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Fri Mar 1 21:10:26 UTC 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1068. Fri Mar 01 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 24.1068, Review: AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Veronika Drake <vdrake at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 16:10:10
From: Monica Macaulay [reviews at linguistlist.org]
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The following books are now available for review on the LINGUIST List.
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>From the 21st to the end of each month, the reviews team will make the selection of reviewers. By the end of the month you will be notified by email if you have been selected as a reviewer for a book you selected or not.
If you have any questions, contact the reviews editors at reviews at linguistlist.org
AUTHOR(S): West, David
TITLE: I. A. Richards and the Rise of Cognitive Stylistics
SERIES: Advances in Stylistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441110437
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-80.html
EDITOR(S): Baker, Anne Edith; Don, Jan; Hengeveld, Kees
TITLE: Taal en Taalwetenschap, 2nd Edition
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-83.html
AUTHOR(S): Morini, Massimiliano
TITLE: The Pragmatic Translator
SUBTITLE: An Integral Theory of Translation
SERIES: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441151303
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-84.html
EDITOR(S): Buffagni, Claudia; Garzelli, Beatrice
TITLE: Film translation from East to West
SUBTITLE: Dubbing, subtitling and didactic practice
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-85.html
AUTHOR(S): Tomlinson, Brian
TITLE: Applied Linguistics and Materials Development
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441109439,1441195033
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-96.html
EDITOR(S): Bouveret, Myriam; Legallois, Dominique
TITLE: Constructions in French
SERIES: Constructional Approaches to Language 13
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-141.html
EDITOR(S): Vazques, Nila
TITLE: Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443842516,1443842516
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-142.html
AUTHOR(S): Socarrás, Gilda M
TITLE: First Language Acquisition in Spanish
SUBTITLE: A Minimalist Approach to Nominal Agreement
SERIES: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441133658
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-143.html
EDITOR(S): Lombardini, Hugo E.; Pérez Vázquez, M. Enriqueta
TITLE: Núcleos
SUBTITLE: Estudios sobre el verbo en español e italiano
SERIES: Fondo Hispánico de Lingüística y Filología - Volume 14
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-178.html
AUTHOR(S): Carr, Philip
TITLE: English Phonetics and Phonology
SUBTITLE: An Introduction, 2nd Edition
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-179.html
EDITOR(S): Borisova, Elena; Souleimanova, Olga
TITLE: Understanding by Communication
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443842141,1443842141
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-180.html
EDITOR(S): Arnett, Nathan; Bennett, Ryan
TITLE: Proceedings of the 30th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
SERIES: Cascadilla Proceedings Project
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Cascadilla Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-182.html
AUTHOR(S): Ko, Sungbae
TITLE: Understanding the Dynamics of Classroom Communication
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443842117,1443842117
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-198.html
EDITOR(S): Palusci, Oriana
TITLE: Translating Virginia Woolf
SERIES: IRIS - Volume 27
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-199.html
AUTHOR(S): Syea, Anand
TITLE: The Syntax of Mauritian Creole
SERIES: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441156380
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-200.html
AUTHOR(S): Carnie, Andrew
TITLE: The Syntax Workbook
SUBTITLE: A Companion to Carnie's Syntax
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-201.html
AUTHOR(S): Grosjean, François; Li, Ping
TITLE: The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-207.html
AUTHOR(S): Casad, Eugene H.
EDITOR(S): Panther, Klaus-Uwe; Thornburg, Linda L.
TITLE: From Space to Time
SUBTITLE: A cognitive analysis of the Cora locative system and its temporal extensions
SERIES: Human Cognitive Processing 39
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-209.html
EDITOR(S): Lirola, Maria Martinez
TITLE: Discourses on Immigration in Times of Economic Crisis
SUBTITLE: A Critical Perspective
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 144384053X,144384053X
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-246.html
AUTHOR(S): McDonough, Jo; Shaw, Christopher; Masuhara, Hitomi
TITLE: Materials and Methods in ELT
SUBTITLE: A Teacher's Guide, 3rd Edition
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-247.html
AUTHOR(S): Downes, William
TITLE: Language and Religion
SUBTITLE: A Journey into the Human Mind
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-248.html
AUTHOR(S): Levison, Michael; Lessard, Greg; Thomas, Craig Michael; Donald, Matthew
TITLE: The Semantic Representation of Natural Language
SERIES: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 1441162534
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-250.html
AUTHOR(S): Deters, Ping
TITLE: Identity, Agency and the Acquisition of Professional Language and Culture
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Linguistics (formerly Continuum Linguistics)
ISBN: 162356574X
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-260.html
AUTHOR(S): Carnie, Andrew
TITLE: Syntax
SUBTITLE: A Generative Introduction, 3rd edition
SERIES: Introducing Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-264.html
EDITOR(S): Schalley, Andrea C.
