25.5099, Confs: Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Translation/Germany
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Mon Dec 15 18:18:30 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-5099. Mon Dec 15 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.5099, Confs: Computational Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Translation/Germany
Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org
Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:18:19
From: Oliver Čulo [culo at uni-mainz.de]
Subject: Translation in Transition
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Translation in Transition
Date: 29-Jan-2015 - 30-Jan-2015
Location: Germersheim, Germany
Contact: Oliver Čulo
Contact Email: tt2015 at uni-mainz.de
Meeting URL: http://www.tt2015.fb06.uni-mainz.de
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; Translation
Meeting Description:
Translation in Transition 2015 conference
The second Translation in Transition conference takes place on January 29th and 30th at the Faculty of Translation Studies of Mainz University on the campus in Germersheim, Germany. This conference deals with emerging fields in the translation world, brought about by the ongoing digitalisation which changes the way we translate but also facilitates new ways of research in translation like keystroke logging, eye-tracking, or EEG studies. The second Translation in Transition conference is a continuation of the first Translation in Transition conference held in January 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. It invites researchers from various fields like corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics or machine translation who want to present novel research with relation to translation and its changing face.
Special Track: The role of the translator in a digitalised world
Besides the main track of the conference, we aim to run a Special Track with the title ³The role of the translator in a digitalised world². This track shall reflect two facts. First, with machine translation taking on a more and more important role in translation workflows, the question comes up what the future profile of translators will be. What will the future core profile of translators be, beyond proficiency in post-editing? Second, translation has become ubiquitous and more of a crowd phenomenon, to be witnessed in crowd translations in open source projects, wiki projects etc. How does this shape the view on translation and the translator? This track invites empirical and theoretical work with relation to these questions.
Oliver Čulo
Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
An der Hochschule 2
76726 Germersheim
culo at uni-mainz.de
Thursday, January 29, 2015
09:15, Lecture Hall
Sandra Halverson
What's in there vs. what's out there: social and cognitive domains in translation theory
10:30 Coffee break, room 330
Pertti Hietaranta
Cognitive economy and mental worlds: how much can they account for errors in translation?
Lore Vandevoorde, Gert De Sutter, Koen Plevoets
A cognitive-translational approach to meaning. Visualizing semantic structure through translational corpora
Katharina Oster
Investigating the translator's mental lexicon and monitoring using reaction times and EEG
12:30 Lunch break, room 330
Michael Cronin, Lecture Hall
Digital Ecologies, Translation and the Posthuman
14:45, Transfer to room 329
Federico Gaspari
The role of the translator (trainer) in a digitalised, cloud-based, crowd-sourced, wikified and social-mediatised world
Tomasz Rozmyslowicz
Translation Theory in the “Translation Age”
15:45 Coffee break, room 330
16:15, room 329
Ekaterina Lapshinova
'The more, the better' in human and machine translation: what do we have in common?
Jean Nitzke, Oliver Čulo
Contrasting Post-Editing and Human Translations: Lexical research and lexical choice
Michael Carl, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, Moritz Schaeffer
Processes of Literal Translation and Post-editing
End of day 1
19:30 Conference Dinner at Restaurant Akropolis
Friday, January 30, 2015
Wendy Fox, room 329
Film Identity, Reception, Aesthetics and Information Flow: Improvements in Audiovisual Translation through Eyetracking
Anne Catherine Gieshoff
Pupil dilation measured in simultaneous interpreting: Cognitive Load or Mental Effort?
Tatiana Serbina, Sven Hintzen, Adjan Hansen-Ampah, Paula Niemietz, Stella Neumann
Changes of word class during the translation process: insights from a combined analysis of keystroke logging and eye-tracking data
Joke Daems, Sonia Vandepitte, Robert Hartsuiker, Lieve Macken
Comparing human translation and post-editing for general text types using advanced research tools
11:00 Coffee break, room 330
Alessandra Rossetti, Federico Gaspari
The impact of using TM software vs post-editing MT output on the translation process of trainee translators: an analysis of perceived difficulty and time effectiveness
Frédéric Blain, Amir Hazem, Fethi Bougares, Loic Barrault, Holger Schwenk
Project Adaptation Over Several Days
Mario Bisiada
Differentiating the Translation Process: A Corpus Analysis of Editorial Influence on English-to-German Business Article Translations
Closing remarks
End of conference
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-5099
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