25.4553, Calls: Spanish, Historical Ling, Morphology, Psycholing, Syntax/Spain
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Nov 13 21:40:11 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4553. Thu Nov 13 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.4553, Calls: Spanish, Historical Ling, Morphology, Psycholing, Syntax/Spain
Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org
Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Sara Couture, Indiana U <sara at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:39:50
From: Christian Forche [forche at zedat.fu-berlin.de]
Subject: XV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la Lengua Española
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Full Title: XV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la Lengua Española
Short Title: XV CIAJIHLE
Date: 08-Apr-2015 - 10-Apr-2015
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Contact Person: Jorge Lázaro
Meeting Email: ajihle2015 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://ciajihle2015.com/
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Psycholinguistics; Syntax
Subject Language(s): Spanish (spa)
Call Deadline: 31-Dec-2014
Meeting Description:
La Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la
Lengua Española (AJIHLE) y el Comité Organizador invitan a los alumnos de
segundo ciclo, estudiantes de doctorado, becarios de investigación y todos
aquellos interesados en cualquier aspecto de la historiografía o la historia
de la lengua española que no estén en posesión del grado de doctor al 31 de
enero de 2015, a participar en el XV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación
de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la Lengua Española
Call for Papers:
Quienes deseen participar como ponentes deberán enviar una propuesta de comunicación o de mesa redonda acompañada de sus datos personales antes del 31 de diciembre de 2014, vía Easy Chair, en la sección Envío de resumen de la página del congreso: http://ciajihle2015.com
El proceso de selección se llevará a cabo a través del Comité Científico, formado por miembros de la Junta Directiva y del Comité Organizador. Una vez elegidas las propuestas, se notificará la resolución a los seleccionados para que procedan a rellenar y enviar la ficha de inscripción, junto con el pago de la cuota.
We invite all researchers to submit papers that advance our theoretical understanding of the notion of categories in grammar.
Questions to be discussed in this workshop include, but are not restricted to, the following:
- What criteria can we use to define categories in grammar? E.g., to what extent do semantic criteria play a role in (morpho)syntax?
- Are all levels of grammar alike? E.g., is morphology different from suprasegmental phonology with regard to categoricity?
- What is the relationship between categories and scales/hierarchies?
- How can gradualness be modeled?
- If we use non-discrete categories, how do we prevent arbitrariness of classification? How do grammatical rules operate on non-discrete lower-level entities?
What is the role of analogy in language structure? E.g., what is the basis of similarities between elements of a category?
- Do written and spoken language share all the same categories? E.g., how do we integrate the syntax of spoken language into our modeling?
- How are categories acquired in first (and second) language acquisition?
- What is the psychological reality of grammatical categories in the minds of speakers? Are there neural substrates?
- How do new categories emerge diachronically? How are they lost?
- Are some categories universal?
Methodologically oriented papers focusing on particular case studies (on any grammatical phenomenon in any language) are also welcome.
Please send an anonymous abstract of no more than 500 words, excluding references, to histling at zedat.fu-berlin.de.
There will be 45-minute slots, including discussion time.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 March 2015
Notification of acceptance: End of March 2015
For further information please contact: histling at zedat.fu-berlin.de
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4553
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