TITLE: Practical Theories and Empirical Practice
SUBTITLE: A linguistic perspective
SERIES: Human Cognitive Processing 40
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-276.html
AUTHOR(S): Moro, Andrea
TITLE: The Equilibrium of Human Syntax
SUBTITLE: Symmetries of the Brain
SERIES: Routledge Leading Linguists
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-277.html
EDITOR(S): Bayyurt, Yasemin; Bektas-Çetinkaya, Yesim
TITLE: Research Perspectives on Teaching and Learning English in Turkey
SUBTITLE: Policies and Practices
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-283.html
AUTHOR(S): Kageura, Kyo
TITLE: The Quantitative Analysis of the Dynamics and Structure of Terminologies
SERIES: Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice 15
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-302.html
EDITOR(S): Ferrando, Antoni
TITLE: Estudis lingüístics i culturals sobre Curial e Güelfa
SUBTITLE: Novel·la cavalleresca anònima del segle XV en llengua catalana. Linguistic and Cultural Studies on 'Curial e Güelfa', a 15th Century Anonymous Chivalric Romance in Catalan
SERIES: IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature 3
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-328.html
EDITOR(S): Müller, Nicole; Ball, Martin J.
TITLE: Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
SUBTITLE: A Practical Guide
SERIES: GMLZ - Guides to Research Methods in Language and Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-335.html
EDITOR(S): Mari, Alda; Beyssade, Claire; Del Prete, Fabio
TITLE: Genericity
SERIES: Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-337.html
EDITOR(S): Sharifian, Farzad; Jamarani, Maryam
TITLE: Language and Intercultural Communication in the New Era
SERIES: Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-345.html
AUTHOR(S): Zsiga, Elizabeth C.
TITLE: The Sounds of Language
SUBTITLE: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology
SERIES: LAWZ - Linguistics in the World
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-347.html
EDITOR(S): Pustejovsky, James; Bouillon, Pierrette; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Lee, Chungmin
TITLE: Advances in Generative Lexicon Theory
SERIES: Text, Speech and Language Technology
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-352.html
AUTHOR(S): Goldenberg, Gideon
TITLE: Semitic Languages
SUBTITLE: Features, Structures, Relations, Processes
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-355.html
EDITOR(S): Šarić, Ljiljana; Gammelgaard, Karen; Hauge, Kjetil Rå
TITLE: Transforming National Holidays
SUBTITLE: Identity discourse in the West and South Slavic countries, 1985-2010
SERIES: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-357.html
AUTHOR(S): Woods, Geraldine
TITLE: Wiley AP English Language & Composition
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-358.html
EDITOR(S): Yiu, Edwin M-Y.
