24.2852, Confs: Language Acquisition, Cognitive Sci, Psycholing/France
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Sat Jul 13 13:37:25 UTC 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-2852. Sat Jul 13 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 24.2852, Confs: Language Acquisition, Cognitive Sci, Psycholing/France
Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Alison Zaharee <alison at linguistlist.org>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 09:36:18
From: Anne Salazar Orvig [anne.salazar-orvig at univ-paris3.fr]
Subject: Acquisition of Referring Expressions: Crossed Perspectives
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Acquisition of Referring Expressions: Crossed Perspectives
Short Title: AEREF2013
Date: 25-Oct-2013 - 26-Oct-2013
Location: Paris, France
Contact: Anne Salazar Orvig; Marine le Mené
Contact Email: aeref2013 at univ-paris3.fr
Meeting URL: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/aeref-2013
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics
Meeting Description:
The conference focuses on the acquisition of pronouns and determiners as a key process in children’s linguistic and communicative development. The gradual mastery of these grammatical units marks children’s entry into grammar and provides evidence of their first attempts to construct discourse, participate in verbal interaction, and take their interlocutor’s knowledge and point of view into account.
Pronouns and determiners are thus at the interface of the structural (systems, forms, structures) and functional (pragmatics, discourse, dialogue) dimensions of language. Analyzing these devices can offer important clarifications regarding the relationships between different levels of language structure and use.
A large body of research on pronouns and determiners, both as grammatical morphemes and as referring expressions, has been conducted in the past few years. These studies have explored some of the stages and modalities in the development of various paradigms (fillers, distribution, mastery of an abstract grammatical category, etc.) and have underlined the linguistic factors involved in their development, such as the semantic, phonetic or prosodic dimensions.
The first studies on reference looked mainly at narratives or experimental situations. They showed how children’s use of language develops very gradually before becoming adult-like. Other studies dealing mostly with children’s productions in dialogues and in natural contexts investigated the conditions under which referring expressions are first employed. They demonstrated the impact of factors such as the accessibility of the referent and its occurrence in previous discourse. Other interesting aspects studied so far include the links between referring expressions, joint attention and gestures or cognitive development. Referring expressions have also been approached in relation to the type of discourse, dialogue, or activity being carried out, in a variety of contexts.
Results of these series of studies suggest that determiners and pronouns need to be examined in connection with each of these dimensions jointly. This approach could help fuel a more general discussion of the acquisition of grammar and grammatical categories, and can contribute to the debate on its theoretical underpinnings.
The aim of the conference ‘Acquisition of Referring Expressions: Crossed Perspectives’ is to promote scientific encounters and discussions between researchers who work on these issues in different fields and from different theoretical perspectives. We hope to initiate a debate about topics like the interaction between linguistic levels, statistical and distributional factors in usage and input, cognitive and socio-cognitive development, and dialogue and pragmatic-discursive factors, and thereby enrich our knowledge of the processes underlying language acquisition in general.
The conference will combine:
- plenary sessions;
- oral presentations (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for discussion). It is also possible to organize panels of 4 presentations;
- poster presentations.
The conference languages will be French and English.
Organizing Committee:
Anne Salazar Orvig, Annie Rialland, Rouba Hassan, Geneviève de Weck, Aliyah Morgenstern, Haydée Marcos, Jocelyne Leber-Marin, Gwendoline Fox, Julien Heurdier, Stéphane Jullien, Marine Le Mené, Christine da Silva, Elise Vinel, Naomi Yamaguchi
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3
Université de Neuchâtel
Keynote Speakers:
Shanley E. M. Allen: The role of crosslinguistic differences in the acquisition of referring expressions
Eve V. Clark et Edy Veneziano: Constructing subjects : fillers, clitics, and nominals
Katherine Demuth: Prosodic constraints on the emergence of determiners
Maya Hickmann: Reference and multifunctionality across child languages
Elena Lieven: The roles of statistical distribution, form and function in children’s development of referring expressions
Anne Salazar Orvig, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan et Annie Rialland: Acquisition des expressions référentielles en dialogue : approche multidimensionnelle
Oral Communications:
D. Bassano: L’émergence des déterminants nominaux : un Carrefour d’influences prosodiques, lexico-sémantiques et discursives
S. Bello, M. Pirvulescu: The acquisition of direct and indirect object clitics in Quebec French
T. Bertin: Processus interactionnel d’acquisition des systèmes des articles et des pronoms : quelles influences avec la dimension syntaxique
D. Bittner: Pronoun type opposition in German children’s narratives
S. Caët, A. Morgenstern: Self-reference and pronominal reversals: Becoming a speaker through the other’s voice
C. de Cat: Speculations on the cognitive underpinnings of referential abilities
A. Del Ré, P. Bullio, R. Nogarini Hilario: Les pronoms personnels de première et deuxième personnes chez un enfant monolingue brésilien : une approche pragmatique et discursive
