25.1656, Support: Greek, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics / Greece

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Apr 9 16:31:14 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-1656. Wed Apr 09 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.1656, Support: Greek, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics / Greece

Fund Drive 2014

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Editor for this issue: Danuta  Allen <dallen43 at emich.edu>

Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:29:25
From: Areti Okalidou [okalidou at uom.edu.gr]
Subject: Greek, Language Acquisition, Phonetics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Macedonia, Greece

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 Institution/Organization: University of Macedonia 
Department: Educational and Social Policy 
Web Address: http://uom.gr 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research,Project Work
Specialty Areas: Language Acquisition; Phonetics; Psycholinguistics 
Required Language(s): Greek, Modern (ell)


A Ph.D. vacancy position has been opened at the University of Macedonia, Greece, in the framework of ‘iCARE’, a European research and training network (Marie Curie ITN) on ‘improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation’. iCARE is an international and interdisciplinary consortium from academia, industry and socio-economic agencies. The position is available for 3 years, starting in June 2014 and aims in the completion of a Ph.D. within 4 years.  Limited funding may be available in the 4th year.

The aim of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) is to investigate the phono-prosodic cues that underlie the processing of spoken words by profoundly hearing impaired children with cochlear implants (CI). 

- Assess the role of speech signal cues on lexical processing by CI children. 
- Investigate  the acquisition of phonological grammar by CI children in two languages, Greek and another language. 
- Develop hierarchies of phono-prosodic cues that facilitate lexical processing.
- Develop e-learning/remote rehabilitation tools for clinical practice and/or parent guidance.

Tasks and methodology:
- Psycholinguistic experiments that involve presentation of controlled speech stimuli, computerized, forced-choice tasks, reaction times and elicited productions.
- Obtaining accuracy ratings and performing acoustic analysis of speech via spectrography.
- Conducting speech and language assessments in young children with CI, working with them in sound-attenuated rooms, making audio recordings.
- Programming and carrying out computerized tasks.

Your profile:
- A Master's level degree (or equivalent) in Communication Disorders, Hearing Impairment, Speech Science or Hearing Science. 
- Scientific background in the study of speech, acoustics and phonology 
- A vested interest in hearing-impaired children and multi-disciplinary international team work, demonstrated by willingness to move to Salonika, Greece.
- Familiarity with research tools, such as PRAAT, E-Prime or other computerized software for designing psycholinguistic tasks.
- Technical competence for data analysis (Excell, SPSS, Statistica, etc.). 
- Excellent command of English language, both in academic writing and in verbal communication.  Knowledge of Greek is recommended. 
- Research experience in any of the above fields and clinical or other experience in working with children is desirable.

How to apply: 
Please send your CV, full contact information for two references and letter of intent to Prof.  Areti Okalidou (okalidou at uom.gr).  Make sure that you obtain  a confirmation response upon their receipt. Other documents such as English language proficiency and recommendations may be submitted upon request later on. 

Application Deadline: 10-Jun-2014 

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Prof. Areti Okalidou 
Dept. of Educational and Social Policy, 
University of Macedonia 
Egnatias 156, P.O. 1591 
Salonika Salonika 540 06 
Tel. : +30-2310-891358. 
Web Address for Applications: http://www.icareitn.eu 

Contact Information: 
	Prof. Areti Okalidou 
okalidou at uom.edu.gr 

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LINGUIST List: Vol-25-1656	

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