25.730, Confs: Lang Acq, Lang Documentation, Morphology, Phonology, Syntax/Canada
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Wed Feb 12 14:41:21 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-730. Wed Feb 12 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.730, Confs: Lang Acq, Lang Documentation, Morphology, Phonology, Syntax/Canada
Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 09:40:24
From: Phil Branigan [wscla19 at mun.ca]
Subject: Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 19
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Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 19
Short Title: WSCLA19
Date: 25-Apr-2014 - 27-Apr-2014
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Contact: Phil Branigan
Contact Email: wscla19 at mun.ca
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Language Documentation; Morphology; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax
Meeting Description:
The Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) is an annual gathering of linguists who both specialise in indigenous languages and contribute to the development of grammatical theory, in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
WSCLA 19 will take place at Memorial University, Newfoundland. The conference will run all day on Friday and Saturday, April 25-26, and through mid-day on Sunday, April 27.
We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers:
Keren Rice (University of Toronto)
Michael Hamilton (McGill University, student guest speaker)
Heidi Harley (University of Arizona)
Ellen Courtney (University of Texas at El Paso)
Friday, April 25
8:00am to 9:00 am
9:00am to 9:30am
Opening Addresses
9:30 am to 11am Session 1 - Morphosyntax
Richard Compton (McGill)
Discerning genuine object agreement from clitics in Inuit
Michelle Yuan (MIT)
Person restrictions in Inuktitut portmanteau morphology
Jessica Coon (McGill)
Little-v agreement: Evidence from Mayan
11am to 11:30am
11:30am to 1pm Session 2 - Phonology
Clarissa Forbes (University of Toronto)
Gitksan root stress: Modelling the path to lexical accent
Khashayar Hamidzadeh and Kevin Russell (University of Manitoba)
Reduplication in Paraguayan Guarani
Jonathan Manker (Berkeley)
Tone specification and the Tone-Bearing Unit (TBU) in Han Athapaskan
1pm to 1:45pm
1:45pm to 2:45pm
Invited speaker: Heidi Harley (University of Arizona) -- TBA
2:45pm to 3pm
3pm-4:30pm Session 3 - Morphosyntax
Michael Barrie (Sogang)
The Fine Structure of vP/VP Structure and the Iterative in Cayuga
Brandon Fry and Eric Mathieu (University of Ottawa)
Ojibwe words as complex heads?
Kyumin Kim (University of Calgary)
Spatial PPs and structure of motion verbs in Blackfoot
4:30pm to 5pm
5pm to 6pm
Invited speaker: Keren Rice (University of Toronto) -- TBA
Saturday, April 26
9am-10:30am Session 1: Acquisition (L1 and L2)
Christiane Oliveira and Luiz Amaral (University of Massachusetts)
Bo-words in Karaja: From a formal perspective to a pedagogical approach
Shanley Allen (University of Kaiserslautern) and Julie Brittain (Memorial)
Argument Realisation in Northern East Cree Child Speech and Child-directed Speech
Susan Kalt (Roxbury Community College) and Martin Castillo (University of Michigan)
Ayniqa yachaywasinchikpi: Collaborative approaches to linguistic science in the rural Andean classroom
10:30am to 11:am
11am to 12pm Session 2: Morphosyntax
Will Oxford (University of Manitoba)
A connection between portmanteau agreement and inverse marking in Algonquian
Charlotte Reinholtz (Queens)
How Constituents are Negated in Cree: Evidence from Eastern Swampy Cree
12pm to 1pm
Invited speaker: Kanani Penashue (Labrador Innu school board) -- TBA
1pm to 2:30 pm Session 2 - Semantics
Meagan Louie (UBC)
Actuality Entailments (and their imposters) in Blackfoot
Alan Bale (Concordia)
Quantity Implicatures and Evidentiality in Mi'gmaq
Heather Bliss (University of Victoria) and Martina Wiltschko (UBC)
On the Heterogeneity of Demonstratives: Evidence from Squamish and Blackfoot
2:30 pm to 3:00pm
3pm to 4:30pm Session 3 - Morphosemantics
Leslie Saxon (University of Victoria)
'Discourse particles' and selection by higher predicates
Grant Armstrong (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Scott AnderBois (Brown)
On a transitivity-based split in Yucatec Maya control complements
Ana Muller (University of Sao Paulo)
Number-neutrality, Pluractionality and Distributivity in Karitiana
4:45pm to 5:45pm
Invited speaker: Ellen Courtney (University of Texas at El Paso)
Learning Verbs: Evidence from Quechua
Sunday, April 27
9am-10:30am Session 1 - Morphosyntax
Eric Mathieu (University of Ottawa)
Wh-questions in Ojibwe and the conjunct/participial distinction
Phil Branigan (Memorial)
How not to constrain cavalier head-movement in Innu-aimun
Heather Bliss (University of Victoria)
Deconstructing Obviation in Blackfoot
11am to 12am
Invited Student Speaker: Mike Hamilton (McGill) -- TBA
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-730
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