24.1286, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Switzerland
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Fri Mar 15 14:37:24 UTC 2013
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1286. Fri Mar 15 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 24.1286, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Switzerland
Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 10:36:42
From: Johanna Miecznikowski [johanna.miecznikowskifuenfschilling at usi.ch]
Subject: Language Norms in Context. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics
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Full Title: Language Norms in Context. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics
Short Title: Vals-Asla 2014
Date: 12-Feb-2014 - 14-Feb-2014
Location: Lugano, Switzerland
Contact Person: Johanna Miecznikowski
Meeting Email: vals-asla2014.com at usi.ch
Web Site: http://www.vals-asla.ch/cms/en/meetings/vals_asla_tagung2014.html
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2013
Meeting Description:
Language Norms in Context
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics
Università della Svizzera italiana, February 12-14, 2014
Language norms concern the form and meaning of linguistic expressions and, as discursive and pragmatic norms, also discourse genres and the sequential development of verbal interaction. The explicit or implicit rules, accepted by a community, that constitute such norms emerge from language use, but are also shaped by evaluation practices and different forms of normative discourse. The nature, formation and status of language norms are particularly sensitive to the different contexts in which languages come to exist and operate within speakers’ communities. Social norms and conventions, the language system and the functions it fulfills when put into use in different contexts interact in complex ways. Applied linguistics is confronted with the triad use-evaluation-prescription with respect to some of its central objects such as language learning and teaching, language policy and planning, the use of language in the media, the social implications of linguistic practices in institutions and professional settings, language and communication in multilingual contexts.
Keynote Speakers:
Ulrich Ammon (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Giuliano Bernini (University of Bergamo)
Anita Fetzer (University of Augsburg)
Laurent Filliettaz (University of Geneva)
Johanna Miecznikowski (Istituto di studi italiani, USI), Elena Maria Pandolfi (Swiss Italian Linguistic Observatory - OLSI), Andrea Rocci (Institute of argumentation, linguistics and semiotics, USI); Martina Cameroni (USI), Matteo Casoni (OLSI), Margherita Luciani (USI), Elena Musi (USI), Marta Zampa (USI).
Scientific Committee:
Silvia Albesano (USI), Hans Bickel (University of Basel), Corrado Bologna (USI / University of Roma Tre), Rebekka Bratschi (Zentrale Sprachdienste, Bern), Marcel Burger (University of Lausanne), Matteo Casoni (OLSI, Bellinzona), Sabine Christopher Guerra (USI / SUPSI / University of Bern), Luca Cignetti (SUPSI-DFA), Jean-François De Pietro (IRDP), Alexandre Duchêne (Institute of Multilingualism, Fribourg), Simone Fornara (SUPSI-DFA)Sara Greco Morasso (USI), Annelies Häcki Buhofer (University of Basel), Johanna Miecznikowski (USI), Bruno Moretti (OLSI / University of Bern), Stéphanie Pahud (University of Lausanne), Elena Maria Pandolfi (OLSI), Rudi Palmieri (USI), Annick Paternoster (USI / School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Leeds), Daniel Perrin (ZHAW), Eddo Rigotti (USI), Andrea Rocci (USI), Eva Lia Wyss (University of Koblenz-Landau).
Early bird / regular registration for senior researchers: 110 / 130 CHF
Junior researchers and participants without presentation: 70 CHF
Call for Papers:
The conference raises the question of the relationship between norm and context in an applied perspective, encouraging proposals in the following subject areas:
1. The notion of norm in relation to language, texts and verbal interaction
- Descriptive and prescriptive grammar today;
- Norms, discourse genres and writing practices;
- Politeness: practices, representations, and normative formulations;
- Norms of argumentation in different contexts and normativity in argumentation theory.
2. Norm and language policy
- Language planning and legislation;
- Effects of language policies;
- National standards and variation.
3. Language norms in language education and teaching
- Linguistic and pragmatic norms in the family;
- The teacher as an interpreter of the norm from nursery school to higher education;
- Linguistic-discursive norms and exemplary texts in language teaching from readers to handbooks;
- Norm, interlanguage and error evaluation in L2 teaching;
- Pragmatic norms in classroom interaction.
4. Language norms in professional settings
- Norm and languages for special purposes; usage and updating of terminology.
- Communicative norms in business and work.
- Language norms in the communication between public administration and citizens: linguistic simplification, ‘style guides’.
5. Language norms in contact situations
- The management of linguistic and discursive norms in situations of diglossia and multilingualism;
- Effects of language contact on the development of norms;
- Multilingualism, citizenship and quality of public communication.
6. Context, use and system in norm changes
- Norm and variation in a diachronic perspective;
- Historicity of linguistic norms: the formation of a linguistic and literary canon and its vitality in culture and teaching practices;
- Neology and linguistic norm. Criteria for assessing the acceptability of neologisms.
7. Language norms in the media: from mass communication to the social media
- Principles, professional standards and writing practices in journalism;
- Discursive norms and quality of argumentation in mediated verbal interaction: interview, debate, talk-show;
- Linguistic norms, genres, community and norms of verbal interaction in online communication and the social media.
The duration of single presentations is 20 minutes (+ 10 minutes for discussion). Panels, consisting of three to six thematically related presentations, have a duration of 90 minutes, discussion included.
In order to propose a presentation or a panel, each contributing author must create an account on the meeting’s ConfTool platform. The main author uploads an anonymous abstract with a maximum length of, respectively, 4000 characters (for single presentations) and 8000 characters (for panels), references included (link: http://vals-asla2014.elearninglab.org/).
The language of the abstracts may be Italian, French, German or English.
Submission of proposals (individual presentations and workshops): August 15, 2013
Notification to authors: October 31, 2013
Early-bird registration: December 8, 2013
Deadline for online registration: January 6, 2014
Web: http://www.vals-asla.ch/cms/en/meetings/vals_asla_tagung2014.html
LINGUIST List: Vol-24-1286
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