TITLE: International Perspectives on Voice Disorders
SERIES: Communication Disorders Across Languages
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-359.html
AUTHOR(S): Holden, Josh
TITLE: Benasní - I Remember: Dene Sųłiné Oral Histories with Morphological Analysis
SERIES: Brill's Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-400.html
AUTHOR(S): Karatsu, Mariko
TITLE: Conversational Storytelling among Japanese Women
SUBTITLE: Conversational circumstances, social circumstances and tellability of stories
SERIES: Studies in Narrative 16
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-401.html
AUTHOR(S): Kruger, Haidee
TITLE: Postcolonial Polysystems
SUBTITLE: The production and reception of translated children's literature in South Africa
SERIES: Benjamins Translation Library 105
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-422.html
EDITOR(S): Ishiguro, Teruhiro; Luke, Kang Kwong
TITLE: Grammar in Cross-Linguistic Perspective
SUBTITLE: The Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics of Japanese and Chinese
SERIES: Series: Linguistic Insights - Volume 57
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-429.html
AUTHOR(S): Eurrutia Cavero, Maria Mercedes
TITLE: Enseñanza-aprendizaje del léxico de los negocios
SUBTITLE: Enfoque contrastivo francés-español
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-440.html
EDITOR(S): Farr, Fiona B.; Moriarty, Mairead
TITLE: Language, Learning and Teaching
SUBTITLE: Irish Research Perspectives
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-441.html
EDITOR(S): Gess, Randall; Lyche, Chantal; Meisenburg, Trudel
TITLE: Phonological Variation in French
SUBTITLE: Illustrations from three continents
SERIES: Studies in Language Variation 11
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-443.html
AUTHOR(S): Gick, Bryan W.; Wilson, Ian L.; Derrick, Donald
TITLE: Articulatory Phonetics
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-445.html
EDITOR(S): Franco, Irene; Lusini, Sara; Saab, Andrés
TITLE: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010
SUBTITLE: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Leiden 2010
SERIES: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 4
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-446.html
EDITOR(S): Mari, Alda; Beyssade, Claire; Del Prete, Fabio
TITLE: Genericity
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-452.html
AUTHOR(S): Devine, A. M.; Stephens, Laurence D.
TITLE: Semantics for Latin
SUBTITLE: An Introduction
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-470.html
EDITOR(S): Cobley, Paul; Schulz, Peter
TITLE: Theories and Models of Communication
SERIES: Handbooks of Communication Science
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-471.html
AUTHOR(S): Cúneo, Paola
TITLE: Formación de palabras y clasificación nominal en el léxico etnobiológico en toba (guaycurú)
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics 68
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-472.html
AUTHOR(S): Kockelman, Paul
TITLE: Agent, Person, Subject, Self
SUBTITLE: A Theory of Ontology, Interaction, and Infrastructure
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-473.html
EDITOR(S): Östman, Jan-Ola; Verschueren, Jef
TRANSLATOR(S): Versluys, Eline
TITLE: Handbook of Pragmatics
SUBTITLE: 2012 Installment
SERIES: Handbook of Pragmatics 16
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-474.html
AUTHOR(S): Forster, Michael N.
TITLE: After Herder
SUBTITLE: Philosophy of Language in the German Tradition
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-483.html
AUTHOR(S): Mani, Inderjeet
TITLE: Computational Modeling of Narrative
SERIES: Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-485.html
AUTHOR(S): Pruteanu, Simona Emilia
TITLE: L'écriture migrante en France et au Québec: un nouveau genre?
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature 12
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-486.html
AUTHOR(S): Scheffler, Tatjana
TITLE: Two-dimensional Semantics
SUBTITLE: Clausal Adjuncts and Complements
SERIES: De Gruyter Linguistische Arbeiten 549
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-491.html
EDITOR(S): Massam, Diane
TITLE: Count and Mass Across Languages
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-493.html
AUTHOR(S): Olthuis, Marja-Liisa; Kivelä, Suvi; Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove Anita
TITLE: Revitalising Indigenous Languages
SUBTITLE: How to Recreate a Lost Generation
SERIES: Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-516.html
EDITOR(S): Janke, Vikki; Kolokonte, Marina
TITLE: Interfaces in Language 3
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443842559,1443842559
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-520.html
AUTHOR(S): Ferrara, Silvia
TITLE: Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions
SUBTITLE: Volume 2: The Corpus
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-521.html
EDITOR(S): Hathout, Nabil; Montermini, Fabio; Tseng, Jesse
TITLE: Morphology in Toulouse
SUBTITLE: Selected Proceedings of Décembrettes 7 (Toulouse, 2-3 December 2010)
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 51
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-522.html
AUTHOR(S): Recanati, François
TITLE: Mental Files
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-526.html
AUTHOR(S): Delvaux, Véronique
TITLE: Les voyelles nasales du français
SUBTITLE: Aérodynamique, articulation, acoustique et perception
SERIES: GRAMM-R. Etudes de linguistique française / GRAMM-R. Studies of French Linguistics - Volume 15
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-527.html
EDITOR(S): Mailhammer, Robert
TITLE: Lexical and Structural Etymology
SUBTITLE: Beyond Word Histories
SERIES: Studies in Language Change [SLC] 11
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-528.html
EDITOR(S): Steinmetz, Willebald
TITLE: Political Languages in the Age of Extremes
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-529.html
EDITOR(S): Kartashkova, Faina I.; Karpova, Olga M.
