24.420, Confs: Romance, Pragmatics, Socioling, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany
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Wed Jan 23 17:56:19 UTC 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-420. Wed Jan 23 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 24.420, Confs: Romance, Pragmatics, Socioling, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany
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Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:55:13
From: Kristina Bedijs [bedijs at uni-hildesheim.de]
Subject: Face Work and Social Media
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Face Work and Social Media
Date: 23-May-2013 - 25-May-2013
Location: Hildesheim, Germany
Contact: Kristina Bedijs
Contact Email: bedijs at uni-hildesheim.de
Meeting URL: http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/index.php?id=7583
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Language Family(ies): Romance
Meeting Description:
Please note: See conference website for description in Spanish, French, and German!
Politeness and face work are now well-established concepts in linguistic pragmatics. Politeness theories state that each individual has, on the one hand, ‘positive face’ needs for acceptance and social integration and, on the other hand, ‘negative face’ needs for autonomy and personal freedom. These social demands are renegotiated in every communication situation. Communicative exchange is thus for the most part shaped by actions concerning one’s own or another’s face. This process is called face work. Strategies of politeness or impoliteness are thus always related to face work.
In recent years, research has focused on the question of politeness in computer mediated communication (CMC), for example in analyses of e-mail or chat communication. The field of communication in social media, however, has not yet been investigated. This includes forums, blogs, Twitter and social networks, which allow users to generate content with little technical effort. Other users have the possibility to react to these contributions, which often leads to a communicative structure similar to that of a dialogue, but differing from the latter in some essential aspects: (near) asynchronity of the communication situation, pseudonymity, lack of physical copresence, impossibility to send nonverbal signals via the body or the voice. In spite of these restraining factors, we can observe that users of social media develop specific linguistic strategies that allow them to achieve finely differentiated communication, especially concerning the relationship aspect.
Face work and politeness play a particular role in this process, all the more so because not all common strategies used in face-to-face situations can easily be translated into CMC, thus making it necessary, for example, to add new visual means to the verbal expression.
The conference ‘Face Work and Social Media’ will therefore focus on communication in social online formats. We will investigate whether and how users develop specific linguistic strategies for the phatic – and in a broader sense pragmatic – aspect of communication, whether particular constraints of the formats necessitate a different handling of face work, and whether users apply new strategies, perhaps even in a reflected way.
Please note: Some of the papers may be given in German language.
May 23
Introduction (Kristina Bedijs / Christiane Maaß / Gudrun Held)
Relational work and the display of multilingualism in two Facebook groups (Miriam Locher / Brook Bolander)
Figura or face – Critical remarks on two socio-pragmatic key-concepts and study of some virtual negotiation-strategies in Italian online-postings concerning the reactions to the Schettino conflict (Gudrun Held)
Face Work and Flaming in Social Media (Uta Helfrich)
Language perception, subject emergence and face work in French linguistic discussion boards (Martina Schrader-Kniffki)
Resume of the day (Kristina Bedijs / Christiane Maaß / Gudrun Held)
May 24
Linguistic strategies for the realization of face work in Italian tweets (Nadine Rentel)
Speak your mind, but watch your mouth: complaints in CouchSurfing references (Daria Dayter / Sofia Rüdiger)
Shared Face and Face Enhancing Behaviour in Social Media: Commenting the Spanish Goalkeeper’s Tears on YouTube (Kristina Bedijs)
“You sound very talented” – Negotiating face and doing face work in online message boards (Jenny Arendholz)
Politeness and face work in discussion boards (Claus Ehrhardt)
Face Work in French and Italian online comments (Verena Thaler)
“Gracias eres un amorrrrrrrrrr”: Face Work in Spanish Internet Forum Communication (Christiane Maaß)
What Avatars and User Profiles in Online Forums Reveal about their Users. – Self-face from a Psychological and Linguistic Perspective (Uta Fröhlich)
„Hofnarr“ and „Bürgerschreck“ versus „kamir-batir“ and „barakobamas“ – Face Work strategies, stylization and representation in Russian and German discussion boards (zeit.de, spiegel.de, gazeta.ru, kommersant.ru) (Beatrix Kreß)
Resume of the day (Kristina Bedijs / Christiane Maaß / Gudrun Held)
May 25
“Es una lástima que trolls anónimos estén ensuciando el blog con comentarios racistas y ofensivos” – the collaborative construction of an outsider in the blogosphere of Latin American immigrants to Québec, Canada (Bettina Kluge)
Folk linguistics in French online forums: face work strategies in the negotiation of expert-layman relations (Melanie Kunkel)
On the role of politeness in online tutoring. Utterance and perception of face threats in learning contexts (Gesa Linnemann / Benjamin Brummernhenrich / Regina Jucks)
TBA (Patricia Yazigi)
Resume of the conference (Kristina Bedijs / Christiane Maaß / Gudrun Held)
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-420
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