25.1549, Disc: Is there a UG?

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Apr 1 20:33:31 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-1549. Tue Apr 01 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.1549, Disc: Is there a UG?

Fund Drive 2014

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Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:33:10
From: Soleiman Ghassemi [ghassmy at gmail.com]
Subject: Is there a UG?

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Hi, I study general linguistics but philosophy (my main interest) dragged me to linguistics. I have thought about thinking and reason for nearly 20 years and I believe I have could discover an important fact. But because I live in a religious and authoritarian country, I can't publish my findings here at my university. i've written this issue on my Facebook too with some more philosophical background.

1. Reason is an undeniable invisible fact.
2. Reason is an independent reality. Because an unreasonable matter can’t product Reason.
3. Brain is a substance and can’t produce Reason. (It’s made by Reason itself )
4. Information goes from sensory organs to the brain by neurons.
5. It is the Reason what understands information of the brain.
6. So our Reason is not connected to realities directly, but It receives their image in the brain.
7. In fact brain is the same as Plato's cave, A cave that Plato felt its existence but he did not know it.
8. The main factor of evolution is the existence of Reason in Fauna’s body.
9. First, The Reason has entered into simplest body ( single-celled ) for life.
10. A full-fledged brain can give more information to the Reason. 
11. Due to the larger brain, human can see connection of things together.
12. The human due to his broader brain can see links between things and then be aware of the facts or understand them.
13. So before understanding a reality you have to have seen the relation of its components.
14. Speech is expression of a perceived reality, and it is not relevant to the previous step (seeing the connection of components). That is why we cannot express a reality before understanding it. Thought ( that is looking at things and explore their connection ) occurs in the first phase. Therefore when you thought you cannot talk.
15. We cannot show connection of components in a sentence simultaneously such as in mind .we have to write the words in a linear order.
16. But, to show how components are connected together every language has to determine some rules for the arrangement of words in a sentence which will form the Grammar of that language.
17. Thus, contrary to Chomsky, there is not a universal grammar, because no grammar can show the connection of components of a reality simultaneously as it is perceived in the mind. 
18. It should also be said that contrary to his opinion, language phenomenon is not due to a specific gene in humans. Because genes can’t produce thought. Brain is like a window that our Reason looks out behind it and The more this window is larger the more connections can be seen. Language is an evidence of this claim.

How do you think ? I will be happy if you submit an answer.
Yours Sincerely
Solomon Ghasemi

Linguistic Field(s): Philosophy of Language

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LINGUIST List: Vol-25-1549	

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