24.1262, Calls: Cognitive Science, Linguistic Theories, General Linguistics/Spain
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Wed Mar 13 17:30:24 UTC 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1262. Wed Mar 13 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 24.1262, Calls: Cognitive Science, Linguistic Theories, General Linguistics/Spain
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
<reviews at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 13:29:15
From: Paula Pérez-Sobrino [paula.perezs at unirioja.es]
Subject: Meaning Construction, Meaning Interpretation: Applications and Implications
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Full Title: Meaning Construction, Meaning Interpretation: Applications and Implications
Short Title: CRAL 2103
Date: 18-Jul-2013 - 20-Jul-2013
Location: Logroño (La Rioja), Spain
Contact Person: Paula Pérez
Meeting Email: paula.perezs at unirioja.es
Web Site: http://cral13.cilap.es/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; General Linguistics; Linguistic Theories
Call Deadline: 12-Apr-2013
Meeting Description:
CRAL 2013. III International Conference on Meaning Construction, Meaning Interpretation: Applications and Implications
July 18-20, 2013
The Center for Research on the Applications of Language (CRAL), based at the University of La Rioja, Spain, is pleased to announce the III International Conference on Meaning Construction, Meaning Interpretation: Applications and Implications (CRAL 2013), to be held on July 18-20, 2013, at the Quintiliano building of the University of La Rioja.
Plenary Speakers (in alphabetical order):
Marcella Bertuccelli (University of Pisa, Italy): ‘The pragmatics of insinuation’
Sabine De Knop (Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis Brussels, Belgium): ‘Language pedagogy at the crossroads between language typology, contrastive linguistics and construction grammar’
Charles Forceville (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands): ‘Relevance Theory and communicating by pictures and word & image texts’
Francisco Gonzálvez (University of Almería, Spain): ‘On the role of coercion in meaning construction and meaning interpretation in cognitive-functional linguistics’
Klaus Uwe Panther (Nanjing Normal University, China & University of Hamburg, Germany): ‘Culturally motivated animal metaphors in an expressive construction’
Günter Radden (University of Hamburg, Germany): ‘Metonymic blending’
Questions and correspondence may be addressed to Paula Pérez, co-chair of the Organizing Committee, to paula.perezs at unirioja.es and/or cral2013 at gmail.com.
Modern Philologies Department (University of La Rioja)
Vice-rectorate of Research (University of La Rioja)
John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Peñaclara (Mineraqua, S.A.)
If you would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities for the CRAL 2013 Conference, please contact the Organizing Committee at cral2103 at gmail.com.
Final Call for Papers:
The conference is open to presentations on a range of topics related to Cognitive Linguistics and compatible approaches to language, both from a theoretical and an applied perspective. We invite proposals on subjects including but not limited to: metaphor theory, metonymy, cognitive models, cognitive stylistics, figurative language use in L1 and in additional languages including foreign languages and multilingual acquisition, theory of figurative language acquisition and development, vocabulary and figurative language in foreign languages, applications of figurative language (to lexicography, translation, language teaching and methodology, etc.).
Extended Deadlines:
Call deadline: April 12, 2013
Acceptance notification: May 6, 2013
Registration deadline: July 12, 2013
Conference dates: July 18-20, 2013
Information about registration fees, accommodation, etc. will be uploaded shortly at http://cral13.cilap.es.
General Session:
Abstracts for 20-minute presentations (plus ten-minute discussion) should be no more than 500 words (plus references, tables and figures), and should also include 4 or 5 keywords. Candidates may submit: (i) a single-authored abstract; (ii) a single-authored abstract and a co-authored one (not as first author) or (iii) two co-authored abstracts (only one as first author).
Abstracts should be sent by April 12, 2013 through the online system EasyAbs: http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/cral2013.
Round Tables:
Round Tables last a maximum of 90 minutes. The proposal should include not more than 5 presentations of ten minutes each. Round tables should have a discussant that will act as debate moderator; debate time should take at least 40 minutes. Round Table proposals should have a general description of the aims of the session, and one abstract for each of the presentations. All abstracts should comply with the same specifications as the abstracts for the General Session.
Abstracts should be sent by April 12, 2013 through the online system EasyAbs: http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/cral2013.
Prize for the Best Oral Presentation
There will be a prize for the best oral presentation by a PhD student and a prize for the best oral presentation by a postdoc. PhD students are students that have not completed their PhD before the conference. Postdocs have completed their PhD not earlier than January 2010. A nominated paper may be co-authored; in such a case, the nominee will be the first author.
Applicants are invited to include ‘Prize for the Best Communication’ under the paper title in the abstract and select the option ‘Oral Presentation + Prize’ when submitting their proposals via EasyAbs. On the basis of the ranking of the abstracts, the Advisory Committee will set up an internal shortlist with nominees for the prizes.
Members of CRAL (http://www.cilap.es) will decide who will be awarded the first prize in each category, which consists of a waiver fee and bursary of 200 euros to attend conferences.
The Organizing Committee will consider publishing a volume of selected papers presented at the conference in Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Contributions will be selected on the basis of quality and thematic coherence from among those accepted for presentation at the conference. Papers will be subjected to refereeing.
Organizing Committee:
Conference Chairs:
Francisco J. Ruiz de Mendoza (CRAL, University of La Rioja): francisco.ruizdemendoza at unirioja.es
Lorena Pérez (CRAL, University of La Rioja): lorena.perez at unirioja.es
Mª Sandra Peña (CRAL, University of La Rioja): sandra.pena at unirioja.es
Paula Pérez (University of La Rioja): paula.perezs at unirioja.es
Aneider Iza (University of La Rioja): aneider.izae at unirioja.es
Alba Luzondo (University of La Rioja): alba.luzondo at gmail.com
José Díaz (CRAL, University of La Rioja): jose.diaz-cuesta at unirioja.es
Mar Asensio (CRAL, University of La Rioja): mar.asensio at unirioja.es
Advisory Committee:
Susanne Niemeier (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
Mario Brdar (University of Osijek, Croatia)
Dylan Glynn (Lund University, Sweden)
Antonio Barcelona (University of Cordoba, Spain)
Frank Boers (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Enrique Bernárdez (Complutense University, Spain)
Mª Ángeles Gómez (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Juana Marín (Complutense University, Spain)
Official Languages:
English and Spanish
Conference website: http://cral13.cilap.es
Conference mail: cral2103 at gmail.com
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1262
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