25.2161, Review: Sociolinguistics: Decker & Grummitt (2012)

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Fri May 16 14:10:32 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-2161. Fri May 16 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.2161, Review: Sociolinguistics: Decker & Grummitt (2012)

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Editor for this issue: Monica Macaulay <monica at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 10:09:24
From: Laura Diver [diverl at tcd.ie]
Subject: Understanding Language Choices

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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/23/23-3223.html

AUTHOR: Kendall (Ken) Don Decker
AUTHOR: John  Grummitt
TITLE: Understanding Language Choices
PUBLISHER: SIL International Publications
YEAR: 2012

REVIEWER: Laura Carmel Diver, Trinity College Dublin


After the preface, the introductory chapter to this book introduces the field
of language assessment, defining essential vocabulary, placing the material
within the wider field of language development and explaining how the book is
to be used as a study aid. It also presents two brief case studies, before
moving on to discuss the distinctions between survey and assessment, language
and dialect, and different kinds of language. The introduction further
presents the ways in which assessment contributes to language development. The
introduction is particularly useful in that it provides accessible definitions
of the main theoretical issues and theories which arise in the field of
language assessment. This is further supported by the provision of a
comprehensive glossary at the end of the book.  The introduction also
references several relevant authors working in the field (Grimes, 1995; Lewis,
2009; Coulmas, 2005, etc.).

>From there, the book is divided into five further chapters, each dealing with
a different form of language choice: 2) Restricted Language Choice; 3)
Negotiated Language Choice; 4) Free Language Choice; 5) Assessment Research;
6) Making it Happen.  Each chapter is well structured, setting out the goals
of the chapter and its main topics at the beginning, and concluding with
suggestions for further reading.

Chapter Two deals with the issue of restricted language choice. It examines
the issues of the impact of international and national economic policies on
speech communities; how government language policies affect local speech
communities; and the influence of socio-political conflicts and environmental
disasters on speech communities. In particular, the chapter focuses on the
ways in which multilingualism and language vitality are affected by theses
issues. Important influencing factors, for example politics and economics, are
discussed at length, providing an insight into their impact upon language
choice. Each issue discussed in this chapter is supported by the presentation
of a case study. For example, Case Study 2A (p. 29) describes how the
perceived prestige of Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea has led to speakers of
Taiap abandoning their language. These case studies are brief summaries of the
situations and problems facing languages throughout the world. Some research
methodologies, such as background research and interviews are also introduced.
What is important is that the authors explain the rationale behind the choice
of each methodology and highlight its appropriateness for the form of language
choice being assessed.

Chapter Three discusses the topic of negotiated language choice, looking at
five main issues which arise from this: 1) multilingualism which arises from
language contact; 2) how this language contact impacts language vitality; 3)
the differing social networks that come about as a result of language contact;
4) the role of education and economics in situations of contact; and 5) the
importance of motivations and attitudes to developing ability in languages.
Issues such as social and psychological factors are presented in relation to
language contact, and the chapter goes on to deal with other factors such as
maintenance and shift, before examining the topics of bilingualism,
multilingualism and diglossia. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the
different methodologies which can be used in order to investigate these topics
(i.e. interviews, sentence repetition tests, oral interviews, etc.). Again
case studies are used to situate the issues in their context.

Chapter Four presents the subject of free language choice through examination
of speech community demographics, identity, attitudes of self and its effect
on language vitality, and how socialisation determines language. It begins by
presenting the forms of language variation before moving on to look at the
social factors involved in free language choice. Again, each section is
supported by reference to various case studies on the topics. This chapter
also examines the typical research questions found in relation to free
language choice, and closes with a presentation of the various research
methodologies used to investigate this field.

Chapter Five treats the topic of assessment research. This is examined in
light of research ethics, the research cycle, the ladder of abstraction,
defining variables, varying forms of data, approaches to sampling and
principles of academic writing. Research ethics and its many associated issues
are first discussed and followed by a presentation on research methodologies,
with definitions of the terms and variables throughout the chapter. The issue
of sampling is then addressed, with the reader being introduced to its various

Chapter Six is entitled ‘Making it Happen’ and is an approach to the practical
considerations of language assessment. Linguists’ roles and functions are
presented, with discussions of individual and team work. How the linguist
works within a given language community and deals with issues such as
conflicts within that community are explained, again with reference to case
studies. The authors deal with important factors in linguistic research,
including financial support, time restrictions, and equipment used, and the
chapter closes on the topic of stress factors.