TITLE: Multi-disciplinary Lexicography
SUBTITLE: Traditions and Challenges of the XXIst Century
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443842567,1443842567
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-530.html
AUTHOR(S): Mattiello, Elisa
TITLE: Extra-grammatical Morphology in English
SUBTITLE: Abbreviations, Blends, Reduplicatives, and Related Phenomena
SERIES: Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] 82
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-562.html
AUTHOR(S): Costenaro, Verusca
TITLE: Phonological Awareness and Reading Acquisition
SUBTITLE: An Educational Proposal for Introducing English in Italian Preschools
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Second Language Teaching 19
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-563.html
AUTHOR(S): Lifschitz, Avi
TITLE: Language and Enlightenment
SUBTITLE: The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Century
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-564.html
EDITOR(S): Fábùnmi, Felix Abídèmí; Sàláwù, Akeem Ségun
TITLE: Readings in African Dialectology and Applied Linguistics
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics 85
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-568.html
AUTHOR(S): Wong, May
TITLE: Adverbial Clauses in Mandarin Chinese
SUBTITLE: A Corpus-based Study
SERIES: European University Studies / - Volume 374
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-571.html
AUTHOR(S): Adger, David
TITLE: A Syntax of Substance
SERIES: Linguistic Inquiry Monographs
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-596.html
AUTHOR(S): Anchimbe, Eric A.
TITLE: Language Policy and Identity Construction
SUBTITLE: The dynamics of Cameroon's multilingualism
SERIES: IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society 32
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-876.html
AUTHOR(S): Arendholz, Jenny
TITLE: (In)Appropriate Online Behavior
SUBTITLE: A pragmatic analysis of message board relations
SERIES: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 229
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-801.html
AUTHOR(S): Arnaus Gil, Laia
TITLE: La selección copulativa y auxiliar
SUBTITLE: Las lenguas romances (español – italiano – catalán – francés) y el alemán en contacto. Su adquisición en niños monolingües, bilingües y trilingües
SERIES: Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, Vol. 536
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-698.html
AUTHOR(S): Baković, Eric J.
TITLE: Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory
SERIES: Advances in Optimality Theory
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Equinox Publishing Ltd
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-669.html
AUTHOR(S): Binder, Hartmut
TITLE: Kafka parlait-il tchèque?
SUBTITLE: La socialisation des écrivains de langue allemande à Prague
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-753.html
EDITOR(S): Bivort, Olivier
TITLE: La Littérature symboliste et la Langue
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-707.html
EDITOR(S): Boissiéras, Fabienne
TITLE: Dire le désordre
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-781.html
EDITOR(S): Borja Albi, Anabel; Prieto Ramos, Fernando
TITLE: Legal Translation in Context
SUBTITLE: Professional Issues and Prospects
SERIES: New Trends in Translation Studies - Volume 4
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-602.html
EDITOR(S): Börjars, Kersti; Denison, David; Scott, Alan
TITLE: Morphosyntactic Categories and the Expression of Possession
SERIES: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 199
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-899.html
AUTHOR(S): Borjian, Maryam
TITLE: English in Post-Revolutionary Iran
SUBTITLE: From Indigenization to Internationalization
SERIES: New Perspectives on Language and Education
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-926.html
EDITOR(S): Brandt, Patrick; Fuß, Eric
TITLE: Repairs
SUBTITLE: The Added Value of Being Wrong
SERIES: Interface Explorations [IE] 27
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-925.html
AUTHOR(S): Bravo-García, Eva; Cáceres-Lorenzo, M. Teresa
TITLE: El léxico cotidiano en América a través de las Relaciones Geográficas de Indias
SUBTITLE: (Tierra Firme y América del Sur, s. XVI)
SERIES: Fondo Hispánico de Lingüística y Filología - Volume 15
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-910.html
EDITOR(S): Broekhuis, Hans; Vogel, Ralf
TITLE: Linguistic Derivations and Filtering
SUBTITLE: Minimalism and Optimality Theory
SERIES: Advances in Optimality Theory
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Equinox Publishing Ltd
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-627.html
EDITOR(S): Brown, Dunstan; Chumakina, Marina; Corbett, Greville G.
