25.4951, Jobs: Italian; Spanish; Applied Linguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma

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Sun Dec 7 17:13:52 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4951. Sun Dec 07 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.4951, Jobs: Italian; Spanish; Applied Linguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Andrew Lamont <alamont at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:13:42
From: Joseph Sullivan [jsullivan at ou.edu]
Subject: Italian; Spanish; Applied Linguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma

E-mail this message to a friend:
University or Organization: University of Oklahoma 
Department: Modern Languages
Job Location: Oklahoma, USA 
Web Address: modlang at ou.edu
Job Title: Second Language Acquisition/Applied Linguistics
Job Rank: 5-Year Renewable Term Position; Assistant Professor

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics 

Required Language(s): Italian (ita)
                      Spanish (spa) 


Second Language Acquisition/Applied Linguistics Five-Year Ranked Renewable
Term Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor

The University of Oklahoma announces a five-year, ranked, renewable term
appointment in Second Language Acquisition/Applied Linguistics at the rank of
Assistant Professor. In order to be considered, applicants must have: 1) a
Ph.D. in second language acquisition, applied linguistics, or a related field,
in hand by time of appointment; 2) native or near-native fluency in Italian or
Spanish; 3) a demonstrable commitment to excellence in teaching Italian or
Spanish language and culture.  First preference will be given to candidates
with a specialization in Italian. The successful candidate will teach six
courses per year, serve as the Liaison to the College of Education and the
Liaison to the Oklahoma State Board of Education, and provide graduate
teaching assistant training. Salary is competitive. The successful candidate
will teach courses in language and culture at various levels, Techniques of
Teaching a Foreign Language, and Second Language Acquisition Theory, and other
related courses as needed.  The appointment will begin August 16, 2015. After
an initial review of dossiers, interviews will be conducted by Skype. Please
send/have sent (by email or in hard copy) a letter of application; three
confidential letters of recommendation; a curriculum vitae; graduate
transcripts; at least two full sets of recent student teaching evaluations;
and other elements of the teaching dossier such as peer teaching reviews,
syllabi, etc. to Dr. Joseph Sullivan (application email below), Chair of
SLA/Pedagogy Search Committee, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and
Linguistics, 780 Van Vleet Oval, Room 202, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
73019. Review of materials will begin January 2, 2015 and will continue until
the position is filled. Women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals
with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The University of Oklahoma is an
equal opportunity institution http://www.ou.edu/eoo.html.

Application Deadline: 02-Jan-2015 (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: jsullivan at ou.edu 
Contact Information:
	Dr. Joseph Sullivan 
	Email: jsullivan at ou.edu 
	Phone: 405-325-6181 
	Fax: 405-325-0103 

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4951	

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