25.3287, Qs: Online Survey: Voicing

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat Aug 16 21:59:28 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3287. Sat Aug 16 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.3287, Qs: Online Survey: Voicing

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            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 17:59:17
From: Grzegorz Aperliński [gaperlinski at wa.amu.edu.pl]
Subject: Online Survey: Voicing

E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear all,

We invite you to participate in an online survey with the help of which we'd
like to explore voicing cues in aspirating and voicing languages. The survey
is intended for native speakers of English. Results of the survey will be made
public via our will be presented during the SLE conference in Poznań, 2014.

The survey is anonymous and should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Link to survey:


Your participation is much appreciated!

Grzegorz Aperliński,
Adam Mickewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Linguistic Field(s): Phonology

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3287	


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