TITLE: Canonical Morphology and Syntax
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-756.html
EDITOR(S): Bruti, Silvia; Di Giovanni, Elena
TITLE: Audiovisual Translation across Europe
SUBTITLE: An Ever-changing Landscape
SERIES: New Trends in Translation Studies - Volume 7
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-614.html
EDITOR(S): Camacho-Taboada, Victoria; Jiménez-Fernández, Ángel L.; Martín-González, Javier; Reyes-Tejedor, Mariano
TITLE: Information Structure and Agreement
SERIES: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 197
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-856.html
EDITOR(S): Campagna, Sandra; Garzone, Giuliana; Ilie, Cornelia; Rowley-Jolivet, Elizabeth
TITLE: Evolving Genres in Web-mediated Communication
SERIES: Linguistic Insights - Volume 140
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-597.html
EDITOR(S): Cantarini, Sibilla
TITLE: Dialogue
SUBTITLE: State of the Art Studies in Memory of Sorin Stati
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 22
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-697.html
AUTHOR(S): Cognola, Federica
TITLE: Syntactic Variation and Verb Second
SUBTITLE: A German dialect in Northern Italy
SERIES: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 201
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-807.html
EDITOR(S): Cortazzi, Martin; Jin, Lixian
TITLE: Researching Cultures of Learning
SUBTITLE: International Perspectives on Language Learning and Education
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-778.html
AUTHOR(S): Dassi, M.
TITLE: De la Recherche Universitaire Diplômante en Langue et Sociocultures Francophones (à partir du Cameroun: un cas-éprouvette)
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in French Linguistics 10
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-670.html
AUTHOR(S): de Smet, Hendrik
TITLE: Spreading Patterns
SUBTITLE: Diffusional Change in the English System of Complementation
SERIES: Oxford Studies in the History of English
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-598.html
EDITOR(S): Deppermann, Arnulf
TITLE: Das Deutsch der Migranten [German as Spoken by Immigrants]
SERIES: De Gruyter Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2012
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-960.html
AUTHOR(S): Desportes, Philippe
EDITOR(S): Rouget, François
TITLE: Phraséologie oratoire
SUBTITLE: suivi des Lettres amoureuses
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-747.html
AUTHOR(S): Dhamija, C.L.; Gupta, Deepti
TITLE: A Critical Study of Raja Rao's Kanthapura
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Language and Literature 13
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-624.html
AUTHOR(S): Dobrin, Lise
TITLE: Concreteness in Grammar
SUBTITLE: The Noun Class Systems of the Arapesh Languages
SERIES: Stanford Studies in Morphology and the Lexicon
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: CSLI Publications
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-871.html
AUTHOR(S): Dubina, Andrei
TITLE: Towards a Tonal Analysis of Free Stress
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-857.html
EDITOR(S): Duff, Patricia A.; Anderson, Tim; Ilnyckyj, Roma; VanGaya, Ella; Wang, Rachel Tianxuan; Yates, Wang
TITLE: Learning Chinese
SUBTITLE: Linguistic, Sociocultural, and Narrative Perspectives
SERIES: Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL] 5
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-932.html
AUTHOR(S): Elsen, Hilke
TITLE: Wortschatzanalyse
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-754.html
AUTHOR(S): Enrico, John
TITLE: The Internally-headed Relative Clause Construction
SUBTITLE: A Comparative Semantic Analysis
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Language Typology 25
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-668.html
EDITOR(S): Felder, Ekkehard
TITLE: Faktizitätsherstellung in Diskursen [Creating Facticity in Discourses]
SUBTITLE: Die Macht des Deklarativen
SERIES: De Gruyter Sprache und Wissen 13
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-622.html
EDITOR(S): Fetzer, Anita
TITLE: The Pragmatics of Political Discourse
