25.4564, Support: Phonetics, Psycholinguistics / Canada
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Nov 14 18:27:54 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4564. Fri Nov 14 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.4564, Support: Phonetics, Psycholinguistics / Canada
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Editor for this issue: Danuta Allen <danuta at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:27:07
From: Benjamin Tucker [bvtucker at ualberta.ca]
Subject: Phonetics, Psycholinguistics: PhD Student, University of Alberta, Canada
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Institution/Organization: University of Alberta
Department: Department of Linguistics
Web Address: http://www.linguistics.ualberta.ca/
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Phonetics; Psycholinguistics
Speech Comprehension
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta, Canada is offering funding for two PhD students for four years, interested in working on Phonetics, Psycholinguistics, and speech comprehension.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Specifically, PhD students will be involved in a large collaborative project investigating spoken word recognition funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council grant to Dr. Benjamin V. Tucker. PhD students' dissertation research will build upon and expand the research in the funded project including the investigation of the role pronunciation variation (e.g., reductions like 'whatcha' from 'what are you'), age, and dialect on speech comprehension.
Potential applicants should have:
- a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a related field;
- knowledge of data analysis, and knowledge of Phonetics.
Funding is contingent on acceptance into the PhD program.
How to Apply:
Applications should include:
- a Preliminary Information Form, available at: http://www.linguistics.ualberta.ca/Graduate/Admissions/PreliminaryApplications.aspx
- a Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- a brief statment of research interests;
- unofficial copies of university transcripts.
Successful applicants will be directed to apply to the Department of Linguistics through the regular admissions process. Applications (email is preferred) and inquiries should be directed to:
Dr. Benjamin V. Tucker
bvtucker at ualberta.ca
(see mailing address below)
Application Deadline: 15-Dec-2014
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr. Benjamin Tucker
Department of Linguistics, 2-40 Assiniboia Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton Alberta T6G 2E7
Contact Information:
Dr. Benjamin Tucker
bvtucker at ualberta.ca
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4564
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