kasper.juffermans at uni.lu). 

Application Deadline: 03-Jan-2014 

Web Address for Applications: http://recruitment.uni.lu/en/details.html?id=QMUFK026203F3VBQB7V7VV4S8&nPostingID=2916&nPostingTargetID=3760&mask=karriereseiten&lg=UK 

Contact Information: 
	Dr. Kasper Juffermans 
kasper.juffermans at uni.lu  

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-5053	

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