25.4169, Confs: Historical Linguistics/Brazil

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Oct 21 21:12:14 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4169. Tue Oct 21 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.4169, Confs: Historical Linguistics/Brazil

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org
Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Sara Couture, Indiana U <sara at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:11:54
From: Susan Pintzuk [susan.pintzuk at york.ac.uk]
Subject: The New Historical Linguistics and the World of Annotated Corpora

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The New Historical Linguistics and the World of Annotated Corpora 

Date: 09-Mar-2015 - 13-Mar-2015 
Location: Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil 
Contact: Susan Pintzuk 
Contact Email: susan.pintzuk at york.ac.uk 
Meeting URL: http://www.york.ac.uk/language/research/centres/clhd/nhlwac 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics 

Meeting Description: 

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British
Council and FAPESP will be holding a workshop on the above theme in Campinas,
Brazil, 9-13 March 2015. The workshop is being coordinated by Professor
Charlotte Galves, Linguistics, University of Campinas, and Professor Susan
Pintzuk, Language and Linguistic Science, University of York, and will have
contributions from other leading researchers: Professor Sônia Cyrino,
Linguistics, Campinas; Dr Dimitar Kazakov, Computer Science, York; Professor
Giuseppe Longobardi, Language and Linguistic Science, York; Professor Filomena
Sandalo, Linguistics, Campinas. We are now inviting Early Career Researchers
from the UK or Brazil to apply to attend this workshop; Early Career
Researchers are defined as those holding a PhD for less than 10 years prior to
9 March 2015. All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the
Researcher Links programme. More details about the workshop and the
application form can be found on the workshop website:

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4169	
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