25.2677, Confs: Semantics, Pragmatics, General Linguistics/Germany

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Mon Jun 23 16:47:18 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-2677. Mon Jun 23 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.2677, Confs: Semantics, Pragmatics, General Linguistics/Germany

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:45:41
From: Edga Onea [edgar.onea at zentr.uni-goettingen.de]
Subject: Workshop on Indefinites in Discourse Structure

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Workshop on Indefinites in Discourse Structure 
Short Title: RED2014 

Date: 27-Jun-2014 - 28-Jun-2014 
Location: Köln, Germany 
Contact: Edgar Onea 
Contact Email: red-2014 at uni-koeln.de 
Meeting URL: http://red.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/red2014/index.html 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Pragmatics; Semantics 

Meeting Description: 

The Workshop on “Indefinites in Discourse Structure” (RED 2014), is part of the workshop series 'Referential Expressions in Discourse' and the follow up of the Workshops “Indefinites and Beyond” (Göttingen, 2011) and “Indefinites in Discourse” (Cologne, 2013).

Invited Speakers:

Hans Kamp (Stuttgart / Austin)
Anastasia Giannakidou (Chicago)


Klaus von Heusinger (Cologne)
Edgar Onea (Göttingen)

Workshop Location: Köln, Germany


Anyone interested is cordially invited to participate, however, please send a short registration note to: edgar.onea at zentr.uni-goettingen.de in advance. 


RED14 - Indefinites in Discourse Structure
(Referential Expressions in Discourse 2014)

Organizers: Klaus von Heusinger (Köln) and Edgar Onea (Göttingen)

Venue: University of Köln - Building C2, Room 008 (see directions below)

Friday, 27 June 2014


Hans Kamp: Three levels for the semantic contribution of indefinites

10.30-11:00 Coffee

Maria Cieschinger: Donkey anaphora and beyond

Sveltana Petrova: Synchronic variation and diachronic change in the expression of indefinite reference: evidence from historical German

13.00-14.30 Lunch 

Alina Tigau: Indefinite direct objects in discourse: Differential Object Marking and Clitic Doubling in Romanian

Patricia Irwin: Argument structure, specific indefinites, and referential anchoring

16.30-17:00 Coffee

Anastasia Giannakidou: Indefinites in context: anti-specificity as epistemic indeterminacy

19.30 Dinner

Saturday 28 June 2014

Workshop Topic 1 (Chair: Chiara Gianollo): Indefinites in discourse and diachrony

11.00-11.30 Coffee

Workshop Topic 2 (Chair: Jaklin Kornfilt): Indefinites and discourse- linking

Short lunch with poster presentation

Workshop Topic 3 (Chair: Edgar Onea & Klaus von Heusinger): Forward looking potential of indefinites

Excursion Köln


Yoshiki Mori & Hitomi Hirayama: Definite readings of left-dislocated indefinites
Susan Schweitzer: Discourse effects on acceptance of generic constructions


Klaus.vonheusinger at uni-koeln.de
edgar.onea at zentr.uni-goettingen.de 

Directions (From Cologne Central Station) to Building C2, Room 008

>From Köln Main Station: tickets for the subway (U-Bahn) can be bought from vending machines on the track or on board the train (coins only, CityTicket1b 2,60€). Take U-Bahn line 16 or 18 in direction Neumarkt/Barbarossaplatz/Bonn to the stop Neumarkt. There, you change to U-Bahn line 9, in direction Sülz. To change in Neumarkt you have to go out of the subway to the surface line (still called U-bahn): Line 9 stops in Neumarkt square. The stop where you reach us is called 'Universität'.
>From the U-Bahn stop 'Universität': you proceed in the same direction of the train and you immediately reach the Universitätsstraße. Turn right, cross the traffic lights and proceed ca. 200m to Albertus Magnus Platz. Cross the Albertus Magnus Platz, go past the first building on your left. Now you will walk a wide footpath between two big Buildungs. Walk straight on and you will reach Building C2 on your left, which is a provisional Container. Enter the Building and follow the floor to the end to reach Room 008, in which RED 2014 takes place.

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-2677	
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