SUBTITLE: Explorations across cultures
SERIES: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 228
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-775.html
AUTHOR(S): Footitt, Hilary; Tobia, Simona
TITLE: WarTalk
SUBTITLE: Foreign Languages and the British War Effort in Europe, 1940-47
SERIES: Palgrave Studies in Language and War
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-750.html
EDITOR(S): Giacone, Franco
TITLE: Langue et sens du Quart Livre
SUBTITLE: Actes du colloque de Rome (novembre 2011)
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-822.html
EDITOR(S): Gil, Kook-Hee; Harlow, Stephen; Tsoulas, George
TITLE: Strategies of Quantification
SERIES: Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-1050.html
EDITOR(S): Goebel, Urlich; Lobenstein-Reichmann, Anja; Reichmann, Oskar
TITLE: Frühneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch [Early New High German Dictionary]
SUBTITLE: Band 9.1 l - maszeug
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-615.html
EDITOR(S): Gotti, Maurizio; Guinda, Carmen Sancho
TITLE: Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres
SERIES: Linguistic Insights - Volume 172
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-900.html
EDITOR(S): Gruffydd Jones, Elin Haf; Uribe-Jongbloed, Enrique
TITLE: Social Media and Minority Languages
SUBTITLE: Convergence and the Creative Industries
SERIES: Multilingual Matters
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-961.html
EDITOR(S): Hadermann, Pascale; Pierrard, Michel; Roig, Audrey; Van Raemdonck, Dan
TITLE: Ellipse et fragment
SUBTITLE: Morceaux choisis
SERIES: GRAMM-R. Etudes de linguistique française / GRAMM-R. Studies of French Linguistics - Volume 16
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-618.html
EDITOR(S): Hall, Judith A.; Knapp, Mark L.
TITLE: Nonverbal Communication
SERIES: Handbooks of Communication Science
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-601.html
AUTHOR(S): Hanks, Patrick
TITLE: Lexical Analysis
SUBTITLE: Norms and Exploitations
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-629.html
AUTHOR(S): He, Xuliang
TITLE: Mandarin-accented Dutch Prosody
SERIES: LOT Dissertation series
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-782.html
AUTHOR(S): Henderson, John
EDITOR(S): Dixon, R. M. W.
TITLE: Topics in Eastern and Central Arrernte Grammar
SERIES: Outstanding grammars from Australia 12
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-621.html
AUTHOR(S): Hervet, Céline
TITLE: De l'imagination à l'entendement. La puissance du langage chez Spinoza
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-776.html
EDITOR(S): Hoffmann, Thomas; Trousdale, Graeme
TITLE: The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar
SERIES: Oxford Handbooks
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-804.html
EDITOR(S): Houghton, Stephanie Ann; Rivers, Damian J.
TITLE: Native-Speakerism in Japan
SUBTITLE: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign Language Education
SERIES: Multilingual Matters
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-909.html
EDITOR(S): Inkova, Olga
TITLE: Du mot au texte
SUBTITLE: Etudes slavo-romanes
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-623.html
AUTHOR(S): Iwasaki, Shoichi
TITLE: Japanese
SUBTITLE: Revised edition
SERIES: London Oriental and African Language Library 17
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-829.html
AUTHOR(S): Kern, Friederike
TITLE: Rhythmus und Kontrast im Türkischdeutschen [Rhythm and Contrast in Turkish German]
SERIES: De Gruyter Linguistik - Impulse & Tendenzen 50
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-617.html
AUTHOR(S): Kirk, Allison
TITLE: Word order and information structure in New Testament Greek
SERIES: LOT dissertation Series
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-823.html
EDITOR(S): Klosa, Annette
TITLE: Wortbildung im elektronischen Wörterbuch
SERIES: Studien zur Deutschen Sprache, Vol. 63
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-911.html
AUTHOR(S): Kylstra, A.D.; Hahmo, Sirkka-Liisa; Hofstra, Tette; Nikkilä, Osmo
TITLE: Lexikon der älteren germanischen Lehnwörter in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen.
