25.3600, Calls: South Asian Languages, General Linguistics/USA

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Sep 12 22:42:44 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3600. Fri Sep 12 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.3600, Calls: South Asian Languages, General Linguistics/USA

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org
Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:42:35
From: Ashwini Deo [ashwini.deo at yale.edu]
Subject: Formal Approaches to South Asian Linguistics 5

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Full Title: Formal Approaches to South Asian Linguistics 5 
Short Title: FASAL-5 

Date: 11-Apr-2015 - 12-Apr-2015
Location: New Haven, CT, USA 
Contact Person: Ashwini Deo
Meeting Email: ashwini.deo at yale.edu

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Austro-Asiatic; Dravidian; Indo-Aryan; Tibeto-Burman 

Call Deadline: 01-Dec-2014 

Meeting Description:

The Department of Linguistics at Yale University will be hosting the fifth Formal Approaches to South Asian Linguistics (FASAL) conference on April 11-12 2015.  This conference is the main venue in North America for discussion of research in South Asian Linguistics from the perspective of formal theories of morphology/syntax and semantics/pragmatics.

The invited speakers for this year are:

John Beavers (UT Austin)
Utpal Lahiri (EFLU, India)
Jeffrey Lidz (University of Maryland)

Call for Papers:

We welcome submissions from researchers engaged in theoretically informed field-based research and experimental/psycholinguistic approaches to South Asian languages.

Abstracts, including references and data, should be limited to two single-spaced pages (A4 or US Letter) with 1-inch (2.5cm) margins and a minimum font size of 11pt. Abstracts should be submitted through EasyChair no later than December 1.


Notification of acceptance will be by January 15 2015. 

Please contact Ashwini Deo at ashwini.deo at yale.edu for more information.

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3600	
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