S. Gobet-Jacob: L’expression de la pronominalisation dans des narrations en langue des signes
J. K. Gundel: The Givenness Hierarchy and children’s use of referring expressions: An update
S. Jullien: Prosodie et référence dans les discours d’enfants francophones de 2 ans à 4 ans 6 mois
Y. Kayama, Y. Oshima-Takane: Transitions in referential choice in parental input: Children’s argument realization in Japanese
E. Knopp, M. Vida: A function of (bi-) literacy? Reference development in bilingual Greek-Germans’ narrative retellings in German
E. Lenart: L’acquisition de la détermination nominale dans le récit en français L1 et L2 : étude comparative de l’apprenant enfant et adulte
M. Lenfant: Evaluation et évolution de la maîtrise des pronoms personnels compléments chez les 8-11 ans dans un bilan orthophonique informatisé
M. Le Mené, C. da Silva, J. Heurdier, A. Salazar Orvig: Usage des précurseurs de « c’est » dans des dialogues adulte-enfant
M.-T. Le Normand: Catégories syntaxiques du déterminant chez les enfants implantes cochléaires
S. López Ornat: Early elliptical construction in Spanish. Syntactic and pragmatic levels. Input and output data
I. Maillochon, K. Korecky-Kröll, W. Dressler, D. Bassano: L’émergence des déterminants en français et en allemand : influences prosodiques et lexico-sémantiques
D. Matthews: The development of gestures and referring expressions from 9 months to 5 years
A. Morgenstern, D. Boutet: Children’s pointing gestures from one to four: From deictic reference to the diversification of form and function
R. Mykhaylyk, A. Sopata: Choice of referring expressions in L1 acquisition of Polish and Ukrainian
S. Nashawati: L’acquisition des valeurs référentielles des pronoms de 3ème personne dans les dialogues mère-enfant : l’impact de la situation
A. Nicolopoulou, I.-M. Tsimpli, A. Aksu-Koc: Referential expressions and text coherence in preschoolers’ narratives: A cross-linguistic study of English, Greek, and Turkish
Y. Oshima-Takane: The role of overheard speech in the acquisition of personal pronouns
M. Pinto: The referential properties of null subjects
D. Ravid, I. Katzenberger, T. Shalom: Keeping tabs: Reference in text reconstruction by young adolescents from different SES backgrounds
S. Rezzonico, M. Bernasconi, G. de Weck: The influence of discursive feature on subject omission in children with SLI
P. Schneider: Developing a clinical measure of referring expressions
L. Serratrice: Referential expressions in the English dative alternation
B. Skarabela: Context is easy, linguistic conventions are hard
R. Shi: Acquisition of abstract grammatical representations of determiners in infants
P. Sleeman, A. Hulk: The place of nominal ellipsis in the acquisition of reference
P. Trevisiol-Okamura, M. Watorek, R. Rast, D. Bassano: L’émergence du syntagme nominal en français L1 et L2 : données conversationnelles de jeunes enfants et d’adultes débutants
E. Vinel, N. Salagnac, R. Hassan: Construction de la référence dans des séances de lecture dialoguée à l’école et à la maison
S. Wauquier: VCV templates, fillers and acquisition of determiners in French
N. Yamaguchi, A. Rialland: Acquisition des consonnes dans les mots lexicaux et dans les mots grammaticaux
B. Ates Sen, A. Kuntay: Referential forms in conversational discourse of Turkish learners and caregivers
P. Beaupoil, C. Debras, S. Caët, M. Le Mené, A. Morgenstern: Who talks to whom about whom? Personal reference in polyadic family dinner interactions
N. Boutechkil, N. Spanghero-Gaillard, M. Bouanani: L’expression orale de l’orientation spatiale en arabe dialectal, en tachelhit et en français, chez des enfants marocains de 6 et 8 ans.
P. Bullio, A. Del Rè, R. Nogarini Hilário: Personal reference - first and second person: The case of a bilingual child
G. de Weck, A. Salazar Orvig, E. Vinel, S. Rezzonico, M. Bernasconi: The choice of referential expressions in narratives: Telling a story to a child or to an experimenter
I. Estève: Evaluer le développement des habiletés narratives : lumière bilingue et multimodale sur les trajectoires langagières enfantines en contexte de surdité
C. Hervé, L. Serratrice: French-English bilingual children’s acquisition of determiners
M. Hughes, S. Allen: Preferred argument structure and argument form in early English acquisition
H. Hunkeler: L’emploi du marqueur « ça » associe au geste de pointage chez le jeune enfant
P. Leclercq, E. Lenart: Anaphore nominale dans des récits oraux : quelles stratégies référentielles chez les apprenants enfants et adultes du français et de l’anglais ?
M. Le Mené: Usage des fillers pré-nominaux dans des dialogues adulte-enfant : une approche discursive
J. Lin, F. Weerman, H. Zeijlstra: How to learn not to refer: On the acquisition of the superweak NPI shenme in Mandarin Chinese
H. Marcos, A. Salazar Orvig, J. Heurdier, C. Da Silva, G. Fox : Choix des expressions référentielles par l’enfant : relations avec l’input de leur mere dans le dialogue
R. Nogarini Hilário,M. Romero: L’acquisition du pluriel entre le discours et la langue : une étude des syntagmes nominaux chez les enfants monolingues et bilingues
C. Préneron, S. De Pontonx, N. Salagnac, E. Vinel: Introduction et maintien de la référence aux personnages dans les récits d’enfants âgés de 6 à 11 ans ; une comparaison : enfants tout venant/enfants souffrant de troubles d’apprentissages du langage écrit.
A. Shaheen, S. Blum-Kulka, S. Uziel-Karl: Anaphoric references in spoken vs. written narratives in Arabic
E. Shimanskaya: Acquisition and frequency: A corpus study of French object pronouns
T. Ratitamkul: Thai-speaking children’s use of referring expressions in a story retell task
R. Vieira: Acquisition of the contrastive proform ‘ele mesmo’ in Brazilian Portuguese
For more information, visit the conference site: http://www.univ-paris3.fr/aeref-2013 or write to aeref2013 at univ-paris3.fr.
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-2852
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