25.382, Qs: Survey about learning lesser used languages

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Wed Jan 22 20:03:35 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-382. Wed Jan 22 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.382, Qs: Survey about learning lesser used languages

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Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:03:26
From: Deborah Arbes [d.arbes at uni-bremen.de]
Subject: Survey about learning lesser used languages

E-mail this message to a friend:
Dear Linguists,

I am an MA student of linguistics at Bremen University and I participate in a project seminar called 'Language Revitalisation and Internet'. My project is about learning lesser used languages with online resources. 
(For this purpose I define 'lesser used language' as a language with fewer than one million native speakers. (cf. Stolz 2001a))

So if you have tried to learn a lesser used language during the last five years, this survey is for you:


Thank you very much for participating!


Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics
                     General Linguistics
                     Language Acquisition
                     Language Documentation

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-382	
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