This book is intended to be an introductory textbook to the field of language
choice assessment. The authors approach the field by dividing language choice
into its various forms and then presenting the central issues of each form. As
each topic is examined, the authors continually provide definitions of the
main associated terminology. The subject matter is also supported by reference
to a number of case studies. However, some of the case studies are of little
value and provide less than pertinent information.  In addition, the treatment
of each case study is quite brief and thus restricts their efficacy. For
example, Case Study 2A (p. 26) presents the case of the Agta tribe in the
Philippines and the impact of environmental disaster on their language. The
information here is simplistic at best, with the reader being told that they
‘wear commercially manufactured clothes and buy cheap packaged food’, which
has no bearing on their language use. While some case studies are pertinent
and support explanation of the topics being treated, the tone and vocabulary
use render them overly simplistic. A case in point is Case Study 3L (p. 102)
where the authors state that their not being able to oversee the translation
of the questionnaires was ‘a big problem’. They would, perhaps, be better to
use more academic language and state that it was ‘a significant issue’
instead. The case studies used need to provide more in-depth information, and
not simply be a presentation of superficial information. Furthermore, the case
studies function more as a summary of the authors’ experiences in
sociolinguistic research, rather than presenting facts and data. This is a
pity, as were the latter to be incorporated, it would form a much stronger
support reference for the topics discussed.  The case studies are also
impacted by a less than academic tone. While it is understood that the authors
are seeking to make the information accessible to both non-academics and
academics alike, the tone used is overly simplistic at times and would benefit
from a more critical approach. In addition, the book would profit from a
reduced number of case studies. In total forty-one case studies are presented
throughout the book. The authors would be better to look at several of them in
a more in-depth and analytical manner.

While the book serves as an introduction to the field, and situates the
material within the context of current sociolinguistic theory, it is, at
times, simplistic in its presentation of the issues involved. A more detailed
and analytical approach to topics would give the reader a better understanding
of language assessment. Another shortcoming is the lack of critical evaluation
of the research methodologies presented. For example, questionnaires are
presented in a positive light, with little consideration given to their
disadvantages, such as low response rates, and topics such the use of scales,
and open and closed questions are only superficially discussed.

The book is very well laid out, easy to read and divides each topic into
manageable sections. What is of particular use are the definitions and
cross-references in the margins. This provides the necessary information for
readers who may not be familiar with much of the sociolinguistic terminology,
while at the same time allowing more advanced readers to access the
information presented without being slowed down constantly by needing to
define the main issues associated with language assessment.

Also of particular use is the suggested reading which features at the end of
each chapter. Not only does this serve to further situate the issues discussed
in the chapter within the larger context of the field of language choice
assessment, but the suggested reading is also divided up by topic, rendering
it much more accessible for the reader.

Finally, the authors have incorporated a comprehensive glossary at the end of
the book, which further supports the definitions provided throughout the book.

This book is a useful introduction to the subject of language choice. Its
clear definitions and layout make it accessible for students who are new to
the field, while at the same time providing insight into the many associated
issues for those who are already familiar with language choice. It will serve
as a guide for those beginning their fieldwork and provide further reading
which will allow them to develop their knowledge in relation to the subject


Coulmas, F. 2005. “Sociolinguistics: The study of speakers’ choices.”
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Grimes, J.F. 1995. “Language survey reference guide.” Dallas: Summer Institute
of Linguistics.

Lewis, M.P. 2009. “Ethnologue, Languages of the World”, Sixteenth edition.
Dallas: SIL International.


My Ph.D. in Linguistics examines the role of language policy in the
revitalization of endangered languages and of Occitan in particular. My
interests are language endangerment, language policy, linguistic landscape and
soundscape, and the Occitan language.

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LINGUIST List: Vol-25-2161	

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