26.3713, Calls: English, Spanish, Applied Ling, General Ling, Lang Acquisition, Socioling/USA

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Aug 20 18:17:07 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3713. Thu Aug 20 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.3713, Calls: English, Spanish, Applied Ling, General Ling, Lang Acquisition, Socioling/USA

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Erin Arnold <earnold at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 14:16:45
From: Claudia HolguĂ­n Mendoza [cholguin at uoregon.edu]
Subject: III Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language

Full Title: III Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language 
Short Title: III SSHL 

Date: 18-Feb-2016 - 20-Feb-2016
Location: Eugene, Oregon, USA 
Contact Person: Claudia Holguin Mendoza
Meeting Email: simposioshl3 at uoregon.edu
Web Site: http://3symposiumshl.weebly.com/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Sociolinguistics 

Subject Language(s): English (eng)
                     Spanish (spa)

Call Deadline: 02-Dec-2015 

Meeting Description:

The Department of ROMANCE LANGUAGES at the University of Oregon cordially invites abstract submissions to the third Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language to be held on February 18-20, 2016. 

We are proud to announce the participation of the following Plenary Speakers:

-Dr. Jennifer Leeman, George Mason University
-Dr. Susana Rivera-Mills, Oregon State University 
-Bill Santiago, comedian, author, TV commentator

Concurrent with the conference on Saturday, we will host two workshop sessions that aim to provide participants with ideas, resources, strategies, and practical advice for (i) teaching Spanish language courses where both heritage learners and foreign language learners are enrolled, as well as for (ii) the creation (or improvement) of quality language programs that deliver the most optimal learning environment for Spanish heritage learners. There will be separate sessions focusing on K-12, and higher education.

All student presenters will be eligible for consideration for a most promising scholar award

Call Deadline: December 2, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: December 22, 2015

Call for Papers:

Abstracts will be selected for 20-minute presentations (with 10 minutes for discussion) as well as for poster presentations.We hope to receive abstracts (in Spanish or English) from researchers, teachers, and students representing all viewpoints and subfields of study to share, discuss, and explore both theoretical and practical knowledge in any area of Spanish Heritage Bilingual Development.

Abstract Submission:

Authors are asked to submit their anonymous abstracts via the Easy Abstracts submission site. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words. Tables, examples, and references may be included on a second page. No more than two abstracts per person should be submitted, with no more than one as first or sole author. 

For more information, visit our website at http://3symposiumshl.weebly.com/
Or contact the organizing committee at simposioshl3 at uoregon.edu

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3713	
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