25.4405, Confs: Chinese, Writing Systems/Italy
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Tue Nov 4 21:40:41 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4405. Tue Nov 04 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.4405, Confs: Chinese, Writing Systems/Italy
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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:39:56
From: Victoria Bogushevskaya [victoria.bogushevskaya at unicatt.it]
Subject: Encoding Languages with Particular Reference to the Chinese Language
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Encoding Languages with Particular Reference to the Chinese Language
Date: 19-Nov-2014 - 19-Nov-2014
Location: Milan, Italy
Contact: Victoria Bogushevskaya
Contact Email: victoria.bogushevskaya at unicatt.it
Meeting URL: http://istitutoconfucio.unicatt.it/confucius-conference-encoding-languages-with-particular-reference-to-the-chinese-language-presentazione
Linguistic Field(s): Writing Systems
Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
Meeting Description:
Keynote Speaker:
Prof Dr Wolfgang Behr
Academic Director, University Priority Research Program Asia and Europe, University of ZurichPresident elect of the Swiss Asia Society
Dr. Chiara Piccinini Collaboratore Esperto Linguistico per la lingua cinese Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Vice Academic Director, Istituto Confucio dell’Università Cattolica
Dr. Victoria Bogushevskaya Docente di linguistica cinese Dipartimento di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Sede di Brescia
Prof Dr Wolfgang Behr - Marginal Characters
In the popular literature, the Chinese writing system is often portrayed as being forbiddingly complex and erratic, while the typical sinological narrative still prefers to analyse Character structures in terms of the six categories of writing (liù shū 六書) inherited from the Shuōwén 說文 tradition. If the popular account tends to look for complexity in all the wrong places, the Eastern Han liù shū theory and most of its later variants notoriously mixes up emic and etic, functional and structural layers. It thus fails to capture some of the less mainstream character construction principles, odd at first sight, but recurrent throughout the history of Chinese writing.
The keynote talk will approach these fairly marginal character structures from the typological vantage point of a comparison with other complex logographic writing systems of the Ancient world and point to parallels and remnants of such structures in the areal Sino-Xenic logographies developed in close contact with Chinese models. It is hoped that a look from the margins will help to address the perennial questions of why mainstream Chinese writing failed to develop into syllabic or even subsyllabic writing, and how the notion of writing system oddity can be usefully complicated if acquisition, performance, functional and ludic perspectives are better separated.
Detailed info at: http://istitutoconfucio.unicatt.it/confucius-conference-encoding-languages-with-particular-reference-to-the-chinese-language-presentazione
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4405
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