25.3793, FYI: Call for Papers: Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy
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Mon Sep 29 01:56:21 UTC 2014
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3793. Sun Sep 28 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 25.3793, FYI: Call for Papers: Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy
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Editor for this issue: Uliana Kazagasheva <uliana at linguistlist.org>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:55:15
From: Kyoko Masuda [kyoko.masuda at modlangs.gatech.edu]
Subject: Call for Papers: Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy
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Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy
Cognitive Linguistics (CL) proposes that the basis language is a
conceptualization inextricably grounded in human cognition (cf., DeLancey
1981, Lakoff 1987, Langacker 1987, Talmy 2000, Taylor 1989). CL has recently
impacted L2 acquisition theories (cf. Taylor 1993, Achard and Niemeier 2004,
Robinson and Ellis 2008), and researchers have started to empirically test its
application to L2 teaching (CL approach) (cf., Csăbi 2004, Lam 2009, Tyler
2012, White 2012). The CL approach is also thought to promote highly effective
classroom techniques (cf., Boers et al. 2004, Holm 2009, Littlemore 2009).
However, its applications to teaching Japanese-as-a-Foreign-Language (JFL) and
researching JFL acquisition are still in the initial stages.
The proposed book is an edited collection of theoretical and practical
accounts of JFL Pedagogy from the perspective of CL. This volume will offer
insights into the role of CL and will present basic background knowledge
(e.g., usage-based model prototype, figure and ground, schemata,
lexicalization patterns, metaphor, etc.,) in JFL instruction.
There are a number of compelling reasons why CL is an excellent choice for the
study of semantic-syntactic acquisition. First, CL does not posit any
autonomous or abstract structures and an innate grammar. Instead, it argues
that language reflects general cognitive processes. There is no separation
between linguistic knowledge (‘competence’) and linguistic performance. One of
the tenets of CL is the usage-based model, which does not allow a separation
between a theory of competence and one of performance. In this model,
communicative functions are grounded in perceptual experience, and meaning
and/or conceptualization and language use are central to the model. These
features of CL have an intuitive appeal to both students and instructors.
Thus, the readers of this volume will have the ability to understand each
article without specialized training in any particular semantic or syntactic
Second, the theory seeks to describe natural language data and not the
idealized native speaker or learner, concepts that are currently under
question. CL seeks to explain the cognitive processes that lead to dialectal
variation, sociolinguistic choice and learner variation. In this manner, CL is
ideally suited to the language learning difficulties instructors are
confronted with because it offers them a usage grammar.
CL theory is probably new for many potential readers of the volume. In order
to address that probability, Chapter 1 of the volume will be an introduction
to CL and a discussion of why it is a viable theory for SLA research and JFL
Pedagogy. The remaining chapters make four main contributions: 1) They provide
accurate, theoretically grounded linguistic descriptions of the grammatical
item under discussion that can be understood by undergraduate and graduate
students, teachers, and instructors who are not necessarily trained linguists.
2) They demonstrate acquisition patterns which help researchers and
instructors better understand the language they encounter in JFL classrooms.
3) They provide concrete suggestions and classroom tasks to teach, practice,
demonstrate and review the target grammatical item. 4) Backed by their
classroom materials and research, they show that the aids and conceptual
descriptions used along with subsequent activities are of benefit to the
language learner.
This book opens up an exciting window into an innovative view of language
teaching both by taking instructional components of grammar seriously and
compiling empirical studies. I invite contributors who are doing theoretical
and empirical studies in cognitive linguistics in JFL classroom to participate
in this volume. Some possible topics include:
1. Acquisition studies of the case marking system, tense/aspect expressions
lexicalization patterns
studies of metaphor
2. Classroom research of the case marking system
tense/aspect expressions
lexicalization patterns
The language of the proposed publication is English. Submissions should be
typed double-spaced using MS Word. Abstracts should range between 300-400
words with a few references and five key words. The abstract should be emailed
as an attachment to Dr. Kyoko Masuda (kyoko.masuda at modlangs.gatech.edu) no
later than December 15, 2014.
Full Manuscripts:
The subject line for the submission of manuscripts should read 'Submission to
Cognitive Linguistics and Japanese Pedagogy Edited Volume'.
Submissions should range between 7000 and 8500 words. Each paper should
contain a cover page included in the email attachment containing the document.
Include title of paper, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, contact address
(postal and email) and telephone number.
The deadline for paper submissions is June 30, 2015. Every paper submitted
will be carefully reviewed and authors will be contacted through their email
addresses with a decision on their work by (date of response).
Inquiries should be directed to the editor:
Dr. Kyoko Masuda
Kyoko.masuda at modlangs.gatech.edu
Associate Professor of Japanese and Linguistics
Director of the Linguistics Certificate Program School of Modern Languages
Georgia Institute of Technology
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Japanese (jpn)
LINGUIST List: Vol-25-3793
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