25.558, Confs: Syntax, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Typology, Historical Ling/France

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LINGUIST List: Vol-25-558. Mon Feb 03 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.558, Confs: Syntax, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Typology, Historical Ling/France

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 12:01:08
From: Laure Gardelle [laure.gardelle at ens-lyon.fr]
Subject: Personal Pronouns in Linguistics and Stylistics

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Personal Pronouns in Linguistics and Stylistics 

Date: 03-Apr-2014 - 04-Apr-2014 
Location: Lyon, France 
Contact: Laure Gardelle Sandrine Sorlin 
Contact Email: laure.gardelle at ens-lyon.fr 
Meeting URL: http://perspronslyon.sciencesconf.org/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Historical Linguistics; Pragmatics; Syntax; Typology 

Meeting Description: 

International Conference
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Lyon, France)
3-4 April 2014
‘Personal Pronouns in Linguistics and Stylistics’
Organized by Laure Gardelle (ENS de Lyon, UMR ICAR) and Sandrine Sorlin (EMMA, Institut Universitaire de France)

The aim of this conference is to bring together a cross-section of recent research on personal pronouns in linguistics and stylistics. In the past twenty years or so these functional words, which used to be regarded as mere ‘short-hand devices’ substituting for a noun phrase, have been shown to be central to a number of complex domains, as illustrated by cross-linguistic studies on such topics as agreement (e.g. Corbett 1991, 2000 for gender and number, Siewierska 2004 for person), pronoun typology (Bhat 2004) or pronominal anaphora (e.g. Ariel 1990, Gundel et al. 1993, Huang 1994). Personal pronouns have also been studied more sporadically in Critical Discourse Analysis and literary stylistics with a focus on the construction of subjectivities and addressees. 

Keynote Speakers:

Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow)
Michel Le Guern (Université Lyon 2)
Katie Wales (University of Nottingham)

Colloque international
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (Lyon, France)
3-4 avril 2014
« Les pronoms personnels : approches linguistiques et stylistiques »
Organisé par Laure Gardelle (ENS de Lyon, UMR ICAR) et Sandrine Sorlin (EMMA, Institut Universitaire de France)
Ce colloque vise à réunir des travaux récents sur les pronoms personnels en linguistique et en stylistique. Les recherches menées au cours des vingt dernières années ont en effet montré que ces mots fonctionnels, traditionnellement considérés comme de simples « substituts abréviatifs » de syntagmes nominaux, se trouvaient au cœur de problématiques complexes - on pense notamment aux études translinguistiques sur l’accord (ex. Corbett 1991, 2000 pour le genre et le nombre, Siewierska 2004 pour la personne), la typologie des pronoms (Bhat 2004) ou l’anaphore pronominale (ex. Ariel 1990, Gundel et al. 1993, Huang 1994). Les pronoms personnels ont aussi été étudiés de façon plus sporadique en analyse de discours (en Critical Discourse Analysis notamment) et en stylistique littéraire, dans des travaux portant sur la construction de la subjectivité et de l’altérité. 

Conférenciers invités : 

Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow)
Michel Le Guern (Université Lyon 2)
Katie Wales (University of Nottingham) 

Please note that registrations will be open until 15 March 2014. Register through the conference website:

http://perspronslyon.sciencesconf.org/ (click on the Union Jack for the English version)

Conference Programme:

Thursday 3 April
Coffee and welcome

Opening of the conference
Chair : Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow)

Keynote talk:
Katie Wales (University of Nottingham)
'Loquor ergo sum: 'I' and animateness re-considered'

Horst Simon (FreieUniversität Berlin)
'What exactly is a personal pronoun? On some problematic cases in the 2nd person'
Coffee break
Chair : Lyndon Higgs (université de Strasbourg) 

Lisa Deringer and Olga Rudolf(Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
'Impersonal uses of the second person singular in English, German and Russian corpora'

John Payne (University of Manchester)
'Personal pronouns in English of-PPs'
Lunch break
Workshop 1 / Atelier 1:
Chair: Horst Simon (FreieUniversität Berlin)

Elisabeth Stark (Universität Zürich)
'French clitic personal pronouns between agreement markers and pragmatic signals - evidence from an 
“abbreviated register”(text messages)'

StéphanieCaëtand Aliyah Morgenstern (Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle)
'First- and second-person pronouns in two mother-child French-speaking dyads'
Coffee break
Chair: John Payne (University of Manchester)

Lyndon Higgs (Université de Strasbourg)
'She said “I don’t like her and her don’t like me”: Complex interpersonal relations expressed through dialect forms of personal pronouns in direct speech'

Tuija Virtanen (Abo Akademi University)
'Co-referential first and third person markers in computer-mediated discourse: Exploring a pragmatically motivated innovation in English grammar'
Workshop 2 / Atelier 2:
Chair : Sandrine Sorlin (Aix-Marseille Université)

Keynote talk:
Michel Le Guern (Université Lyon 2)
'Le pronom dans les écrits grammaticaux de Nicolas Beauzée'

Emmanuelle Prak-Derrington (ENS de Lyon)
'Du lecteur coopératif au lecteur complice. De l'usage des déictiques personnels dans le récit littéraire'
Coffee break
Chair : Michel Le Guern (Université Lyon 2)

Nicolas Laurent (ENS de Lyon)
'Pronoms personnels et pensée de l'individu: l'invention d'un discours de soi dans l'écriture épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné'

Annabelle Seoane (Université de Metz)
'Configurations énonciatives de la figure du consommateur par l'utilisation du JE en publicité'
Friday 4 April
Chair: Katie Wales (University of Nottingham)

Keynote talk:
Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow)
'Antecedentless pronouns and narrative worlds: Stylistic, linguistic, and psychological perspectives'

Evgenia Iliopoulou (Universität Zürich)
'The interplay of pronouns in fiction'
Coffee break
Chair: Barbara De Cock (UniversitéCatholique de Louvain)

Anje Müller Gjesdal (University of Bergen)
'The infinite present: The pronoun on and the present tense in L'excès – l'usine by Leslie Kaplan'

Dwi Noverini Djenar (University of Sydney)
'Pronouns, multilingualism, and intersubjective stance in Indonesian teen fiction'
Lunch break
Chair: Elizabeth Stark (Universität Zürich)

Elena Bratishenko (University of Calgary)
Parting company: the history of the 3rd person pronoun and the long-form adjective in Russian

Barbara De Cock (Université Catholique de Louvain)
'Women only? The use of feminine and masculine pronouns for self-reference in Spanish'
Coffee break
Chair: Laure Gardelle (ENS de Lyon)

Ayumi Nonomiya (University of Sheffield)
'Second person pronouns in eighteenth-century British dramas'

Stéphanie Béligon (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée - Paris 12)
'Staging antagonism: You and insults'

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-558	
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