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-1048.html
EDITOR(S): Kyuchukov, Hristo
TITLE: The Folklore of Bulgarian Gagauz People
SERIES: LINCOM Language Texts 02
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-628.html
EDITOR(S): Lohndal, Terje
TITLE: In Search of Universal Grammar
SUBTITLE: From Old Norse to Zoque
SERIES: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 202
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-826.html
AUTHOR(S): Lücking, Andy
TITLE: Ikonische Gesten [Iconic Gestures]
SUBTITLE: Grundzüge einer linguistischen Theorie [Foundations for a Theory of Linguistics]
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-600.html
AUTHOR(S): Lusignan, Serge
TITLE: Essai d'histoire sociolinguistique
SUBTITLE: Le français picard au Moyen Âge
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Classiques Garnier
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-802.html
AUTHOR(S): Malczewska-Webb, Beata
TITLE: Possession in Polish Discourse
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Slavic Linguistics 38
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-940.html
AUTHOR(S): Matulewska, Aleksandra
TITLE: Legilinguistic Translatology
SUBTITLE: A Parametric Approach to Legal Translation
SERIES: Linguistic Insights - Volume 171
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-877.html
AUTHOR(S): McCarty, Teresa L.
TITLE: Language Planning and Policy in Native America
SUBTITLE: History, Theory, Praxis
SERIES: Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-901.html
AUTHOR(S): Mitchell, Rosamond; Myles, Florence; Marsden, Emma
TITLE: Second Language Learning Theories
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-755.html
AUTHOR(S): Nadeau, Stephen
TITLE: The Neural Architecture Of Grammar
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-616.html
AUTHOR(S): Newbrook, Mark; Curtain, Jane; Libert, Alan Reed
TITLE: Strange Linguistics
SERIES: Linguistics Edition 93
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-626.html
AUTHOR(S): Nguyen, Long V.
TITLE: Integrating Computer-Mediated Communication into Foreign Language Education
SUBTITLE: A Vietnamese Sociocultural Context of Higher Education
SERIES: LINCOM Studies in Second Langauge Teaching 18
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-599.html
EDITOR(S): Öhlschläger, Günther; Schmid, Hans Ulrich; Stockinger, Ludwig; Werle, Dirk
TITLE: Leipziger Germanistik [German Studies in Leipzig]
SUBTITLE: Beiträge zur Fachgeschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-984.html
EDITOR(S): Placencia, María Elena; García, Carmen
TITLE: Pragmática y comunicación intercultural en el mundo hispanohablante.
SERIES: Foro Hispánico 44
YEAR: 2012
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-828.html
AUTHOR(S): Rowsell, Jennifer
TITLE: Working with Multimodality
SUBTITLE: Rethinking Literacy in a Digital Age
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-855.html
AUTHOR(S): Schouwstra, Marieke
TITLE: Semantic Structures, Communicative Principles and the Emergence of Language
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-780.html
AUTHOR(S): Stopfner, Maria
TITLE: Streitkultur im Parlament
SUBTITLE: Linguistische Analyse der Zwischenrufe im österreichischen Nationalrat
SERIES: Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, Vol. 541
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-706.html
AUTHOR(S): Sullivan, Karen
TITLE: Frames and Constructions in Metaphoric Language
SERIES: Constructional Approaches to Language 14
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-777.html
AUTHOR(S): Sweep, Josefien
TITLE: Metonymical Object Changes
SUBTITLE: A corpus-oriented study on Dutch and German
SERIES: LOT dissertation Series
YEAR: 2012
PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke - LOT
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-803.html
AUTHOR(S): Torrence, Harold
TITLE: The Clause Structure of Wolof
SUBTITLE: Insights into the Left Periphery
SERIES: Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 198
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-872.html
AUTHOR(S): Umar, Ahmed
TITLE: The Verbal Groups of English and Arabic
SUBTITLE: A Comparative Exploration
SERIES: Linguistics Edition 94
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-619.html
AUTHOR(S): Wang, Ying Xian
TITLE: On Chinese Modal Particle A
SUBTITLE: A Pragmatic and Semantic Study
YEAR: 2013
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-904.html
AUTHOR(S): Wunderli, Peter
TITLE: Ferdinand de Saussure: Cours de linguistique générale
SUBTITLE: Zweisprachige Ausgabe französisch-deutsch | mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Kommentar
YEAR: 2013
PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/24/24-705.html
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1068
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