25.3522, Jobs: Turkish; General Linguistics: Consultant, Appen

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Sep 8 20:58:39 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3522. Mon Sep 08 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.3522, Jobs: Turkish; General Linguistics: Consultant, Appen

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            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:58:29
From: Jasna Rustempasic [jrustempasic at appen.com]
Subject: Turkish; General Linguistics: Consultant, Appen, California, USA

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University or Organization: Appen 
Department: Linguistics
Job Location: California, USA 
Web Address: www.appen.com
Job Title: Linguist - Turkish
Job Rank: Consultant

Specialty Areas: General Linguistics 

Required Language(s): Turkish (tur)


Appen is a language technology solutions and consulting firm, recognized as a
global leader in the quality, range and caliber of its expertise. We are
focused on helping our clients reach international markets by leveraging our
expertise in over 150 languages and dialects. Our clients are among the
world’s top internet search engine and voice recognition providers. For more
information please visit the link above.

Appen is looking for a native-speaker linguist of Turkish.  Applicant should
be proficient in English. Applicant must have at least a BA or MA degree in a
language-related field such as linguistics or philology, obtained in their
native language.  You should have a keen interest in technology and be
computer-literate (comfortable using in-house tools and you should have an
interest in current speech, mobile and online technology).

Project Information

Location: On-site (California) for the first 4 weeks of the contract and then
virtual /off-site for the remaining 8 weeks of the contract (with possible
extension after holidays). Travel expenses and housing costs will be covered.

Hours: Full time (40 hours per week) for the first 4 weeks while on-site and
then 20-40 hours per week for the remaining life of contract.

Length: Starting on September 29 for 4 weeks on-site, continuing with 8+ weeks

Task: Provide language specific inputs to the client’s core team of
computational linguists. For example, the task may involve creating structured
sets of lexicon data which could include lemmatization, adding morphological
information, Part-of-Speech, Inflections etc.

- Degree in Linguistics and/or equivalent experience.
- Native fluency in Turkish. Proficiency in English.
- Excellent knowledge of structural aspects of the language (syntax,
semantics, phonology, phonetics).
- Current exposure to popular native culture and the ability to use that
knowledge to inform data analysis.
- Previous experience working with language data (e.g. research, analysis,
translation, review).               
- Strong communication skills, attention to detail and proven ability to
manage priorities are essential.
- Valid work visa for USA

Application Deadline: 29-Sep-2014 
Web Address for Applications: https://erec.appen.com/sap/bc/erecruiting/posting_apply?param=cG9zdF9pbnN0X2d1aWQ9MDA1MDU2ODA3Qjk5MUVENDhEQjIwRkE1ODQ3MzlGMzkmY2FuZF90eXBlPQ%3d%3d&sap-client=300 
Contact Information:
	Jasna Rustempasic 
	Email: jrustempasic at appen.com 

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3522	
Visit LL's Multitree project for over 1000 trees dynamically generated
from scholarly hypotheses about language relationships:


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