26.2115, Summer Schools: Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics / Leiden, Netherlands

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Apr 21 15:45:08 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-2115. Tue Apr 21 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.2115, Summer Schools:  Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics / Leiden, Netherlands

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 11:43:08
From: Anne Rose Haverkamp [a.r.haverkamp at hum.leidenuniv.nl]
Subject: Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics / Leiden, Netherlands

 Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics / Leiden, Netherlands

Host Institution: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Coordinating Institution: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Website: http://www.hum.leiden.edu/summerschool/

Dates: 12-Jul-2015 - 24-Jul-2015
Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Focus: The 2015 Summer School in Languages and Linguistics will offer nine programmes and a few additional courses, the “specials." More information on the content of each programme can now be found on this website.

Minimum Education Level: BA

Special Qualifications:
Requirements differ per course.

Descriptive Linguistics (4 courses):
- Linguistic Field Methods (slot 1)
- Analyzing Vowels (slot 2)
- The Art of Writing a Grammar (slot 3)
- Field Phonetics (slot 4)

Germanic Programme (3 courses):
- Historical Development of Dutch (slot 1)
- Gothic (slot 2)
- Old Frisian (slot 3)

Indo-European I (3 courses):
- Old Church Slavic (slot 1)
- An Introductory Course on Sanskrit and its Historical Grammar (slot 3)
- Introduction to Proto-Indo-European Phonology and Morphology (slot 4)

Indo-European II (3 courses):
- Reconstructing Indo-European Nominal Morphology (slot 2)
- Masterclass Reading Hittite Texts (slot 3)
- Indo-European Hymnal, Epic and Ritual Poetry (slot 4)

Indology Programme (4 courses):
- Features of Vedic Poetry (slot 1)
- The Syntax of Vedic Prose (slot 2)
- Readings in Early Śaiva Literature: Manuscripts and Editions (slot 3)
- How to Slay a Monkey King in Sanskrit Theatre: Readings from Bhāsa’s Abhiṣekanāṭaka (slot 4)

Iranian Programme (4 courses):
- Juhuri (slot 1)
- Introduction to Avestan (slot 2)
- Avestan Language and Poetry from Comparative Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Perspective (slot 3)
- Armenian as a Source for Iranian studies (slot 4)

The two Avestan courses are meant to be complementary, so that the students can take both of them.

Papyrology Programme (2 courses):
- Introduction to Papyrology (1200 BCE - 1000 CE) (slot 1) 
- Reading Greek Papyri (slot 2 and 3)

Semitic Programme (4 couses):
- Archaic Hebrew Poetry (slot 1)
- Biblical Hebrew: the Languaget of the Book of Proverbs (slot 2)
- Introduction to Epigraphic Northwest Semitic (slot 3)
- Introduction to Ancient North Arabian (slot 4)

Russian programme (2 master classes):
- Active Russian (slot 1 and 2), 
- Russian Literature: Russian Short Story at the Beginning of the 20th Century (slot 3 and 4)

Please note that if you want to follow one of these courses (for example, Active Russian), you will need to sign up for both slots (1 and 2).


There are four special courses which do not specifically belong to any of the other programmes: 

- Comparative Uralic Linguistics (slot 1)
- Old Javanese (slot 2)
- Sumerian (slot 2)
- Lexicostatistics (slot 4)

Note that both Old Javanese and Sumerian are scheduled for the same slot 2.

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
                      General Linguistics
                      Historical Linguistics
                      Language Documentation
                      Ling & Literature

Language Families: Uralic

Tuition: 550 EUR

Tuition Explanation: 
Tuition is as follows:

- 550 EUR for 3 or 4 courses / time-slots 

- 390 EUR for 2 courses / time-slots 

- 235 EUR for 1 course / time-slot  

There is a special rate for registered BA/MA/PhD students:

450 EUR for 3 or 4 courses / time-slots 

320 EUR for 2 courses / time-slots  

180 EUR for 1 course / time-slot

Registration: 01-Apr-2015 to 01-Jul-2015

Contact Person: Anne Rose Haverkamp
                Email: a.r.haverkamp at hum.leidenuniv.nl

Apply on the web: http://www.hum.leiden.edu/summerschool/practical-information/registration.html

Registration Instructions:
In order to register, please fill in the registration form that you can find on our website at

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