25.31, Calls: General Linguistics/Switzerland
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Tue Jan 7 20:27:50 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-31. Tue Jan 07 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.31, Calls: General Linguistics/Switzerland
Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 15:27:17
From: Robert Schikowski [robert.schikowski at uzh.ch]
Subject: 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics: Dynamics of Variation
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Full Title: 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics: Dynamics of Variation
Short Title: CHLING8
Date: 19-Jun-2014 - 21-Jun-2014
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Contact Person: Robert Schikowski
Meeting Email: info at linguistik.uzh.ch
Web Site: http://events.linguistik.uzh.ch
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2014
Meeting Description:
>From 19 to 21 June 2014, the 8th Days of Swiss Linguistics are going to take place at the University of Zurich under the heading of ‘Dynamics of Variation’.
Human language is characterised by extreme diversity, variation on the micro and macro levels, and constant change. One of the major questions of linguistics is what conditions this fluidity. Which factors determine diversification through time and space? How can diversity and variation be modelled theoretically? Are there general principles that unite all different forms of language?
These questions are central for a number of linguistic subdisciplines. Language-internal variation is the raison d'être for dialectology and sociolinguistics, and language typology investigates the structural diversity of the languages of the world. Psycholinguistics and evolutionary anthropology widen the perspective on synchronic and diachronic variation. In addition, recent technological developments have made it easy to store and analyse large amounts of data and thus get a grip on variation in practical terms. The conference aims at bringing together different approaches and methods for dealing with variation in individual languages and in general.
There will be two parallel sessions. While the first is dedicated to the conference topic ‘Dynamics of Variation’, the second has no restrictions and is open for all linguistic contributions.
Plenary Speakers:
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Nicholas Evans (Australian National University, Canberra)
Shana Poplack (University of Ottawa)
Guido Seiler (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Brsg.)
Carel van Schaik (Universität Zürich)
Universität Zürich
Rämistrasse 71
8006 Zürich
Final Call for Papers:
Contributions are invited for two sessions. The thematic session, 'Dynamics of variation', will deal with variation, diversity, and change in language, whereas the general session is open to contributions from all areas of linguistics.
Due to numerous requests, the original deadline has been extended until 15 January 2014. Abstracts may be submitted in English, German, French, or Italian. In order to be able to submit a paper, you have to register as an author on the conference website (http://events.linguistik.uzh.ch/index.php/chling/no8/user/account). Note that this does not include registration for the conference, which is also handled via the website (http://events.linguistik.uzh.ch/index.php/chling/no8/schedConf/registration).
Author guidelines:
Please send your abstract as a PDF file with no more than 500 words. The file should contain a title and your text but no information that may be used to identify you such as your name and affiliation. You may add a list of references without including it in the word count. Please don't forget to specify in the file whether your contribution is intended for the general session or for the thematic session 'Dynamics of variation'.
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-31
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