25.4714, Support: Baining-Taulil; Anthropological Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics / Germany
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Nov 21 21:34:02 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4714. Fri Nov 21 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.4714, Support: Baining-Taulil; Anthropological Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics / Germany
Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>
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Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:33:09
From: Birgit Hellwig [bhellwig at uni-koeln.de]
Subject: Baining-Taulil; Anthropological Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics: PhD Student, University of Cologne, Germany
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Institution/Organization: University of Cologne
Department: Department of Linguistics, General Linguistics
Web Address: http://ifl.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/11123.html?&L=1
Level: PhD
Duties: Research,Project Work
Specialty Areas: Anthropological Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Language Documentation; Sociolinguistics
We are inviting applications for two PhD positions in Sociolinguistics or Anthropological Linguistics for the project "Documenting child language" (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation's Lichtenberg Program and led by Birgit Hellwig; see http://ifl.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/20515.html?&L=1). The positions will be located at the University of Cologne, Department of Linguistics. Remuneration is ca. EUR 17.740 per year (before tax and social security contributions), in line with the German civil servant pay scale TV-L 13 (65%). The positions are fixed term for 4 years, starting in April 2015.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The successful candidates will collaborate closely with the PI and a postdoc on documenting language acquisition and socialization among the Qaqet of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Qaqet is a minority language belonging to the non-Austronesian Baining family. It is still acquired monolingually in remote areas, but multilingually (together with the lingua franca Tok Pisin) in more accessible areas. The project investigates and compares these two acquisition scenarios. The two PhDs are expected to collect data on child socialization ideologies and practices, and to develop a related PhD project within the areas of sociolinguistics or anthropological linguistics. If desired, there will be opportunities to work together with the other team members on phonological and grammatical topics from the perspectives of language acquisition and language contact. The PhDs are supervised and mentored by the PI and the postdoc, and they will join the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, which offers further interdisciplinary training opportunities. The project is based on fieldwork in Papua New Guinea, and the PhDs are expected to spend approximately one year in the field, distributed over three fieldtrips.
- Candidates should hold a very good MA degree in Linguistics or Anthropology. They are expected to have a strong background in Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics, and/or Anthropological Linguistics, and they should be able to demonstrate commitment to fieldwork.
- Good oral and written communication skills in English are essential, and a willingness to learn German and Tok Pisin is expected. Experience working with non-European languages is desired.
How to Apply:
Applications should include a cover letter outlining your relevant training and research experience, your CV, a sample of your written work (e.g., a PDF file of your MA thesis), and your academic transcripts. In addition, two letters of reference, one of them from the primary supervisor of your MA thesis, should be e-mailed directly by the referees. Please send applications and letters of reference until the application deadline (below) to Birgit Hellwig at bhellwig at uni-koeln.de
Note that candidates will need to meet the criteria for PhD study at the University of Cologne, and any offer will be conditional on their successful application to the PhD Committee (to be submitted separately by Jan 8, 2015). Please note also that it is a requirement for candidates to demonstrate appropriate German skills by the end of their candidature. For further information about admission to the PhD program at the University of Cologne, see website: http://artes.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/13984.html?&L=1
For further information, contact Birgit Hellwig (bhellwig at uni-koeln.de).
The University of Cologne is an equal opportunity employer in compliance with the German disability laws. Women and persons with disabilities with equal capability, suitability, and professional experience are favored and strongly encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: 31-Dec-2014
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof Birgit Hellwig
University of Cologne, Department of Linguistics
Cologne 50923
Contact Information:
Prof Birgit Hellwig
bhellwig at uni-koeln.de
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4714
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